High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 240: Fight slowly and take your leave.

Chapter 240: Fight slowly and take your leave.
The moment the colorful black feather fell, a stunning figure quietly appeared in the void.

She pointed a little farther away, and the black feather immediately suppressed Chi You, forcing him to take half a step back.

Jiutian Xuannv was very powerful, and once she made a move, it doubled Chi You's pressure.

He and Xuanyuan were already close to each other, and with the addition of an opponent of the same level, he would still be at a disadvantage no matter how strong he was.

But at the same time as he retreated, another great light also appeared here.

It was a Kun fish, its body was extremely huge, and it seemed to be squeezing the void.

Kun Yu jumped up, with endless waves rising and falling beneath him, and then quickly transformed from Kun and Peng into a Tianpeng with an unknown wingspan!

The third most popular figure in Demon Court, Demon Master Kunpeng!
This was Chi You's helping hand and one of the important reasons why he agreed to join forces with the demon clan before.

Otherwise, given the temperament of the Witch Clan, how could they agree to cooperate with them now after they had just suffered a heavy loss from the Demon Clan in the Lich War.

What connects Kun and Peng is not Kun and Peng's body, but his Daluo Way.

The moment Tianpeng appeared, he immediately rushed towards the colorful black feather, intending to stop the Nine Heavens Xuannv for Chi You.

Obviously, he was indeed here to help, to give Chi You a chance to have a fair duel with Xuanyuan.

The terrifying Tianpeng spread its wings, and an extremely rich light of Da Luo spread between its wings, sweeping onto the colorful black feathers, and a loud noise erupted.

But Xuan Yu did not disappear. Instead, he was pinched by a slender hand and smashed straight into nothingness!
There was nothing there originally, but just when the colorful black feathers crashed down, the figure of Kunpeng himself appeared.

With a faint smile on his face, he flicked his sleeves to block Xuan Yu from hitting him, and said with a smile: "Fellow Xuan Nu, why are you so angry?"

Jiutian Xuannv's face was expressionless, and the colorful mysterious feathers in her hands fell again, as if she didn't hear what Kunpeng was saying.

Kunpeng still had a smile on his face. As he waved his hand, the Tianpeng from before swooped down and hit Xuanyu.

He has two forms of yin and yang, consisting of Kun and Peng, which are two complementary but completely different ways of Daluo.

This Tianpeng possesses extreme speed, and it is extreme speed in Daluo's concept, transcending all space and time, and overriding all things.

At this moment, Jiutian Xuannv clearly made the first move, and the mysterious feather in her hand was about to touch Kunpeng, but the Tianpeng had already appeared before her, blocking the blow.

This is a very contradictory scene, because the process of Xuan Yu falling does not even last a billionth of an instant, and it is even impossible to describe this process in terms of time.

It can be said that as soon as Jiutian Xuannv had this idea, Xuan Yu had already fallen, so fast that no one could react at all.

However, Kunpeng still blocked the blow, which was completely incomprehensible, but such a thing did happen. Tianpeng came from behind and really blocked the mysterious feather.

This kind of extreme speed involves the extremely profound Tao of Daluo. Not to mention ordinary people, even some Daluo cannot resist it.

"It's Kunpeng!"

"Okay, that's all if we don't look for the demon clan, he still dares to jump out on his own."

After Kunpeng took action, several powerful Da Luo lights suddenly appeared in the void.

The strength of these Daluo might be slightly weaker than Kunpeng, but they had an absolute advantage in numbers, and they were obviously from Xuanyuan.

They all agreed that it was the demon clan who first ignored martial ethics and intervened in the battle, and now they want to help Chi You. It is simply intolerable.

Before Jiutian Xuannu could take action again, several large rays of light struck towards Kunpeng.

These human Daluo started to fight in groups very skillfully, adhering to the principle of never facing Kunpeng alone, and started a Daluo-style wheel battle.

Chen Feng watched all this silently, with an expression of interest on his face.

This competition was really exciting. First, the demon clan did not follow the rules and got together with the witch clan. As a result, the human clan immediately played this trick.

No matter what strategies the Witch Clan and Demon Clan have, they will still be dumbfounded when faced with so many human beings.However, despite the large number of Da Luo involved, the essence of this prehistoric plot has not deviated.

Even though there were so many more Da Luo involved, it was still Xuanyuan and Chi You who decided the final outcome.

He raised his head and looked into the void. Kunpeng was stopped by Da Luo on Xuanyuan's side, but Jiutian Xuannu freed her hand.

With her joining, Chi You's pressure suddenly doubled, and he gradually became a little tired.

But soon, more than a dozen innate spiritual treasures appeared beside him, blooming different Daluo ways to block the attacks of Xuanyuan and Jiutian Xuannv.

Chen Feng recognized at a glance that they were the twelve formation flags that formed the Dutian Shensha Formation.

Although the formation was broken, the formation flag itself is also a powerful innate spiritual treasure.

With the blessing of these dozen spiritual treasures, Chi You was not at an absolute disadvantage for the time being.

He raised his hand and touched it in front of his eyes, and a coffee table appeared in front of him.

There were many snacks on the coffee table. Chen Feng grabbed a handful of potato chips, threw one into his mouth, and closed his eyes in great comfort.

He knew very well that even if Chi You was one versus two, he would never lose in a short time.

In a battle between Daluo, it is difficult to determine the winner unless the strength gap between the two sides is huge.

Although Jiutian Xuannv and Xuanyuan are both the strongest in Da Luo, Chi You is not weaker than them at all.

Coupled with the blessing of the twelve ancestral wizards' Dao-Zhanling Spirit Treasures, although there is a gap in strength between the two sides, it is not particularly obvious.

In other locations on the battlefield, other Da Luo were also fighting "anxiously" together, and various Da Luo ways continued to flourish.

But this was just for show. Chen Feng didn't even bother to watch such a battle.

This group of people was just trying to catch a fish, and they looked like they were fighting fiercely, but in fact, it was all about thunder and rain.

Because they either come from the demon race, or they belong to the human camp but are not from the human race.

They are here just to get benefits, and it is normal for them to work but not contribute any effort.

Of course, there are also some who are about to knock their brains out. These are all "old rivals."

These Da Luo are very pure Da Luo from the Witch Clan and the Human Race. Even enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and both sides want to fight to death.

Compared with the big Luo people whose style of painting is a bit off, the strong men of the two races on the battlefield are the real fight.

On the battlefield, no one knew how many people had fallen. Their flesh and blood mixed with the soil, dyeing the earth red for hundreds of millions of miles.

This is a war between ethnic groups, there is only a fight to the death, there is no retreat!

Chen Feng glanced at them and stopped paying attention to them. It wasn't that he was indifferent, but that Da Luo didn't care about this.

He looked above the void. The last war between the lich and the lich lasted for 200 million years. Who knows how long it will last this time.

The battle between Da Luo cannot be measured in terms of time. Millions of years are considered short.

And I have already completed the plot of killing Kui Niu, and there is nothing left to do. If I continue to stay here, I might as well go back to the cave to sleep.

As for the benefits gained from completing the plot, they will naturally arrive when the war is over.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the void again, and then his figure blurred for a while. When he reappeared, he had returned to his cave.

(End of this chapter)

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