High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 238 The biggest evil force in the world

Chapter 238 The biggest evil force in the world

But before these few people could make a choice, the human race had already met the end of Da Luo.

As soon as Xingtian and Zhuanxu and others started fighting, both sides couldn't sit still.

The people who blocked these demon tribesmen were from Xuanyuan's side, who were from the same camp as Zhuan Xu and others.

They didn't want one of their own to be stabbed in the back during the duel with Xing Tian.

Then another demon clan and witch clan leader jumped out and stood in front of the human clan leader.

And this also kicked off the melee. The witch clan, demon clan, human clan, and the three great clans ended up one after another.

This is an unprecedented event. There are at least hundreds of Daluo statues on the battlefield. At a glance, the light of Daluo is almost connected.

"Bah! You humans don't have any shame at all, right?"

"How many human beings are here? Can we still have fun?"

After the melee started, Da Luo from the Demon Clan and Wu Clan instantly exploded.

Because they found that there were too many human beings who ended up in the end, and it was simply unreasonable.

On my side, I often need one to fight two, and there is still no plot for Da Luo. If there is a plot, it is normal for one person to encounter three or four opponents.

The most annoying thing is that there are people around Xuanyuan who are leisurely watching the show.

Chen Feng looked at Xuanyuan and Jiutian Xuannv, who were still standing on the general stage, with speechless expressions on their faces.

Is this the number one evil force in the world?There is really no one else with this strength in the human race.

He made a rough calculation and found that there should be less than 100 Da Luo on the Zhulu battlefield, more than [-] of them were from the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan, and the remaining [-] were all from the Human Clan.

Although these three hundred Da Luo come from various forces, such as Haotian, Queen Mother of the West, Pangu Sanqing and others, there is no doubt that they are completely on the side of the human race.

With this kind of strength, it would be good if the Wu Clan didn't vote directly. Once the Human Clan doesn't respect martial ethics, it will be so terrifying.

But he also understood that despite the large number of human beings coming today, the actual purpose was not necessarily the same.

Are they really here to help Xuanyuan?Not necessarily, many people just want to protect their own fundamentals.

Except for Zhuan Xu and other people who were really tied to the same chariot as Xuanyuan, the others came just in case, worried that if Chi You defeated Xuanyuan, their own benefits would be swallowed up by others.

Changing dynasties has always involved many interests, and this simple principle also applies to Da Luo.

Maybe there are people here who have other thoughts, but they just can't see it.

Da Luo, every one of them is an old silver coin, and they must not be examined with ordinary people's brain circuits.

The battlefield was now stained red with blood, and blood-colored evil aura and various magical lights were shining everywhere.

The warriors of the Wu clan and the human clan were furious, and someone fell down every moment.

The Zhulu battlefield belongs to non-Daluo life forms and is their battlefield.

The battle between the Da Luo took place above the endless multiverse, in absolute nothingness.

This is mainly because they are lazy. It is not impossible to fight in the prehistoric era, but they just have to recover after the fight.

But in the void, there is no need to worry about this at all. Even if the power occasionally leaks out, there is no need to deliberately withdraw it.

Chen Feng did not participate in this battle. There was no need for it. There were many people in Daluo who did not participate in the human race. It was not that they did not want to participate, but that they had no place.

Today, all the members of the human race are teaching, and they are completely attacking the witch clan and the monster clan, and the fight is very prosperous.

Of course, except for Xuanyuan, as the protagonist, he has not yet taken action, but just quietly stared at Chi You who was standing in the Wu Clan camp.Similarly, on the Wu clan side, Chi You is also paying attention to Xuanyuan. Both leaders are waiting for a perfect opportunity to take action.

There was a hint of the battle between Xing Tian and Zhuan Xu. The human race Da Luo joined the battle, and Xing Tian, ​​who was already going all out, suddenly doubled his pressure.

But he was strong enough after all. Even after taking a punch from Shaohao, he only staggered a little.

But at this moment, Xuanyuan, who had been silent, moved!

As soon as he made a move, it was a decisive gesture. The Xuanyuan Sword was lightly swiped from the void, and a sword energy that seemed to have been cut in the Taichu Era suddenly exploded.

This sword energy came from Xiantian Wutai and went straight to Xingtian. At this time, there was a sword mark on his body that was visible to the naked eye, changing from light to thick, and it was located on his neck.

The result is the cause!

The sword energy has not yet struck, but it has already been confirmed that it has hit Xingtian. Xuanyuan naturally has the tools commonly used in Daluo at his fingertips.

In addition, this sword also blocked all roads that could come to aid the Da Luo people, locked all space, time, and cut off any dimension.

It seemed that his sword was completely heading towards Xing Tian, ​​in order to kill Xing Tian!

When the Xuanyuan Sword struck, Zhuan Xu, Shaohao and Di Ku changed their strategies almost at the same time, turning attack into trap, and held Xing Tian firmly in place.

The coordination between the three of them and Xuanyuan was almost impeccable, as if they were all acting alone.

Faced with such a fatal blow, Xing Tian immediately felt a life and death crisis. Although Da Luo would not really die, if he suffered this sword, his health bar would definitely be gone.

Now he was in a hurry. Chasing deer was not the time for him to show his best, but seizing the throne of Emperor of Heaven was.

According to the rules of the game, if he died now, the era of fighting Haotian for emperor would have nothing to do with him.

If Xuanyuan were to kill him at this time, wouldn't Haotian laugh to death?
Thinking of this, Xing Tian was immediately furious, the evil energy on his body rolled, and a square shield standing upright appeared in the void.

In later generations, there was a legend about Xing Tian Wu Qianqi.

Among them, Qianqi is not the same weapon, but an ax and a shield.

Qi is the axe, and Qian is the shield. The shield covering the sky that appears at this moment is the innate spiritual treasure named Qian.

This innate spiritual treasure was refined by Xing Tian Zhan Dao, and its defensive power is ridiculously strong.

The light flowed on the giant shield, spreading the Dao of Da Luo in the void. The shield flashed, and Xing Tian's figure was imprinted on it.

At the same time, the sword mark on Xingtian's body that was about to become fully materialized was also passed on.

This shield actually rewrites the rules, converting the concept of "Xingtian" that Xuanyuan Sword has defined, and lets it take the sword instead.

At this moment, Xing Tian himself became a concept of "nothing". Not to mention the Xuanyuan Sword, even the attacks of Zhuan Xu and the three others also failed, and they were all pulled by the giant shield.

The Xuanyuan Sword struck the giant shield as if it were the beginning of the world, and the attacks from Zhuan Xu and others also hit it.

There was a silent loud noise from the giant shield, and shock ripples visible to the naked eye reverberated and spread out to unknown distances in the void, destroying countless multiverses.

But the shield itself is still strong, except for a faint sword mark.

It was not until this time that Xingtian himself regained his definition again. The shield was still a shield, and Xingtian was still Xingtian.

Although he missed a hit, Xuanyuan's expression did not change at all. Xuanyuan Sword was swung by him again, and he still slashed towards Xingtian.

All this happened in an instant, Xuanyuan Sword slashed down again, and the giant shield immediately glowed in the void, just as he was about to repeat his old trick and block another blow for Xing Tian.

But how could Zhuanxu and the other two achieve what it wished for? They had already changed their targets and no longer targeted Xingtian, but joined forces to seal the giant shield!
Xingtian's eyes narrowed slightly. Although Xuanyuan was strong, he could definitely fight if he was alone!
But just when he was about to take action, a long knife came out before him and blocked Xuanyuan Sword directly!
(End of this chapter)

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