High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 237 The human race Da Luo bullies others too much

Chapter 237 The human race Da Luo bullies others too much
As soon as Jiutian Xuannv said these words, the great human beings who were originally smiling suddenly stopped smiling.

Obviously, everyone thought that with her strong personality, she must be ready to take action.

It's just right. Now no one knows how far the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan have colluded. It wouldn't be nice if they were tricked.

Since she wants to take the lead, let her do it. This will not only suppress the Witch Clan, but also allow them to reveal some of their trump cards.

But who would have thought that she had no intention of taking action at all, but a big guy from the Wu clan actually jumped out.

Not to mention the other demon clan Daluo who are dressed up as witches, just Xing Tian, ​​how can anyone deal with him?

Chen Feng also looked at Jiutian Xuannv with great admiration. Another person would never dare to play like this.

It didn't matter if she called for the formation, now it became a question of who to send to lead the attack.

For example, right now, everyone was looking at Da Luo, who was supposed to take the lead on Yinglong's behalf.

And this person's reaction was even more outrageous. He raised his face and looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle without blinking, automatically blocking the gazes of everyone.

Indeed, his strength is pretty good among the big players, not much worse than Ying Long, otherwise he wouldn't have been pushed out to replace him.

But compared with Xing Tian, ​​it is completely inferior. He might be hit back to the beginning of Taiyi by an ax as soon as he goes up.

Everyone is just trying to get benefits, and they are not willing to do things like risk their lives.

Not to mention him, among all the people at the moment, there are really not many who can really fight Xing Tian, ​​or not many who are willing to fight him.

"God of War Xingtian, let me meet him."

Fortunately, someone still stood up. This person was wearing a black imperial robe, with sharp eyes and a dazzling light.

But in Chen Feng's view, although this human Da Luo is very strong, he is still a little less interesting than Xing Tian.

But he is not alone. There are two figures appearing at the same time as him, each of them has a powerful light.

The two Chen Feng hardly knew each other, but at this moment they stepped together with the man wearing black imperial robes, and appeared on the battlefield in an instant.

"Zhuan Xu? Shaohao? Emperor Ku?"

"Do you, the human race, still want to show shame? Has the timeline reached that point in time for you and you just jumped out?"

As soon as a few people appeared on the battlefield, shouts and curses came from the Wu clan.

And Chen Feng also instantly understood that it was these people, so it was not surprising.

The one wearing the black imperial robe should be Zhuan Xu, the Black Emperor among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race.

As for the other two, they are also one of the Five Emperors like him. These three are all direct descendants of Xuanyuan and were his team members when he was the Ancient God Emperor.

After Shaohao and Zhuanxu learned the human name, their names were also changed, while Di Ku even retained the name of the Ancient God Era.

They all belong to the Five Emperors, and their strength is not much different. They are all slightly weaker than Xing Tian. If the three of them attack together, they can still fight even if the demon clan Da Luo intervenes.

"What a bad guy, you're the first to file a complaint. You've already dragged the demon clan here, so what's the point of showing dignity?"

Da Luo on the human side immediately retorted. This was everyone's favorite pre-war drama. It always felt like there was something wrong with starting the fight without a few words of curse.

After all, they are all Da Luo, and there is no real death. Even if you can't beat him, you must keep your waist straight.

"What? Is it illegal for us to join forces with the Witch Clan? Which rule says we can't join forces?"

"On the other hand, you have called all the human beings from other timelines here. Can't you afford it?"

"Then can we call Tai Yi back? Or maybe the Witch Clan can call back all the Twelve Ancestral Witches!" Da Luo from the Monster Clan was not willing to be alone, and caught Zhuan Xu and others' appearance being unreasonable. Suddenly spurted.

However, the human race is completely unmoved. You can rant as you wish. Anyway, ever since the human race established the framework of becoming the protagonist of the world, the Zixiao Palace meeting has basically never lost.

Even when someone shouted at the top of their lungs: "Hey, the demon clan and witch clan across the way, what's the use of talking? The truth is not in words!"

This sentence undoubtedly aroused the pain of the Lich and Lich clans, and many people's faces turned green.

Because these words are so true, the truth has always been in the fist, but this fist has always been held by the human race.

Xing Tian, ​​who had already stepped forward to take the lead, suddenly turned around. His breath was a little heavy, and he was obviously angry.

He asked Chi You: "Brother, isn't this bullying an honest person? Are we just going to tolerate it like this? We can't call Hou Tuzu Wu back!"

Chi You stood there holding the Tiger Soul Sword, surrounded by black mist.

Faced with Xing Tian's question, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "No need, no matter how many people come from the human race and the witch race, the impact on the final result will be minimal."

Xing Tian thought for a while and nodded, understanding what Chi You meant.

It is true that the Battle of Zhulu is a war between the human race and the Wu race, but in the final analysis it is still a war between Chi You and Xuanyuan.

No matter how much demon clan Daluo participates or how many human clan Daluo emerges, it will not have any decisive effect.

At most, it can be regarded as a lack of martial ethics, which is everyone's default, and it means not abiding by the "rules" within the "rules".

Unless they attack the two protagonists directly, then they will really break the rules of the game, and someone will immediately jump out and overturn the table.

Therefore, no one will do this. They will become the public enemy of Da Luo and will be voted out of this era immediately.

Everyone knows this truth. The outcome of the battle depends on Chi You and Xuanyuan. If the two of them decide the winner, the war will naturally end.

But with so many people involved, it becomes difficult to reap the benefits.

Many celebrities who have roles in the drama have teamed up with several helpers to create a big one.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Let's fight!"

Xing Tian was more straightforward. After deciding to start a fight instead of going to the Zixiao Palace for a meeting, Qian Qi's shield and ax immediately danced and fought with Emperor Zhuan Xu, Shaohao and the Three Emperors.

Beside him, the first few demon tribesmen who jumped out were hesitant.

It wasn't that they were afraid of Zhuan Xu and others, but it was pointless to fight the three of them.

Win the battle, Da Luo has no merit at all, lose the battle, if you are sent back to the beginning of Taiyi, there will be no chance of benefiting from the subsequent battle in Demon Court.

Even though big guys are very unruly, everyone also has unspoken rules.

Like this time when the demon clan helped the witch clan and the appearance of other Da Luo people from the human race who shouldn't have appeared, they were actually within the controllable range.

Most people just come to join in the fun and are indifferent to the overall situation.

But if someone who has been judged to be "dead" comes back to life, that will not work at all.

If this account dies, you can create another account to play with, but you are absolutely not allowed to cheat.

No matter what the reason is, it doesn't work. All the benefits of prehistoric times are predetermined. If you are not as good as others and are tricked, you can only consider it bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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