High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 228: Teaching, I am a professional

Chapter 228: Teaching, I am a professional

"Senior Brother Guangchengzi said it right. It's not that troublesome to deal with you."

Master Lingbao said expressionlessly, and at the same time, he waved his sleeves, and the surrounding sky suddenly changed.

Countless jade celestial lights emerged from the sea of ​​​​stars, sealing Chen Feng's escape route without leaving any gaps.

At the same time, Qingxu Daode Zhenjun and Daoxing Tianzun each took action to fix the earth, water, wind, and fire, and seal the yin and yang and the five elements.

The four great men of Yuxu Palace directly took action and rewritten concepts at various levels, completely cutting off all possibilities for Chen Feng to escape from all angles.

After doing all this, Guangchengzi smiled lightly at Chen Feng and said: "Chen Feng, you can't escape this time no matter what. We have to figure out the matter of destroying Yuxu Palace."

Chen Feng stood motionless with his arms folded from the beginning, watching Guangchengzi and others sealing everything off very calmly.

When they finally finished and looked at him, he grinned and said with an indifferent expression: "Escape? Why should I escape?"

Seeing Chen Feng's reaction, Guang Chengzi felt a little angry again for no reason.

He was clearly surrounded here, but why didn't he feel the pleasure of successful revenge?
He said with a gloomy face: "You have been shut down and beaten, but you are still so stubborn. When my four brothers take away all the spiritual treasures from you and throw you out of this prehistoric era, you will stop being so stubborn."

"Haha, close the door and beat the dog. Senior brother's words are very good. This time, there is no chance to let him return to the beginning of Taiyi. He will be beaten, stripped naked and thrown out!"

"Yes, I agree."

"Da Shan, it's time to take action."

Lingbao Archmage Daode Zhenjun and Daoxing Tianzun spoke one after another. The three of them were gearing up. The light of Jade Purity continued to rise, and they couldn't wait.

"Hey, it turns out I wanted to use Lingbao. Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Chen Feng looked suddenly enlightened, and then said with a smile. As he spoke, he raised his hand and made a gesture of taking something out.

Guangchengzi exchanged glances with the three junior brothers, and a thought came to his mind at the same time. Are you giving in now?What did you do early?

I thought it would be fine if I handed over the Lingbao, but the debt of destroying Yuxu Palace will not be solved so easily!

Under the gaze of the four people, Chen Feng stretched his hands and lifted them up, as if he was trying to hold something up.

And with his gentle push, a loud noise suddenly came from the void.

Immediately afterwards, a series of lights and shadows flashing with the aura of innate spiritual treasures appeared together. At a glance, there were no less than a thousand items!

Guangchengzi was the first one to be stunned, and the other three were no better than him.

The four of them looked at Chen Feng together, but found that Chen Feng was nowhere to be seen at this time. There was only a smiling middle-aged Taoist standing in front of the more than a thousand spiritual treasures.

In the palm of this Taoist's hand, there was a ray of Da Luo's light. The aura on it was very familiar to Guang Chengzi and others, and it belonged to Chen Feng!


Looking at the smiling appearance of the middle-aged Taoist, Guang Chengzi felt bad, and the other three people even turned green.

However, Taoist Duobao, who had transformed into his true form, was still smiling. He turned over his hand and put away the ray of light in his palm. More than a thousand innate spiritual treasures behind him immediately surrounded the place.

Then, he smiled slightly, rolled up the sleeves on both arms, and curled up the corners of his mouth: "Close the door and beat the dog, Guangchengzi used this little word really well."

"Chen Feng, you don't deserve to be a son of a man, I will never end my life with you."

"Ouch, my teeth."

"Duobao, wait for Pindao."

"Ah, poor eyes..."

Along with the sound of the first fist hitting something, curses continued to come from the light of the innate spiritual treasure.But all this has nothing to do with Chen Feng. Long before he set foot on Liubo Island, he had separated from a certain big boss who was shutting down and beating dogs.


Chen Feng was walking in King Lei's palace when he suddenly couldn't help but sneeze.

"The gift I prepared must have surprised fellow Taoist Guangchengzi. He couldn't help but miss me."

His face was full of smiles, and he couldn't help but feel happy when he thought about the expressions Guang Chengzi and the others would show when Taoist Duobao suddenly appeared.

He contacted this senior brother Jiejiao before he left the human race camp.

At that time, through the encrypted call between Da Luo, he said to Duobao: Beat Chan, come quickly.

After receiving the news, Duobao's reply was also very concise: Thank you for the invitation, you have arrived.

You see, sometimes when looking for a helper, you need to prescribe the right medicine. When it comes to explaining and teaching, just ask the person who teaches you to intercept.

Originally, according to Taoist Duobao's wish, he could just use the innate spiritual treasure to seal the entire Liubo Island, and attack Guangchengzi and others.

This method is simple and crude, and may be difficult for other Da Luo.

After all, they are four big Luo, and one of them will escape accidentally, and then call for helpers and explain their teachings. They are old gang-fighting enthusiasts.

But for Taoist Duobao, it is a piece of cake. Anyway, he has many innate spiritual treasures, and he can completely block the water here.

However, Chen Feng gave him another idea, cutting off a ray of his own Da Luo light and letting him pretend to be himself to give a big surprise to Guangchengzi.

The result is obvious. Guangchengzi is now very "surprised", and Taoist Duobao is also very happy.

As for why Chen Feng was not with Taoist Duobao, it was naturally because of Kui Niu.

When Guangchengzi told him that Kui Niu was disguised as Master Lingbao, he began to search for Kui Niu's whereabouts.

Fortunately, Guang Chengzi and others already felt that they were sure to take him, so Kui Niu didn't hide it deeply.


Chen Feng wandered leisurely in the palace, and soon came to a large hall.

The main hall is located in a very remote corner of the palace.

Because it had been uninhabited for a long time, it looked a bit dilapidated, and even the door was covered with a layer of spider webs.

Chen Feng came to stand in front of the main hall door, and a strong wind swept away the cobwebs in an instant.

He raised his hand and gently pushed the door open. As soon as he entered, there was a sound of yelling and cursing in his ears.

"Teach these shameless people how to let go of Lao Niu if they can. Let's go one-on-one. Whoever dares to intimidate will be the grandson!"

"Guangchengzi, Master of the Emperor, bah! You dare to challenge me due to the overwhelming number of people?"

At the entrance of the main hall, Chen Feng frowned slightly. In front of him, a figure wearing an imperial robe was being suppressed by several jade-clear immortal lights.

However, this did not prevent him from opening his mouth. As soon as he opened the door, he heard the man cursing wildly, but the curse was only directed at Guangchengzi and others.

This person had a slightly rough appearance, with a thick beard growing on his chin. Although he was unfamiliar, it still did not prevent him from recognizing this person's identity.

Because he was holding a ray of Daluo's light in his hand at the moment, and the light floating on it was exactly the same as this person's Daluo's light.

Is he Kui Niu?
(End of this chapter)

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