High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 234 The human race really has the final say

Chapter 234 The human race really has the final say
"Fellow Taoist is too modest." Seeing him admit it, Chen Feng said sincerely.

The so-called Central Huangji Huangjiao Immortal is one of the Five Elders of the Five Directions in later generations. He is ranked as the Central Heavenly Lord, and his status is even higher than that of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The bottom line of strength is Guangchengzi.

But as he said himself, the timeline of the Battle of Zhuolu originally had nothing to do with him.

This prehistoric era is still far away from his birth and enlightenment.

But he appeared here.

Chen Feng became thoughtful.

Of course he would not think that Huangjixian was here for sightseeing.

He is a great human being, or a great human being in later generations.

It seems that the human race is very dissatisfied with the Wu clan and the demon clan joining forces, thinking that this is a violation of the rules.

Since the other party broke the rules first, they naturally don't need to talk about martial ethics.

If Chen Feng's guess was correct, during the time he left, countless Da Luo who would not have appeared on the Zhuolu battlefield originally came across the timeline.

This is to let the Witch Clan and Monster Clan see the largest evil force in the world.

He felt emotional.

He never doubted how big the human fist was.

Just like when the three tribes were suppressed by the demon tribe, only a tiny bit of the drama was left before Kaitian.

Today's Lich and Lich clans have also been squeezed into the first half of the Prehistoric Era, and they can't even occupy one third of the Prehistoric Era.

You know, the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan are not small forces.

Together, there are five bosses who have worked as Pangu alone.

But still unable to recover.

But then again, what does this have to do with Chen Feng?
The human race is dissatisfied with the small actions of the demon race in private, and he wants to uphold justice as the protagonist, and he is just happy to relax.

The two walked for a while before arriving in front of the main camp.

Enter together.

The Xuanyuan family and others have been waiting for a long time, and the vast majority of the human race has gathered here.

Chen Feng took a quick glance and saw many new faces that he had never met before.

Immortal Huangji stepped forward, saluted Xuanyuan who was sitting at the top, and said, "Human Emperor, fellow Taoist Chen Feng has returned."

Chen Feng didn't waste any words. He also stepped forward and saluted Xuanyuan. As soon as he raised his hand, the skin of Kui Niu appeared in his hand.

He opened his mouth and said: "Thank you for your concern, I am fortunate to live up to my mission."

Many Daluo on both sides were surprised or happy to see it.

Some people subconsciously glanced at where Guang Chengzi was, but there was no sign of Guang Chengzi.

The previous dispute between Jiutian Xuannv and Guangchengzi over who should kill Kui Niu was still fresh in their minds.

Most of Daluo's minds were like a mirror, it would be unfair for Chen Feng to kill Kui Niu this time.

If Guangchengzi doesn't make trouble among them, he will be in vain as a great interpreter.

But he didn't expect that Chen Feng would come back so quickly and get the Kui cowhide so smoothly.

Many people were thoughtful and looked at Chen Feng a little more cautiously.

With such strength, he can no longer simply be considered a new Daluo.

The corners of Jiutian Xuannv's lips raised slightly, and her face felt even brighter.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan also smiled and said: "Okay, General Chen will take the skin of Kui Niu and make the first contribution to this formation. When Chi You's army is defeated, I will definitely get a heavy reward."

Houqing, take the skin of the Kui ox and go make the drum. When it is finished, we will launch a general attack. "

Hou Qing stepped forward, the two nodded slightly, and Chen Feng handed him the Kui cowhide in his hand.

Chen Feng smiled and saluted, then returned to Jiutian Xuannv's side and stood silent.

Xuannv's eyes moved slightly, and she laughed softly: "I didn't expect that you actually asked Taoist Duobao to help you."

She belongs to Da Luo who pays attention to the situation in Kui Niu.

Before, she didn't know what Chen Feng had to do.

But when Taoist Duobao and Guangchengzi took action, she immediately understood.Chen Feng also laughed in a low voice and said: "To deal with Chanjiao, there is no better candidate than Jiejiao. Thanks to Sister Xuannu for helping me get this job. When the Zhuolu incident comes, I will treat my sister to a drink. "

The corners of Xuannv's mouth rose deeper, and she seemed to be in a trance like a lily blooming under the clear moon. Even the moonlight dimmed, and the surrounding area lost its color.

Some Daluo accidentally caught a glimpse of this scene, and their breath suddenly became suffocated.

The next moment, they saw Xuan Nu tighten her expression, her eyes were like a fire, and she fiercely swept all the Da Luo who were looking here.

Da Luo, who had just seen that scene, felt a thump in his heart. He immediately calmed down, looked at his nose and mouth, and remained silent.

On the other side, Hou Qing put away the Kui cowhide and retreated.

Xuanyuan clan sat high on the throne of the Human Emperor and began to mobilize his troops to punish the generals.

With his orderly arrangement, all Daluo present were properly arranged.

Chen Feng was not assigned a new task. After all, he was the hero who retrieved Kui Niu Hide.

He was simply assigned to Xuan Nu's account, and everything was at the disposal of Jiutian Xuan Nu.

After the deployment was completed, everyone dispersed.

Chen Feng also went back with Jiutian Xuannv.

At the same time, all the camps of the entire human race were mobilized intensively.

Not only Da Luo, but those Taiyi Golden Immortals, and even Golden Immortals, Xuan Immortals, etc. also lined up to prepare.

Among them, Xuanyuan's camp is the most important.

In fact, the Xuanyuan clan simply assigned tasks.

Although he holds the title of Human Emperor and has great righteousness, the only people he can really command are his direct descendants.

The rest of Daluo each have their own power.

For example, Chisongzi and Changsangzi were members of the Shennong family.

The rest, the former Huangji Immortal, came across the timeline. Although they also respected him as the Human Emperor, they were actually considered to be high-level people in the human race's heavenly court and were members of the Haotian force.

Jiutian Xuannv is also similar, from the lineage of the Queen Mother of the West.

Of course, whether you can really command or not is not that important at this time.

With the consensus of the rise of the human race and the overthrow of the Lich and Lich alliance, the vast majority of Da Luo are still willing to obey the Xuanyuan clan's orders.

In this way, after waiting for two days at Xuannv Camp, Chen Feng received the news that the Kui Niu Drum had been completed.

All the Daluo were summoned, together with the hundreds of millions of human troops, and gathered in the Xuanyuan clan's camp in the black mist.

Chen Feng stood beside Jiutian Xuannv, watching everything in front of him with great interest.

Starting from retrieving Kui Niu Hide, his mission has basically been completed, and all that is left is to play with the soy sauce and watch the human race bosses show their prowess.

Xuanyuan stood on the general stage, with a group of direct descendants beside him.

Ying Long stood first on his left.

The Xuanyuan clan's top general seemed to have recovered on the surface, but his previous injury had damaged his "original nature".

It was a non-renewable injury. Only he knew the true situation.

The rest of Da Luo were also standing on both sides in front of Xuanyuan.

Among them is Chen Feng.

He touched Jiutian Xuannv's light and positioned himself very close to the front.

Otherwise, with his status as a newly promoted Daluo, he might be ranked outside the top [-].

Chen Feng's eyes glanced lightly, and he was secretly shocked.

The number of Da Luo present alone exceeds a hundred, and he is worthy of being the largest evil force in the world.

None of the regular Da Luo in Demon Court has this number.

Among the many Daluo, he saw Guangchengzi at a glance. This veteran Taoist had returned from unknown time and was standing at his position leisurely and contentedly.

The Kui Niu drum was pushed out, and Hou Qing came on stage in person, picked up the drumstick and struck the drum head hard.

There was an explosion in the sky and thunder rolling. Everyone, including the Daluo, felt a deep sound of thunder coming from the depths of their souls.

In the rumbling sound, the heaven and earth exploded, like chaos separating, and the heaven and earth were created!
(End of this chapter)

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