Chapter 220 The plot of Da Luo in Zhuolu
Jiutian Xuannv's eyes narrowed into crescent moons: "You are the only one with a sweet mouth."

However, she quickly put away her smile, moved closer to Chen Feng and said, "Brother Feng, you are really lucky. There are good jobs waiting for you now."

Chen Feng immediately became vigilant. He couldn't agree with what Jiutian Xuannv said was a good job.

Had Kunpeng Wuxin not been at odds with Xuanyuan this time, it’s hard to say what the outcome would have been.

He said cautiously: "Sister Xuan, didn't you go to the Witch Clan to cause trouble again?"

Jiutian Xuannv nodded: "You guessed it right, brother Feng is such a clever little kid, he can guess all this."

When Chen Feng heard this, he waved his hands repeatedly and said, "No, I won't go."

During this visit to the camp, Ying Long was almost sent back to the beginning of Taiyi even though he had the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand. Why did he go to the Wu Clan to cause trouble?
Moreover, the Demon Clan is getting together with the Witch Clan again, so it’s impossible to say how many Daluo there are there.

Jiutian Xuannv said: "Don't refuse in a hurry. Do you know what Xuanyuan is anxious to discuss with Human Race Daluo?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng glanced at Jiutian Xuannv and began to analyze the current situation in his mind.

Yinglong was severely injured. Although this incident had a big impact, it did not shake the overall situation.

But the black fog shrouding the human race at this moment is obviously a problem.

Not only the strength of the human warriors under Da Luo was weakened, but even the light of Da Luo was blocked.

Under such circumstances, if there was any movement from the Wu clan, the human clan would not know about it at all.

Wait, Black Mist?Covering the human race?

Chen Feng's heart moved. This plot seemed so familiar.

He looked up at Jiutian Xuannv with a questioning look in his eyes.

Jiutian Xuannv smiled and said: "It's exactly what you thought. To break through the black fog, the only way is a drum made of Kui cowhide."

Chen Feng immediately slapped his forehead and just focused on retreating from the Wu Clan, almost ignoring this point.

This wave is a very important plot in the battle of the deer, and it is inseparable from the twelve ancestral witches.

Things have to go back to the battle of the deer in a certain era.

At that time, the rise of the human race had become a general trend, but the Wu clan was not convinced.

But the trend is irreversible, and they obviously can't defeat the human race.

Although the Monster Clan and the Witch Clan do not recognize the rise of the Human Race, both of them have already figured it out, and it is impossible to jointly deal with the Human Race.

So Chi You thought of a damaging move. He asked each of the twelve ancestral witches to refine an innate spiritual treasure before leaving.

Then these twelve innate spiritual treasures were combined together to recreate the Dutian Shensha formation during the battle of the deer.

Originally, the Du Tian Shen Sha Formation could only be performed by the twelve ancestral witches together. It was a killing move that compared to the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation. The human race had no corresponding "plot props."

Moreover, these twelve innate spiritual treasures also contain the great ways of the ancestral witches. No one knows whether they will operate in secret after exiting the stage.

So the style of that battle changed.

The human race was stunned for a moment as Dutian's Shensha formation was set up.

The Wu Clan was full of joy and laughter. Although the general trend could not be changed, the Wu Clan had no intention of changing the general trend.

What Chi You wants to do is to defeat Xuanyuan, become the Human Emperor as a witch, and then promote the integration of the human and witch clans, and then steal the fate of the human race. It is best to confirm Chi You's identity as the Human Emperor.

Just because he played like this, the Wu Clan Daluo was happy, but the human race and the demon race stopped immediately.

Especially the demon race, they can even jump better than the human race.

In their words, the ancestral witches are all gone, and you still created the Dutian Shensha Formation to give this bug?
The human race naturally shouted that the fellow Taoists from the demon race were right, that is, you guys from the Wu race can't afford to lose.In short, both the human race and the demon race believe that the Wu race has no moral ethics at all.

Therefore, everyone agreed that a Zixiao Palace meeting was very necessary.

This Zixiao Palace meeting was centered on whether the existence of the Dutian Shensha Formation was reasonable.

The human race and the demon race believe that this thing is completely a loophole and cannot exist because it would affect the balance too much.

The Wu clan believes that it is possible as long as the law is not forbidden. You never said no before, but now you object if you can't beat it. Isn't this bullying honest people?

If Tao Ancestor hadn't been there, the two sides would have almost rolled up their sleeves and started fighting in Zixiao Palace.

Afterwards, everyone began to vote according to tradition. It was obvious that due to the unprecedented unification of opinions between the human race and the demon race, the Wu race got the vote in vain.

But the twelve innate spiritual treasures of the ancestral witch have been refined, so they can’t be lost, right?

Moreover, Zhulong and Houtu also had to take care of Pangu's face.

Therefore, the reappearance of the Dutian Shensha Formation was left to the Wu clan as a reserved project.

However, it was Taozu who took action to completely block the connection between the twelve formation flags and the ancestral witches.

But even so, the Dutian Shensha Formation is still difficult to break.

So the demon clan and the human clan put forward a particularly harmful idea in order to disgust the witch clan.

They added a big Luo trumpet into the deer-chasing plot, making him the surprise that could expose the flaw in the Dutian Shensha formation.

This trumpet is Kui Niu, and his big trumpet is the ancient God of Thunder, who is also a Da Luo from the Ancient God Era.

Moreover, he is also a multi-account party, with accounts in both the demon race and the human race, otherwise he would not have been pushed out.

The human race and the demon race only agreed on the matter of the Dutian Shensha Formation.

The benefits should be distributed evenly. I don’t have to take the typical ones, but you definitely can’t take more.

The alt account Kui Niu is usually on-hook and only needs to be played for a while when it is in use.

And almost every time he showed up, he was killed and skinned to refine the Kui Niu drum, which was quite comfortable.

But this plot is a big turning point in the battle, and the benefits that can be gained are not many.

You only need to log in and send a wave at a specific time, and you can obtain considerable Daluo merits, commonly known as brushing experience.

From then on, whenever a battle broke out, Kui Niu would appear on Liubo Mountain on time.

It was not that the Wu clan had never thought of killing Kui Niu in advance, and they had indeed done so.

But when he dies, it immediately refreshes. Are you angry?To put it in a beautiful name, if someone is not killed by the human race, it will not count.

I don’t care who wins or loses between you, anyway, the plot experience promised to me must be given to me.

Chi You was very angry, but Kui Niu had numbers in both the demon and human races, and this was originally the result of the Zixiao Palace vote.

Because this matter is not worth the trouble of holding another meeting, and even if it is held, the human race and monster race will support Kui Niu, what can you do?

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he said to Jiutian Xuannv: "The job of killing Kui Niu is like reaping benefits for nothing. Isn't it my turn?"

Just like Kui Niu can gain plot experience by sending him a wave, the same goes for those who kill Kui Niu.

In the past, this job was done by Xuanyuan's men. Chen Feng did not think that this good thing could fall on him.

Jiutian Xuannv smiled sweetly: "It's different this time. In the past, Yinglong did it casually, but now that he was hit hard, the job of killing Kui Niu was free. Brother Feng didn't get any benefits from attacking Yingying this time. My sister can’t bear it, so why don’t she just take this job for you?”

(End of this chapter)

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