High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 229 Kui Niu, don’t worry, my sword is fast

Chapter 229 Kui Niu, don’t worry, my sword is fast

Chen Feng pushed the door open and Kui Niu, who was cursing, immediately stopped talking.

The jade clear fairy light turned into shackles, and together with Taiyi and Zhongyan, descended from the highest No. 12 dimension to suppress him.

This jade clear fairy light is an innate spiritual treasure.

Although it is not the rope that binds the immortal who is afraid of leaving his grandson, it is not far away.

Chen Feng looked at him, but neither of them spoke first.

After about a few seconds, Kui Niu spoke first: "You are not a person who teaches."

Chen Feng smiled and said: "This is my first time meeting you, Chen Feng. I came here to get the drum made from Your Excellency's skin on the orders of the Xuanyuan clan."

Kui Niu's eyes turned slightly, and he said with a surprised expression: "It turns out to be Daoyou Chen. He is better known than meeting you. He is indeed a talented person. I heard that you once made a big fuss in Yuxu Palace, and the Twelve Golden Immortals couldn't do anything to you. It's really a good trick!"

Chen Feng stepped forward, stopped about ten steps from him, put his hands behind his back and chuckled: "Fellow Taoist is so complimentary. That's all the work of fellow Taoist Jie Jiao, and I'm here to help."

Kui Niu said: "Fellow Taoist, you are too modest. Yuxu Palace is so arrogant and domineering. How many people want to lose their face but can't. You, Taoist, have vented a bad breath on my vast Daluo."

He said and sighed: "Even I suffered a lot from them. I was attacked by them and now I'm tied up here. It's really embarrassing."

Chen Feng didn't want to talk to him anymore, but just smiled and said: "If fellow Taoist want to chat, I will come to visit you in person another day when I am free. However, the Zhuolu army is in a critical situation now, and I need to go back early to recover."

Kui Niu laughed twice and said: "What the fellow Taoist said is absolutely true. It's just that I was attacked by Chanjiao and was trapped here, so my movement is quite inconvenient.

How about this, fellow Taoist rescues me, and I go to Xuanyuan clan with fellow Taoist. Firstly, we can form a good relationship, secondly, we can keep Chi You's fog clear, and thirdly, we can settle accounts with Chanjiao in the future, and fellow Taoist can also have more helpers. . "

Chen Feng showed a thoughtful expression, then nodded and said: "What fellow Taoist said is absolutely true, just wait a moment, Pindao will rescue you right now."

As he spoke, his right hand condensed into a sword finger, and he saw a section of Da Luo light suddenly extending, and the awe-inspiring sword intent bloomed, just like a Da Luo sword, destroying the dimensions of the heavens.

Kui Niu broke out in cold sweat and said in a panic: "Fellow Taoist, what are you going to do?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Of course it is to rescue fellow Taoists. Don't panic, my sword is very fast."

As he spoke, a sword light was shot.

In an instant, the world froze.

All things show their most original way under this sword.

Dao sword, forget each other!
A sword light started from the beginning of Taiyi, illuminating the heaven and earth, and everything was empty. The grand and vast palace disappeared when the sword light emerged.

In the sword light, a world emerged.

The water in the lake is turbulent and there are fish playing in it, which is leisurely and contented.

It's the new year, the sun is shining, and there's a severe drought.

Everything transpired and the rivers dried up.

Fish are on land with each other, and they are wet and moist with each other.

A fish jumped up and reached the rivers and lakes, then rejoiced and forgot about each other.

This sword has a long history, and it has the word "forgetfulness".

The world was so slow that even Da Luo was in a daze when he saw this sword. In a trance, he seemed to turn into a fish swimming in the rivers and lakes, forgetting the world.

Kui Niu's eyes reflected the sword light, slightly confused.

Fish forget each other in the rivers and lakes, and people forget each other in Taoism.

The sword's light was soft, and it was about to kill Kui Niu.

But at the critical moment, chaos flashed in his eyes.

Within the chaos, thunder surged, exploding the heaven and earth, exploding all things, Taiyi, Taishi, Taichu, Taisu, Taiji!
The five innate beings were fused into one body in the thunder.

This is the road of thunder.

Kui Niu roared angrily, and lightning spread all over his body. With a sway, he broke away from the Yuqing Immortal Rope.

At the same time, thunder exploded, turning into a ray of light that cut through the chaos to meet Chen Feng's sword.


Chaos explodes, the origin of all things is shattered, and even the current concept is obliterated.

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed and he secretly said that it was true.He took a step back, and across the endless distance of time and space, he was about to reach the node of existence and non-existence.

However, as soon as he retreated, endless lightning exploded under his feet.

The entire palace suddenly exploded and turned into a chaotic thunder pool.

Thousands of thunders burst out, containing the avenue of thunder.

These thunderbolts are connected to each other, blocking the operation of all rules and concepts of heaven and earth, and the world is born and the world is destroyed.

Even Da Luo's own way was restricted.

Chaos Thunder Formation!

Kui Niu had actually set up a trap here, just waiting for Chen Feng to fall into the trap.

It was just an illusion that he was bound.

Secretly, he has already been connected with Guang Chengzi and others to plot against Chen Feng.

Guangchengzi and others have promised to fully help him participate in the Battle of Zhuolu this time, so that he can shine and gain more Daluo merits.

The so-called Daluo merits are the three thousand Daluo ways spread throughout the world. In layman's terms, they can be understood as the "experience value" Daluo needs.

Just as Chen Feng fell into the thunderous formation, Kui Niu shouted softly and pointed his hand, and the Jade Pure Immortal Cord turned into a bright light and tied towards Chen Feng.

The speed was too fast, and at the same time that the Jade Pure Immortal Light bloomed, the characteristic of reverse effect as cause appeared.

Chen Feng snorted, his body suddenly tightened, and he was the first to be restrained.

Then the Yuqing Immortal Rope suddenly extended, binding him completely.

Kui Niu laughed loudly: "Fellow Daoist Chen, don't blame me, Lao Niu. Guang Chengzi really gave me too much."

He was feeling proud when he saw the corner of Chen Feng's mouth raised slightly.

There was a thud in his heart, and just as he was alert, he saw Chen Feng's figure emitting a hazy fairy light, high above the sky and lasting forever.

As the light passed by, the heaven and earth suddenly changed, and even the endless thunder pools of chaos subsided.

Kui Niu's face changed and he secretly thought it was not good.

But Chen Feng, who was bound by the jade fairy rope, turned into a white jade lotus fairy lantern at some point.

He jumped up and turned into a bolt of lightning. He couldn't escape from the current dimension in time.

The light of the lotus lamp shines all over the world, and the whole world has been included in the endless light.

Kui Niu's figure suddenly fell and fell into a world purely made of light.

It shouldn't be said that, but it should be said that the palace where he was was included in the world of light by the light of the lotus lantern.

This light extends infinitely, forming the world in front of you.

His expression was ugly, and the Yuqing Immortal Cord not far away emitted a hazy fairy light. He raised his hand and retracted it.

The light condensed, and Chen Feng's figure appeared silently not far in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Kui Niu's eyes darkened, and he snorted coldly: "When did you find out?"

Chen Feng chuckled and said: "I didn't realize it, but I never believed you from beginning to end, let alone thought that the person who explained the religion could be so stupid."

Kui Niu nodded and suddenly grinned: "Yes, in terms of acting style, you are already a qualified Da Luo.

I, Lao Niu, have recognized your strength, and the Lotus Lamp is indeed a first-class innate spiritual treasure. In this way, if you disperse the Lotus Lamp and let me out, my previous promise to you will still be valid.

Let's go back to the Xuanyuan family together and seek great merit together. "

Chen Feng shrugged and said with a smile: "How do you make me believe you?"

Kui Niu raised his eyebrows: "Does Fellow Daoist Chen want to share life and death with me here?"

Chen Feng was extremely indifferent, pointing at himself and then at him.

"I live, you die."

(End of this chapter)

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