High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 233 The third ancestral witch and the human race Da Luo

Chapter 233 No. 13 Ancestral Witch and Human Da Luo

With a slash of the sword, Kui Niu was sent back to the beginning of Taiyi.

Chen Feng accepted Qingyun, jumped up, and left the world of light in the lotus lamp.

He returned to the previous palace.

Then he turned over with one hand, and the lotus lantern appeared in his hand. A ray of light emerged and turned into a piece of cowhide, which he raised his hand to catch.

Kui cowhide!
It is the purpose of his trip and it is an important "plot prop" in the Battle of Zhuolu.

Looking carefully, there is a blue light constantly swimming in the lotus lantern in his hand, trapped in the light and unable to escape.

It's Yuqing Xiansuo.

This innate spiritual treasure was trapped in the world of light within the lotus lamp and could not escape.

This is an innate spiritual treasure from Yuxu Palace. Chen Feng doesn't know who refined it yet. He plans to use the light of the lotus lamp to kill it for a while and polish it into a pure ownerless thing. Then he can put it into his pocket with peace of mind.

Everything happened very fast.

Chen Feng did not stop, put away the Kui Niuhide, and disappeared from the spot.

Kui Niu was sent back to the beginning of Taiyi by him, but he was not worried about the revenge of the ancient thunder god.

This plot of Zhuolu is the result of the game between all parties, which has formed the current balance.

He came under the orders of the Xuanyuan clan, and everything was in compliance with the rules set by the Daluo clan.

If the Ancient God of Thunder still causes trouble under such circumstances, it will not be solely his fault, but a slap in the face of a group of big Luo people headed by the Xuanyuan clan.

This really made the Xuanyuan clan unhappy. In his anger, the God Hong clan used his trumpet, and the ancient thunder god also had to be discouraged.

This was the ancient god who dared to compete head-on with the Yuanshi Heavenly King.

As soon as Chen Feng left, the five Da Luo Tongsheng who were fighting on the other side sensed the situation.

They broke through the dimension of time and space, and the place where they met has reached the Tai Chi Period.

Taoist Duobao appeared with a thousand hands, each holding an innate spiritual treasure, with unrivaled terrifying power in every move.

With one against four, not only did they not lose, they actually overpowered them.

Guang Chengzi held the general Mo Xie in his hands, and he sacrificed Fantian Seal, but Taoist Duobao blocked it with three different innate spiritual treasures and could not fall down.

At the same time, his arms were waving, and the treasure was shining brightly, which frightened Guangchengzi to avoid him again and again.

He was secretly resentful in his heart. If he had known that he was going to face Taoist Duobao, he would have gone to Tushita Palace to find the Supreme Master and borrow the gold steel.

At that time, no matter how many innate spiritual treasures you have, they will all be given to you for free.

Of course, whether Taishang Laojun will borrow it is another matter.

Except for the Battle of the Gods, most of the time, Taishang Laojun's attitude is not biased towards teaching.

And just as their battle was in full swing, the four of them got their senses and already knew the outcome of the battle between Chen Feng and Kui Niu.

Taoist Duobao laughed loudly and showed no regrets. Qiandao's arms were filled with pure fairy light.

Four Jade Void Golden Immortals gathered together in an instant.

Guangchengzi made Fan Tianyin.

Daoxingtianzun uses the four elephant seals.

Master Lingbao uses the Void Seal.

The pure and virtuous king makes the yin and yang seal.

The four Yuxu Daluo all resisted, and the entire Tai Chi Period was in turmoil. Chaos surged, the concept of nothing was twisted into something, and the concept of something was torn into nothing.

The thousand rays of pure immortal light released by Taoist Duobao were torn apart at the same time.

But in Tai Chi Ji, he has disappeared.

Chaos surged, terrifying energy raged, tearing apart everything tangible and intangible, but it was unable to affect the four Yuxu Daluo.

Daoxing Tianzun said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Guangchengzi, Chen Feng has succeeded, what should we do next?" Guangchengzi collected the male and female swords and the Fantian Seal, gently stroked his beard in Tai Chi Ji and said: "This time it is We underestimated Chen Feng. He did everything right and asked Duobao to resist us.

We couldn't kill Kui Niu. It was indeed a miscalculation on our part.

But it doesn’t matter, this era still has a long time, we will slowly settle accounts with him.

Thanks to the help of several junior brothers this time, I will go to the human camp first. Chen Feng killed Kui Niu. The human war is about to break out, and I cannot be absent. "

The other three nodded, and after bowing to each other, they turned around and left Tai Chi Ji at the same time.


On the other hand, Chen Feng's speed was extremely fast, and he had already crossed endless distances of time and space in one leap.

We arrived at the Zhuolu battlefield.

From his perspective, there was black mist everywhere, and he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

There are twelve flag gates that reach into the sky and reach the ground, dividing the entire Zhuolu.

Every flag on the gate exudes the terrifying power of destroying the heaven and the earth, and even Daluo will be afraid.

The area covered by the black mist is so large that it covers a corner of the wilderness. If placed within the heavens, it is a vast boundary sea.

This black mist is Chi You's way, and even Chen Feng can't see through it.

Speaking of which, Chi You was born in the Demonic Way and had a great reputation before the establishment of the Wu Clan.

At the beginning, he was very powerful in the demonic realm. Apart from Luohu and Styx, he was the strongest.

Some people even speculated that his strength was not inferior to Styx, but the two of them had never made a move, so the true situation was unknown.

Until Houtu organized a group of twelve ancestral witches to compete with the Sanqing, and the momentum was huge, attracting many people with great supernatural powers to join the witch clan.

Chi You is one of them.

It's just that Chi You didn't join initially, but an era later. Therefore, when he joined the group, the number of twelve ancestral witches had already been determined.

Originally, Hou Tu and Zhu Long wanted to either replace one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, or turn the Twelve Ancestral Witches into the Thirteen Ancestral Witches.

After all, Chi You's strength was there, even stronger than the few ancestral witches who made up the numbers.

In the end, Chi You gave in and refused the position of Zu Wu.

After all, his plot is to compete with the human race.

If he takes on the identity of the ancestral witch, it will be difficult to push him away during the Lich War. There will be too many variables, and his original "play" may be affected.

Chen Feng simply waited and watched for a while, then turned into a great light and sank into the Dutian Shensha Formation.

This formation is extremely terrifying. If they really start to fight against the enemy, even Da Luo will be killed.

But now that the formation has been cut down for several epochs in a row, and there are too many Da Luo in it, it is basically just a showpiece.

It's a cutscene.

After entering the formation, Chen Feng appeared directly at the Xuanyuan clan's camp.

At the same time, all Da Luo noticed his arrival.

Not long after they stood still, a great human being came to greet him, smiling and saying, "Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Chen on his triumphant return. The Human Emperor and many fellow Daoists are waiting in the camp."

Chen Feng also smiled and returned the greeting: "It's easy to say, easy to say, it all depends on the praise of fellow Taoists. I just did some small things."

As he spoke, he looked at Da Luo in front of him and found that he had not seen him before, so he asked again.

"I don't know what to call your friend?"

This Da Luo had already turned around and led him towards the camp. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Poverty Taoist Huang Ji, the timeline of this era has not yet reached my birth, and my fellow Taoists have never seen it."

Chen Feng's heart moved and he asked: "But the Great Immortal of Central Huangji and Huangjiao?"

The big man laughed, waved his hand and said, "It's not a big deal to have a little reputation."

(End of this chapter)

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