High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 219 What scenes have we, Daluo, never seen before?

Chapter 219 What scenes have we, Daluo, never seen before?
Twelve formation flags were arranged in four directions in the void, and the Daluo Dao belonging to different ancestral witches were pressed down with a crash!
The big hand holding Ying Long was pressed by this force and sank immediately.

Although the formation flag was aimed at Xuanyuan, the expressions of Chen Feng and Hou Qing also changed suddenly.

They could clearly feel that their Da Luo Dao was being suppressed, and the Zuwu Dao was like a big mountain pressing down on their heads.

Especially the two formation flags representing Zhulong and Houtu, they are like two bright suns suppressing them, making people unable to resist.

A cold snort came from the human camp. Jiutian Xuannv swung the tiger soul sword away, and her arm was about to turn around.

Although Xuanyuan is strong, these twelve formation flags are no small matter.

With the twelve ancestral witches united together, even the Human Emperor would be suppressed.

Yinglong was hit hard, and the human race had already suffered a big loss.

The Wu Clan launched the Dutian Shensha Formation at this time, obviously wanting to expand their results.

Jiutian Xuannv wanted to help Xuanyuan, but Chi You naturally couldn't let her do so.

The tiger soul sword was filled with evil energy at this moment, and it slashed hard in the void, directly blocking her retreat.

"A large array of gods and gods?"

Jiutian Xuannv was stopped by Chi You, but Da Luo was still in charge of the human camp.

The moment the twelve formation flags appeared, the light of Da Luo rose up over there.

Moreover, there was more than one Daluo who took action. Although the human race was at odds with each other internally, they were united externally.

At least Chen Feng saw Chisongzi Fenghou and other Da Luo who belonged to different camps.

At this moment, these human beings took action one after another, directly facing the twelve formation flags in the void.

Being blocked by the human race Daluo, the formation flag in the void visibly stagnated.

Although these formation flags were made by ancestral witches, they also contained Pangu Avenue.

But the innate spiritual treasure is not the ancestral witch himself after all, and cannot interpret their Tao to the extreme.

In addition, there were quite a few human beings who took action, so they were still blocked for a billionth of an instant.

Although the formation flag was blocked for a short time that could be ignored, it was enough for Xuanyuan.

The big hand holding Ying Long shook slightly, and he immediately got rid of the suppression of the formation flag, and returned to the human camp in an instant.

Chen Feng and Hou Qing had been following Xuanyuan, and now they successfully retreated with him.

On the other side, Jiutian Xuannv knocked back the Tiger Soul Saber with one blow, and her arm retreated again.

Her speed was not fast, and she was obviously on guard against Chi You's attack again.

But for the first time, Chi You did not stop her. Instead, he stood calmly on the side of the Wu clan and put away the Tiger Soul Sword.

Chen Feng and others returned to the camp, but now their eyes were focused on the twelve formation flags above the void.

At this time, these formation flags did not recede, but instead emitted endless black mist, suppressing it towards the human camp.

The formation flags fell extremely fast and dispersed in an instant, covering the entire human camp.

In the endless black mist, there is a faint evil aura permeating the air. At this moment, the human army in the black mist all feels confused.

This black mist can actually obscure people's soul!
Chen Feng's heart was slightly shaken, and he felt that the light of his Da Luo was like jade beads covered with dust, becoming very dim.

He glanced at the Queen standing next to him. The same was true of his Daluo Light, which was covered by a layer of black mist.

After feeling it for a while, Chen Feng found that the black mist did not have a great impact on Da Luo's strength.

It just blocks the light of Daluo, preventing people from seeing the opportunity.

But it was completely different for the people under Da Luo. At this moment, the human race was shrouded in black mist, and the strength of all human warriors was weakened by at least [-]%.

Chen Feng's eyes swept across the camp, and he could clearly feel that the strength of many humans in the Taiyi Golden Fairyland was suppressed.

"All the tribes are big, and the Chinese army is discussing matters."

At this moment, a majestic voice came from the Chinese army camp.

Hou Qing and Chen Feng immediately raised their heads, knowing who was speaking.

The Human Emperor Xuanyuan.Needless to say, Hou Qing, Chen Feng was completely guessing.

He is just here to gain experience and has not met Xuanyuan yet.

But we were about to see it soon. The human race had suffered such a heavy loss, and Xuanyuan couldn't sit still.

Chen Feng looked at Hou Qing's expression, but he was still very calm at this moment.

It makes sense when you think about it. The battle of chasing deer has been fought so many times, and both sides almost know each other's methods.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, why don't you go over?"

Hearing Xuanyuan's voice, Hou Qing was about to leave immediately.

But Chen Feng was not in a hurry, because he and Hou Qing returned together with Xuanyuan.

At this moment, he was inside the Chinese army camp, only a few hundred steps away from the tent.

He mused: "Fellow Taoist Queen, you can go ahead. I'll wait for Empress Xuannv to arrive before going there."

Chen Feng is waiting for someone, and this person is Jiutian Xuannv.

He had just noticed that Jiutian Xuannv attacked Chi You in his own camp.

If the Human Emperor wants to discuss something, she will definitely come to the Chinese Army Camp to participate in this kind of meeting. How can she do it without following her thighs.

Hou Qing nodded when he heard this and did not find it strange. Everyone knew that Chen Feng was from Jiutian Xuannv.

So he hugged Chen Feng and walked into the Chinese army's tent first.

After Hou Qing left, many people from the human race came one after another.

Among these people were Chisongzi and Fenghou, all of whom were familiar to Chen Feng.

After they arrived, they greeted Chen Feng one after another, as if they were a group of old friends.

Some people invited Chen Feng to go in with them, but he refused them all calmly.

He had already guessed what these people were thinking, they just wanted to show their kindness to him.

Seeing that the human race Da Luo has almost arrived, Jiutian Xuannv has not yet arrived.

Old God Chen Feng stood outside the big tent. In a daze, he caught sight of a very familiar figure from the corner of his eye.

The light of this person is full of the aura of Yuqing Avenue. Who else could it be if he wasn't Guang Chengzi.

After all, he now belongs to the human camp. When Xuanyuan summons people to discuss matters, how could he not come?

Chen Feng looked at Guang Chengzi walking from a distance and secretly felt bad luck.

But he didn't hide away, but pretended not to see it and looked around.


Guangchengzi also saw him, and his face suddenly turned cold.

When he walked to Chen Feng, he deliberately snorted coldly.

But Chen Feng was too lazy to pay attention to him and continued to pretend to appreciate the scenery.

Guangchengzi's face turned colder, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything. Instead, he snorted and walked into the Chinese army's tent.

Be more careful when you go in later, this guy is holding something bad in his heart.

Looking at Guangchengzi's back, Chen Feng felt wary in his heart.

There has been no movement for so long. Maybe Chanjiao Daluo is holding back some big moves to deal with him.

Chen Feng didn't let Chen Feng wait for too long. After Guang Chengzi entered, he saw a stunning figure slowly approaching.

As soon as Jiutian Xuannv saw Chen Feng, she smiled and said, "Brother Feng, are you waiting for your sister specifically?"

Chen Feng immediately burst into laughter: "Of course, thanks to Sister Xuannu turning the tide this time, otherwise we might have been tricked by the whole Witch Clan."

(End of this chapter)

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