High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 221 Da Luo had a cordial and friendly meeting

Chapter 221 Da Luo had a cordial and friendly meeting
Chen Feng raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard Jiutian Xuannv's words.

He pondered for a moment and said: "It would be great to win over it, but there must be a lot of people eyeing this job. I'm afraid my sister will encounter a lot of resistance."

This kind of worry is definitely not unnecessary. Giving away benefits for free is always the best choice as a favor.

At present, there are many people in the Chinese army's tent who want to get this job.

On the surface, there are three forces: Xuanyuan, Shennong, and Fuxi.

Ronaldo, who supports these three people, may not be willing to give up such a good thing.

And there is also Guang Chengzi. Chen Feng dares to make a hundred bets. Even if this guy knows that he can't get this job, he will definitely give him eye drops.


Jiutian Xuannv narrowed her eyes and smiled: "My sister said it is yours, let's see who dares to say otherwise!"

Chen Feng stretched out his thumb and said in awe, "Sister Xuan Nu, you are domineering!"

Thighs are indeed thighs, and she is the only one who dares to say this.

But she does have the confidence to say this. Among the big Luo people, fists are the biggest truth.

A smile appeared on Jiutian Xuannv's lips.

She took a step forward and said, "Huh, that's natural. Let's go in with my sister."

"Got it."

Chen Feng opened his mouth to answer, followed closely behind Jiutian Xuannv, and the two of them walked into the Chinese army's tent one after another.

In the big tent, Chen Feng noticed a figure sitting on the main seat at a glance.

He was wearing an imperial robe, and his expression was calm and majestic. When his eyes opened and closed, there were faint shadows of the heavens floating around.

At this moment, on his right side, a golden fairy sword was leaning aside.

Emperor Xuanyuan.

Chen Feng instantly determined the identity of this person.

The aura of the Human Emperor's Avenue on his body was so strong that the light of Da Luo was almost dyed golden yellow.

In the row of seats on the right side of the tent, Ying Long was silent with a gloomy expression.

Only when Chen Feng and Jiutian Xuannv came in, he looked better and nodded, as a greeting.

At this moment, he didn't look injured at all, and the light of Da Luo was particularly bright.

But it was obvious that he was in a very bad mood.

Because it is a fact that the health bar is almost empty.

Although the word injury does not exist for Da Luo, Ying Long must accept the setting that he was "heavily injured".

This also means that after the battle, he is semi-exited.

Even if they conquer the demon clan in the future, they will still be affected to a certain extent, and the loss will not be 01:30 points.

The lich teamed up in this wave, but it made him miserable.

Next to Ying Long was Hou Qing. After he saw Chen Feng and Jiutian Xuannv, he also smiled and said hello.

In addition to them, other human race heroes also lined up on the left and right.

Most people cast friendly glances, and more of these glances fell on Jiutian Xuannv.

But she rarely responded, and even if she did, it was only for a few Da Luo.

So these eyes turned to Chen Feng, who responded naturally and nodded with a smile.

Of course, there is one person in the big tent who will never give Chen Feng a good look.

This person is Guang Chengzi, who is currently sitting next to several human beings.

However, Chen Feng didn't bother to pay attention to him and walked past him without even saying hello.

"Empress Xuannv, fellow Taoist Chen Feng, please take a seat."

From the main seat, Xuanyuan spoke slowly and gave Chen Feng a smile.Jiutian Xuannv was not polite and sat down directly on the first place on Xuanyuan's left hand.

This position has always been vacant, and it seems to be reserved for her.

Chen Feng bowed his hands to Xuanyuan and then found a seat to sit down.

When the Daluo people were finishing their work, Xuanyuan's voice slowly sounded.

He opened his mouth and said, "I invite you all to come here mainly because of the alliance between the Lich and the Lich clans. I wonder what you think of this matter?"

Xuanyuan's expression was very calm, and there was no hint of emotion or anger in his voice, but as soon as he mentioned the introduction, the tent immediately exploded.

The first one to jump out was Ying Long. At this time, his usual composure was gone, and his face was almost dripping with tears.

He said in a deep voice: "The demon clan is no longer a son of man, and there is no lower limit. If Kunpeng hadn't led people to disrupt the situation, I would have sent Uncle Feng back to the beginning of Taiyi!"

"Yes, if we join forces with the Witch Clan, they can do this kind of thing!"

It was rare for Hou Qing to speak, and he seemed to be very angry this time.

"When will the Demon Clan have a fight? Now it's still with the Witch Clan, but in the next era, maybe it will be with the three tribes."

This was Da Luo, a serious human race man, speaking with a look of disdain on his face when he said this, and his eyes would glance at Da Luo from Fuxi camp from time to time.

"What do you mean? Who is this innuendo to?"

The Daluo on Fuxi's side split instantly. Some of them were Daluo brought by Fuxi from the Demon Clan.

The human race's wave of map artillery fire directly carpet-bombed the monster race.

And it hit their sore spot accurately. Everyone knows that mentioning each other in front of the three tribes and the demon tribe will basically lead to war.


How about you roll up your sleeves and have a fight first?
Chen Feng was speechless. The human race was really in chaos.

Thinking about it, only one of the current three emperors is from a pure human race, and he is still very marginal.

Xuanyuan just returned it. Although there was another big one, there was no conflict with the human race.

Moreover, he is currently playing the role of Human Emperor, so the Human Race Da Luo does not have much objection to him.

But the other Human Emperor turned out to be Daluo of the demon clan, and he was also Pangu.

However, every time the human race rises, it is inevitable to start a war with the monster race.

And every time when a war begins, this group of monsters who followed Fuxi to the human race to establish an account will perform a series of tricks.

If you don't work hard, it's the next best thing. You can just double-open and hit yourself.

Good guys, we are working hard here to promote the plot, and you just raise your hands and get the experience.

You made a lot of money with Lich Hegemony, and you made a lot of money with Rise of Human Race. You never lost money when you co-authored it.

Da Luo from the human race was filled with anger, envy, jealousy and hatred.

It's just that Fuxi's strength and methods are really strong, and there is nothing they can do.

However, this does not prevent them from opening fire on the demon clan, the eternally victorious party.


Ying Long and Hou Qing looked at each other and sat in their seats consciously, with an imperceptible smile flashing in their eyes.

They were responsible for the attack on the camp, and they suffered a huge loss.

As usual, Da Luo from both sides of Shen Nong and Fu Xi should be sneering at them now.

Then it is logical to use this as an excuse to take away some benefits from them.

But now, with just a slight ignition, the two parties are almost at war with each other.

Yinglong's eyes fell on Xuanyuan, who was firmly seated in the chief position. He was the first to arrive at the Chinese army's tent.

Those words just now came from the tacit understanding between him and Xuanyuan Wuyan.

(End of this chapter)

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