High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 235 The decisive battle of the Battle of Zhuolu

Chapter 235 The decisive battle of the Battle of Zhuolu

Outside the human camp, black mist rolled in, covering the sky and the sun, like a black sun hanging upside down in the sky.

But the moment the Kui Niu drum sounded, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared in the middle of the black Wang Yang!
At first, there was only a little light, like the tip of a needle, which was not conspicuous at all.

And just a billionth of an instant later, it immediately expanded and turned into a terrifying thunder light that covered the sky and the sun!
This process is like the explosion of a singularity, the beginning of the universe, and the reappearance of the scene of the creation of the world.

Everyone felt the terror of this thunder, especially for those who were not Daluo. This was simply a world-destroying thunder that could destroy everything visible.

The lightning struck the black fog like a peerless sword light, and the black fog split the sky in two from the middle, revealing a large blank space.

But the twelve formation flags that make up the Dutian Shensha Formation are all innate spiritual treasures.

Although the connection with the ancestral witches has been severed by Daozu, they are controlled by Chi You and will definitely not be broken like this.

At this moment, the formation flags were ringing in the black mist. As they were flying in the wind, the black mist gathered in the middle again, trying to gather together!
Chen Feng looked at Xuanyuan and clearly saw the Human Emperor's eyebrows raised.

Immediately afterwards, a golden fairy sword with vegetation, stars, sun, moon, mountains and rivers engraved on the blade suddenly appeared!

The fairy sword flew across the sky, and the golden sword energy criss-crossed, slashing down towards the black mist.

The black mist twisted for a while, and Da Luo Dao entangled in the shape of a knife emerged from it, facing the Xuanyuan Sword.

Chi You’s Tao of Da Luo!
He is the actual controller of the Dutian Divine Evil Formation. If the human race wants to break the formation, how can he just sit back and watch?

Xuanyuan Sword and Chi You Dao collided, and two Da Luo lights exuding completely different auras entangled and chased each other.

Throughout the process, the road was constantly being distorted and the rules were constantly being rewritten.

This is a confrontation based on concepts. Except for Da Luo, other living beings cannot understand it at all.

But this did not affect the progress of the war, because the drumstick in Hou Qing's hand fell on the Kui Niu drum again!

And the second thunderous light that was like opening the sky expanded in the black mist again!
At this time, the black long sword condensed from Chiyou Avenue was obviously stunned, and then he actually let go of the Xuanyuan Sword and was about to strike at the Kui Niu Drum.

On the long sword, the Tao of Daluo rolled, and the aura was extremely terrifying, even to the Queen.

Although he is a big Luo and extremely resistant to beatings, he still has a maximum health bar in the battle.

This sword was transformed from Chi You's Dao Dao. There is still a big gap between him and Chi You. If he is hit by the sword, there is a high probability that he will have to return to the beginning of Taiyi.

However, the expression on his face remained the same, without any change, and he even raised the drumstick in his hand again, preparing to drop it for the third time!

All this is because when the black sword changed its target, the golden fairy sword also changed its direction!
Just as the long sword was about to fall, Xuanyuan Sword blocked it at the last moment!

At the same time, the drumstick in Hou Qing's hand fell again without any hindrance!


When the Kui Niu drum resounded throughout the world for the third time, the entire Tianshensha formation suddenly trembled.

The black fog shrouding the human camp twisted and rolled in the lightning. Although it tried its best to resist the cleaning, it was still fading significantly.

The fog, which was so dense that it was so dense that it was airtight, soon dissipated for the most part.

At this time, Xuanyuan also took back Xuanyuan Sword.

This was just a fight between him and Chi You in the air, which was considered a different kind of tentative collision.

He took action just to block Chi You's Da Luo way, so that Hou Qing could break the formation as scheduled.

Although Kui Niu Gu can break through the formation of the gods in the capital, Chi You is the real resistance.

With his Da Luo suppression, even if the formation is broken, it will merge in an instant and cannot be truly torn apart.

Now that his goal has been achieved, and most of the black fog that suppressed the power of the human race has dissipated, it is completely meaningless to continue this painless collision with Chi You.The same is true for Chi You. The Dutian Shensha formation has been broken, and the plot of the decisive battle between the human race and the witch race is about to begin.

What he needs to do now is to integrate the forces of the Wu clan and consider how to defeat the human clan and replace them with Xuanyuan.

So the two of them stopped their hands almost at the same time. When the black mist receded, the two leaders each looked at their own clan members.

"Human Emperor!"

"Human Emperor!"

The Kui Niu Drum successfully dispelled the black fog, and all the human warriors looked ecstatic. This thing had been bothering them for a long time, and now it was finally broken.

Seeing Xuanyuan's gaze, they immediately shouted the name of the Human Emperor, their eyes filled with eagerness to try.

Everyone has been suppressing it for a long time, eager to decide the outcome with the Wu Clan and wipe them out.

Of course, this is only their perspective. For those of them who are not Daluo, this is a crucial step on the road for the human race to become the protagonists of the world.

But now, even the giants of the human race are gearing up one by one, with eagerness to try on their faces.

Who doesn't know that the big showdown that is about to begin is actually the end of the Zhulu plot, and is the battle to decide the Emperor of the People.

Likewise, this is also the moment that all the big Luo people involved in this battle are most looking forward to.

Although everyone seems to be calm, in fact, they have already made plans in their hearts.

Some people think that they did not make enough money in the last era, and they plan to make back their capital and profits in this era.

There are also people who benefited a lot from the misfortune in the last era, and are trying to figure out how to maintain their basic base in this era.

Some people even form cliques and form small groups, muttering to each other about how to get the most benefits as possible.

But all this is just that to Chen Feng. He is here to make soy sauce, and a scene of killing Kui Niu is enough.

In the following plot, he is basically a bystander, and he still has to watch how Da Luo, who has a script, performs.

"Clan people!"

In the midst of everyone's expectations, Xuanyuan spoke. He stood on the general platform, with a tall and straight body and majestic eyes, fully displaying his dignity as a human emperor.

Looking at the countless humans standing below, he continued to speak: "The two tribes of lich and demons have bullied our tribe for endless years, using our tribe as blood food and treating our tribe as ants. Our tribe has endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden, and countless sages have shed blood to lead the way. It will finally be as grand as it is today!”

When he said this, the human race under Da Luo all had solemn expressions, and even more sadness and anger emerged in their eyes, as if they were recalling the scene when the human race was wantonly trampled by the Wu clan.

A glimmer of fire suddenly lit up in everyone's eyes, and many people's breaths became thicker.

They have climbed hard all the way, and what is the purpose of practicing till now? Isn't it just that they don't want to be trampled on by other tribes as ants?
The Witch Clan, the Demon Clan, these races that used to treat the human race like nothing, the human race should no longer live in their shadow!

"Now the Witch Clan is right in front, and the Monster Clan is also confused among them. They want to block the rise of our clan. What should I do?"

In the midst of the crowd's excitement, Xuanyuan's voice sounded again, and his words undoubtedly ignited the flames in the hearts of all human warriors!

These three words were like torture on their souls, and a sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami suddenly erupted in front of the camp!




(End of this chapter)

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