High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 230 The trumpets and tubas of the big guys

Chapter 230 The trumpets and tubas of the big guys

Kui Niu snorted coldly: "Then it depends on your ability!"

Seeing that there was no room for turning around, Kui Niu didn't even want to call himself a fellow Taoist, and he didn't want to talk nonsense.

As soon as he raised his hand, he saw seven lightning bolts of different lights striking out in an instant.


The world inside the lotus lantern began to sway.

There were obvious fluctuations in the light.

The seven types of lightning are red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo, and violet.

Corresponding to the seven different avenues of thunder, they are the manifestation of the Tao of Da Luo in the material world.

Even the power of the world within the Lotus Lamp has not diminished at all.

Chen Feng stood there, with his hands behind his back, without any movement.

The lightning was too fast, and Setsuna was already in front of him, surrounding him.

If he is hit, no matter how big Luo he is, he will be severely injured, and he may even return to the beginning of Taiyi.

However, at the critical moment, the light in front of Chen Feng suddenly lengthened.

The light changes in an instant, the state of particles and waves exist at the same time, and there is light refraction before the seven lightning bolts.

The next moment, the seven lightning bolts suddenly turned and struck Kui Niu.

Lightning is also light!
The lotus lantern covered the lightning with its own avenue of light, and then refracted it, reflecting Kui Niu's attack intact.

After getting hold of the Lotus Lantern, Chen Feng has used it several times against Da Luo.

From the beginning, he could only use basic abilities, but now he is becoming more and more proficient.

Especially after the battle with Huanglong Zhenren, he gained a new understanding of the use of lotus lanterns.

This Emperor Wa's treasure is worthy of being a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. Apart from being slightly lacking in the killing aspect, it is almost perfect in other aspects.

Facing his seven lightning bolts, Kui Niu was also slightly shocked.

Naturally, he had heard of the name of the Lotus Lamp, but this was his first time confronting the Lotus Lamp, so he naturally didn't know the power of this magic weapon.

After all, the lotus lantern is the treasure of Empress Nuwa.

Which big Luo has nothing to do to fight Pangu.

Are you tired of living?

Seven bolts of lightning were in front of him in an instant. Kui Niu knew the terror of his attack and wanted to hide.

But the light of the Lotus Lantern refracted and shone on him from the very beginning.

The characteristics of constant light are displayed. The light of the lotus lantern is everywhere, extending infinitely. He has no way to hide!

There is no way to hide, so there is no need to hide anymore.

Kui Niu changed his tactics before the battle, and a ball of thunder light bloomed in his body.

In an instant, a shadow of a thunder beast appeared behind him. It looked like an ox, its color was green, and it had one foot on the clouds.

A cow mooed, and everything became silent. If the ancestor of all thunders passed down a decree, the seven lightning bolts suddenly stopped.

Seizing the opportunity, Kui Niu waved his hands, and thunder came out in the form of a whip. Between twists and twists, seven lightning bolts instantly bent and mixed with each other. They collided together and turned into a ball of chaotic thunder. .

Kui Niu's nickname is the ancient thunder god, the ancestor of all thunders, and he is also a big boss in the demon clan.

If the big one is here, Chen Feng has no chance of winning even if he has the Lotus Lantern and the Xuan Ni Gate.

But Kui Niu’s account is not only a trumpet account, but also a plot account.

The level is not enough, and he has not even reached the level of a great supernatural power user.

Although the big Luo's trumpet and big players are the same person, their strengths are not the same.

The reason why the trumpet is a trumpet is because it is not strong enough.

Just like when you play a game, if level [-] is the full level, if you have a full level account, you can practice another account, but this account has only reached level [-].

Then there is no doubt that this level [-] account is your trumpet.When fighting against the enemy, your trumpet can only display the strength of level [-]. At most, you can say that your operation is good and you can crush the same level with your skills.

Or there may be some special equipment that can allow you to exert stronger combat power.

But essentially, the level of the trumpet remains unchanged.

Correspondingly, if you have also practiced your trumpet to the full level, it cannot simply be called a trumpet, but another main account.

The same goes for Da Luo.

For example, Randen Ancient Buddha has a full-level title in Buddhism, and the title of Randen Taoist opened by Chanjiao is also of a very high level. Although it is not as high as his Buddhist title, it is not far behind, so it can be regarded as the second master. Number.

Cihang, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra are all in the same way.

The Bodhisattva title they give in Buddhism is of the same level as the Golden Immortal title they teach, and also falls within the scope of the main title.

The rest are like Lu Dongbin among the Eight Immortals of Shangdong. He is the trumpet of Emperor Donghua, and Emperor Donghua is the trumpet of Duke Dongwang.

There is a huge difference between each other's combat power.

If Pangu is at level [-], then Prince Dong is at level [-], Emperor Donghua is at level [-], and Lu Dongbin is at most level [-].

The gap among them is simply heaven and earth.

Of course, under normal circumstances, if you really touch Lu Dongbin, it is extremely normal for the other party to get angry and come directly to the big room to make trouble.

Therefore, bullying Daluo's trumpet does not often happen.

But... Kui Niu is a special case.

He belongs to that kind of plot number. In this plot, he is not allowed to go to the ancient thunder god's number to find a place.

When facing any enemy, you have to carry it yourself.

In addition, the human race considered the difficulty of the plot and even restricted his innate spiritual treasures.

This has resulted in Kui Niu’s current embarrassing situation.

Seven lightning bolts merged in an instant and turned into a ball of chaotic thunder.

The mass of this thunder is infinite, the density is infinitely high, and the energy contained is so terrifying that even an omnipotent universe is as small as a drop of water compared to it.

The light continued to twist in front of this ball of thunder, and in the endless world of light, a point of pure darkness actually appeared.

Thunder roared, Kui Niu pushed forward hard, and the chaotic thunder struck Chen Feng.

Chen Feng concentrated his attention, feeling threatened in this ball of thunder.

If he is hit, his "blood bar" will be cleared instantly, and he will be resurrected at the beginning of Taiyi.

Everything was twisted and elongated as the Chaos Thunder passed by.

Chen Feng pointed with his hand, and the light in the lotus lamp continued to change, hitting the thunder one after another.

But no matter what kind of light it is, as soon as it comes close, it will be absorbed by this infinite quality and difficult to shake.

Chen Feng changed his method again, and walls of light appeared one after another, layer upon layer, superimposing the number of infinite multiverses in an instant.

As the thunder passed by, the wall of light was pulled and twisted, unable to stop it.

At the same time, Kui Niu raised his hand again, and the jade fairy cord turned into a bright fairy light and came towards Chen Feng like a green snake swimming in the light.

Before the immortal rope arrived, the pressure of Yuqing Avenue had already arrived. Chen Feng let out a soft groan and felt the light of Daluo in his body tighten, as if bound by some kind of shackles.

With both approaches, his situation suddenly became dangerous.

Faced with this situation, he did not panic.

Instead, he turned his right hand and a white jade purifying bottle appeared in his hand.

Now that the mass of Chaos Thunder has expanded to the limit of the material world, surpassing an omnipotent universe, even the light of the Lotus Lantern has been distorted.

Then use the same infinite quality of innate spiritual treasures to deal with it.

He threw the jade purification bottle in his hand and faced Chaos Thunder head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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