Chapter 239: Beating to pieces
The shadow of a war beast roared on the long sword, causing the void to tremble. Between the interlacing of light and shadow, a domineering Daluo Way bloomed.

Tiger Sword!

Facing Xuanyuan's preemptive attack, Chi You also took action.

The intersection of swords should have made a clear sound, but at this moment, the confrontation between Tiger Soul Saber and Xuanyuan Sword was silent, like a silent movie.

In fact, this is just an illusion, because this sound transcends all dimensions of the material world, so it cannot be heard.

However, there was a ripple that only Da Luo could see, reverberating like a storm sweeping through endless nothingness.

This is the aftermath of the collision of the two Daluo ways. Everything that touches it will be instantly annihilated, even the superposition of countless super multiverses.

Nothing in the material world can resist this power, except Da Luo.

The Human Emperor Xuanyuan and the military leader Chi You were both outstanding figures in Daluo. Although they were not as good as Pangu, they still held considerable prehistoric power.

After the two of them fought, Xing Tian, ​​Zhuan Xu and others just gave up the battlefield as agreed in advance, with a very tacit understanding.

At the same time, above the void, many Daluo who were fighting fiercely looked here.

Everyone knows that as long as there is a winner between these two, the battle will end immediately.

Chi You grabbed the tiger sword and raised it upwards. After blocking Xuanyuan's sword, he struck again without any hesitation.

With one slash, the void was like an earthquake, and all visible things, the heavens, the worlds, and the multiverse were immediately annihilated.

A black blade exploded, swallowing up immeasurable space and time, erasing the existence of all tangible and intangible matter.

This is Chi You's way, and it is also Da Luo's way of transcendence. Facing Xuanyuan, his old rival, he dare not hold back even a little bit.

At this moment, in the boundless void outside the prehistoric world, many Daluo who were fighting stopped fighting.

Because the aftermath of Chi You's sword was spreading in all directions, even they needed to avoid it.

However, the only target of his sword was Xuanyuan, and this was just a negligible leakage of power.

It stands to reason that with Chi You's strength, how could he not be able to grasp the size of his power? Such a situation would not occur at all.

But at this moment, he was going all out, pushing Da Luo's way to the extreme, in order to achieve success with one blow.

Facing this unreasonable knife, even Xuanyuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

However, his expression did not waver. The Xuanyuan Sword shook, and an extremely powerful sword light suddenly appeared.

This is an extension of the Human Emperor's Avenue. It expands rapidly in front of the black sword light, and the golden light is bright, and it collides with it fiercely.

This blow was even more powerful than before, and terrifying waves swept across the boundless void, shaking the heavens, worlds, and all multiverses.

All the worlds affected were directly destroyed at this moment and turned into the purest cosmic dust. Some even had no dust at all and disappeared without a trace.

Everything is being annihilated, Chi You and Xuanyuan are colliding in the Daluo way, without any bells and whistles.

This is the simplest and most direct fighting method, and the damage caused is simply devastating.

Almost all the heavens and worlds have disappeared, but Da Luo doesn't care about this. After the fight, he can recover with a single thought.

On the battlefield, the only person who was relatively leisurely was probably Chen Feng.

He found a place to sit down on the human race's general ordering table, drank a small drink comfortably, and looked up to admire the battle.Xuanyuan and Chi You were extremely jealous when they met their true enemies. The two had been hostile for many epochs, and their fights were brutal.

So far, the endless universe has been reduced to chaos, and all rules and concepts have disappeared.

This is a battle that is infinitely close to that of Pangu, beyond the understanding of all living beings. Even Chen Feng felt a little numb when he saw it.

However, he also had a glimmer of hope for the Jade Emperor's position in the next era. Once he could really secure his position, he could take another step towards the path of Da Luo.

Prehistoric is Da Luo's game, and it is also a game for those with great supernatural powers, but in the final analysis it is still a game for those with great supernatural powers.

This sentence automatically appeared in Chen Feng's mind. He looked at the figures of Xuanyuan and Chi You, and a trace of heartfelt recognition appeared in his eyes.

The difference in strength between Xuanyuan and Chi You is very small. If no outsiders intervene, it is entirely possible for the two of them to fight from the beginning of the world to the end.

But just when they were in a stalemate, a colorful mysterious feather emerged from the void.

The mysterious feathers are shining brightly, the light of Daluo is rich, and there is a faint shadow of a mysterious bird flashing.

It appeared very suddenly, as if it was already there. As soon as it appeared, it fell towards Chi You, and the light of the Great Luo seemed to crush the eternity of time.

In the end, I still did it.

Chen Feng smacked his lips and turned to look to his side, only to see that the stunning figure standing there had disappeared.

Helping Xuanyuan win over Chi You was originally the role of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl.

And her ability to grasp this plot has a lot to do with Chi You coming out to fight for the Human Emperor.

That time, the Wu Clan was well prepared, and he almost overthrew Xuanyuan and seized the throne of the Human Emperor.

However, because he touched the cakes of Queen Mother of the West and God Haotian at the same time, they were jointly blocked by them.

The person responsible for stopping him was Jiutian Xuannv. When she took action, Xuanyuan turned defeat into victory and wiped out the Wu clan in one fell swoop.

And this matter not only involves targeting Chi You, but also dividing the human race's cake.

Jiutian Xuannv is a member of the Queen Mother of the West. When she gains benefits, the human race must give up some of the benefits.

This was something they and Xuanyuan had tacitly agreed upon, and what was being divided was not Xuanyuan's cake, but Shennong's.

Xuanyuan was following the trend, fighting against the outside world and at the same time inside, defeating Chi You and suppressing Emperor Yan at the same time, so that he could secure his position as the Human Emperor.

As for why it is not from the Fuxi lineage, but because of the relationship between Nuwa and Jiutian Xuannv under another name, need we say more?
There are only good things between the big guys, not friendship at all. If we drink and chat with you today, we may stab you tomorrow.

This is the norm, even the human race’s own big figures have recognized it, and all big figures from all over the world are allowed to create accounts in the human race.

Of course, it’s not just the human race. The Witch Clan, Monster Clan, and even Buddhism, who doesn’t have a few other people’s trumpets in their family?

Therefore, driven by various forces, intentionally or unintentionally, the Nine Heavens Xuannv helped the Human Emperor defeat Chi You and became a permanent project before the rise of the human race.

The benefits of this portion of cake are quite substantial, and many big people are greedy for it.

It's just that Jiutian Xuannv is too strong, and there are really not many Da Luo who dare to compete with her for the scene.

As for Chi You, he wanted to fight Xuanyuan one-on-one, but he had no choice. His fists were not as big as those of the clan, so he could only accept his bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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