High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 236: For the sake of the human race, follow me

Chapter 236: For the sake of the human race, follow me
On the general stage, Xuanyuan stood in front of him. Under the stage, there were countless powerful human beings with murderous intent.

In just two words, this Human Emperor ignited the emotions of all the people, and their morale was unprecedentedly strong.

This is also because the human race and the lich tribe have been suffering for a long time. When they were roaming across the wilderness, the human race was really inferior to ants.

It is normal to be treated as blood food. Often a strong man from the Demon Clan or Witch Clan can easily massacre a large tribe of humans.

Of course, these all happened from the perspective of the primitive creatures. For Da Luo, these things did not exist at all.

Especially Da Luo from the human camp, the most powerful black force in the world, and the most domineering party in the Zixiao Palace meeting.

"it is good!"

Amidst the roars one after another, Xuanyuan shouted loudly.

He held the Xuanyuan Sword high, the golden sword was shining brightly, exuding a terrifying pressure that made people feel heart-stopping.

The Human Emperor's Avenue roared, and the black mist that had not completely dissipated over the human camp was washed away by this breath and disappeared without a trace in an instant!
Xuanyuan held his sword in front and waved in the direction of the Wu clan: "For the human race! Kill!"

"For the human race!"

"For the human race!"

The human camp erupted with a thundering roar, and countless human warriors were like a torrent, rushing toward the other direction of the deer-chasing battlefield.

Among them are as many mysterious immortals, heavenly immortals as there are sands of Ganges River, and even powerful people in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm.

They did not fight independently, but led a group of human masters to march towards the Wu Clan camp in an orderly manner.

"For the Witch Clan!"

At the same time, there was also a reaction from the Wu Clan. Countless powerful people from the Wu Clan either transformed into their true form or inspired their blood energy to the sky, and they all rushed out of the camp.

Both sides almost came out in full force, like two unstoppable torrents colliding on the battlefield.

The battlefield that had been calm for a long time instantly turned into a meat grinder, and even Taiyi Golden Immortal was in danger of dying instantly.

The deer-chasing battlefield was hundreds of millions of miles in size, but at this moment it was covered in murderous aura, making the entire battlefield turn blood red.

It was unclear whether the blood of the witch race or the human race gathered together to form streams of blood, which eventually converged into a lake.

And the blood in the lake surged up with the murderous intention everywhere on the battlefield, turning into boundless rain of blood and falling down!

On such a terrifying battlefield, no matter how powerful you are, as long as you are not Da Luo, it will be difficult to save your life.

A strong man of the Taiyi Golden Immortal level of the Wu Clan was killed by a human master. His body exploded into pieces and turned into blood mist that filled the sky and melted into the falling blood rain.

A strong human race man was fighting fiercely with his opponent. Without paying attention, he was hit by a sudden big axe, and his head flew hundreds of feet into the air!

There is no rationale for the war between the Witch Clan and the Human Clan. This is a war between ethnic groups. You and your opponent have only two choices: life and death.

As soon as the war began, countless evil spirits and rays of light rose on the battlefield, and countless people from both tribes died miserably every moment.

Chen Feng saw clearly that for Da Luo, this was just a game, but these people were truly experiencing an unprecedented battle.

But he just sighed a little in his heart. There is an essential difference between Da Luo and the life forms under Da Luo.

Just like when you see two groups of ants fighting, and the fight is very fierce, you may find it interesting.

It is even possible that they will participate to help one party eliminate the other party, or simply break up the fight and separate the two parties.

How you play depends mainly on your mood. If you are really upset, no one will do anything to you even if you beat them all to death.

But you will never feel sad about spring and autumn because of this, unless you are seriously ill and it is recommended to take medicine.

Of course, this metaphor is still somewhat inappropriate. For Da Luo, life and death, even existence and disappearance are just a definition, and this definition can be rewritten at will.Just like the highest authority owner of a game, everything running in the game is just a stream of data.

Even if a character dies, it is just a change in the data belonging to it, and change does not mean disappearance.

If necessary, modify a code slightly and the data flow will return to normal.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult for Da Luo to feel anything about the life under Da Luo.

That is to say, Chen Feng is the new Daluo who has achieved Daluo in this era. Some of the "symptoms" he had before becoming Daluo have not completely disappeared, and he will occasionally cramp and sigh.

The Da Luo standing next to him would not be like this. They did not look towards the battlefield at all, but aimed at the Wu Clan Da Luo, thinking about how to maximize the benefits.

"It's really boring to chirp, Chi You, who among you will fight first?"

Just when neither of the great Luo people chose to take action first, a stunning figure from the human race spoke.

Chen Feng was slightly stunned, because the person who said these words was the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl standing next to him.

According to the plot, Ying Long should have appeared first. After all, he is the number one general under Xuanyuan.

But he is now "seriously injured" and according to the rules cannot take action at all.

However, according to Chen Feng's knowledge, the person who took over Ying Long's action should not be Jiutian Xuannv, but another human Daluo.

I really don’t know what this lady of mine was thinking, to jump out so early. By the way, isn’t her role helping Xuanyuan defeat Chi You?
"Hahaha, let me come first!"

The response from the Witch Clan was quite quick. While talking, a giant carrying a big ax and holding a huge shield stood up.

Although they were millions of miles apart, the distance was meaningless to Da Luo. Chen Feng recognized this idiot Xing Tian at a glance.

However, his strength is indeed very strong, and he is fully capable of challenging Jiutian Xuannv.

"And us."

After Xing Tian stood up, Da Luo stood up again from the Wu clan.

But Chen Feng immediately rolled his eyes, because at first glance these people were not serious witch clansmen.

Have you ever seen any witch clan that is so full of demonic aura that they are about to pounce on other people’s faces?

This is obviously the same as the previous great witch Kunpeng and the great witch Jiuying, who are pretending to be witches.

And their purpose was too obvious. They thought that Jiutian Xuannv would be the first to fight, so they wanted to join forces with Xing Tian to send her away.

If it really succeeds, then the pressure on Chi You will be much less in the future. On the contrary, Xuanyuan will not have an easy fight with Chi You without the Nine Heavens Xuannv as his helper.

However, Chen Feng saw that when they stood up, Xing Tian's brows immediately wrinkled.

It seems that this fool is very unhappy with the demon clan, and it is already a great honor to not hit him with an axe.

He quietly looked at Jiutian Xuannv, facing the reaction of the witch clan, he didn't know what his thigh would do.

Although Xing Tian is a fool in his heart, this guy is absolutely powerful. After all, he is a macho man who has chopped down Haotian many times.

With him and a few demon clan leaders, even Jiutian Xuannu needs to be more careful.

However, he saw that Jiutian Xuannv's smile was like a flower, and her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

She said to Da Luo from the human race: "There are people from the Wu race who are standing up to challenge you. You don't have any expressions?"

(End of this chapter)

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