High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 241 All Heavens and Worlds, Source of Darkness

Chapter 241 All Heavens and Worlds, Source of Darkness

"He's been calling back and forth. Doesn't he feel good sleeping at home?"

Chen Feng stood in front of his cave, stretching beautifully in the sunshine.

Since returning from the deer-chasing battlefield, the big sun hanging in the sky has risen and fallen hundreds of times.

However, for those Da Luo who are still fighting together, time is the least worthy of attention.

Fortunately, Honghuang was big enough, and Chen Feng's cave was far away from the battlefield, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to sleep well now.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that he took the initiative to block Daluo Pindao. There are many Daluo who pay attention to Zhulu now, and they can be heard arguing every day.

After stretching, Chen Feng lay on a bluestone in front of the cave as usual, enjoying the warmth brought by the noon sun.

But just a moment later, he felt an impulse and immediately sat up from the bluestone.

"what's going on?"

Chen Feng frowned slightly, raised his wrists, and already deduced the innate magic.

Da Luo proves his self-existence and is the Tao in himself, and all signs that happen to him will point to something.

If he can feel like this, something special must have happened, and the thing that can make Da Luo react must be related to another Da Luo!
"So that's it, a hint of strange Da Luo's breath?"

Soon after, he muttered to himself, but soon frowned: "No, it's not Da Luo, it's just related to Da Luo."

After the words fell, Chen Feng stretched his brows, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and lay down comfortably on the bluestone.

But a trace of his Daluo thoughts have been separated and entered the main god space.

As soon as he arrived at the main god space, Chen Feng's eyes fell on a ball of white light.

There is a world rising and falling in the ball of light, and two familiar auras exist within it.

He is no stranger to this world, because this is Wu's world. The last time he met the Dragon Subduing Arhat was also here.

But what really caught his attention was that the aura that attracted him was actually within this world.

interesting. "

Chen Feng did not enter this world directly, but sat down peacefully on the throne at the highest point of the main god space.

Da Luo's life is very dull and boring. It's hard to find something interesting. If you don't have fun, it wouldn't be a waste.

. . . . . .

At the border of the Nine Realms, there stands a majestic embankment. The embankment is countless tens of thousands of feet high and stretches endlessly, reaching the end of the world!
It stands here quietly, as if it has been there since ancient times, full of the atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes. If someone sees it at first sight, they will definitely think that this is the end of the world.

On top of this embankment, two figures were standing quietly. Their auras were very terrifying. Just standing there, a phantom of the big world appeared around them.


In front of the two of them, huge waves kept coming, slamming hard on the embankment. The huge waves hit the embankment and splashed countless waves. If you look closely, you can see that there are realms of life and death in these waves.

This is clearly a boundary sea. It is simply too unbelievable and beyond people's cognition.

Who would have thought that there would be such a majestic dam on the edge of the Nine Realms, and on the other side of it, there would be a rising and falling Boundary Sea!

"The source of darkness is actually on the other side of the boundary sea."

On the embankment, Wu looked into the depths of the boundary sea. There was a terrifying fairy light in his eyes, like a peerless fairy sword crossing the sky.

Ever since he joined the Main God Space and became Zhao Wuxia's teammate, he has seen a very different scenery.

The two teamed up and traveled to various dangerous worlds, narrowly escaping from death many times.But in the end, they all managed to survive and gained a lot of points.

Relying on these points, he exchanged many treasures and heavenly skills, and his strength was greatly improved.

When the king of the foreign land challenged him, he relied on the power of the One Thought of Freedom and the power of that drop of emperor's blood to be able to withstand the attack.

But now, he doesn't need anything. His own strength alone is enough to ruthlessly suppress the Immortal King!
In fact, he did it. The foreign land has now been cleared, and all the dark fallen immortal kings have been eliminated by him.

His rise was so sudden that it exceeded everyone's imagination. Even the great elder who had always had high hopes for him found it incredible.

But Wu knows very well that although many main god tasks often take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete, they are only limited to the task world.

The time in your own world will not change much.

Therefore, from the perspective of people from the Nine Realms, he is a peerless emperor who rose up in just a few hundred years and swept across foreign lands.

Now everyone respects him as the emperor, and he is the well-deserved strongest man in the nine realms!
But Wu knew very well in his heart that he was not strong enough. Even if Zhao Wuxia was not mentioned, just being the so-called Lord God gave people a feeling of being forever untouchable.

He glanced at Zhao Wuxia, who was standing not far away, and recalled this Lord God mission in his mind.

Mission: Find the source of darkness in the Nine Realms and put down the dark turmoil.

Time: 3 years.

Reward: Depends on task completion.

Punishment: No penalty for failure.

After completing so many main god tasks, Wu already has a certain understanding of the main god space.

He knew very well that the difficulty of any task with this template was absolutely top-notch.

The Lord God will determine the difficulty of the task based on the overall strength of the members of the Lord God's team.

Generally, tasks have time limits for completion and penalties for failure.

And these will also increase or decrease accordingly with the difficulty of the task.

The simpler the task, the shorter the time limit and the more severe the penalty for failure.

This was the first time he had seen such a mission with such loose time limits and no punishment.

But he didn't know anything about this mission, because the mission location was in the Nine Realms.

As early as when he was pacifying the foreign lands and killing those dark fallen immortal kings, he discovered that something was wrong with the source of the darkness.

At that time, he could only confirm that the darkness came from the depths of the foreign land, but he did not expect that there was actually a boundary sea here, and the darkness was still on the other side of the boundary sea.

Now, the foreign land has been merged into the Nine Realms. Although the dark creatures there have been cleared away, the darkness may come back at any time.

This is his home, his hometown, how could he allow darkness to invade the Nine Realms again!
Even if there is boundless terror on the other side of the boundary sea, he is not afraid at all!

After hearing Wu's words, Zhao Wuxia's expression did not change at all. She grabbed her sword in her hand and said, "Everything is clear in the past."

Wu did not have any surprises. As a teammate, he knew Zhao Wuxia's character very well. Perhaps in her opinion, there was nothing in the world that could not be solved by the three-foot Qingfeng in his hand.

But what she said was correct. Regardless of whether there was a Lord God mission or not, he was going to find out what was happening on the other side of the world sea.

"Then go now!"

Wu jumped into the boundary sea first, and Zhao Wuxia almost walked with him. The two of them rode the waves in the boundary sea, and rushed towards the depths of the boundary sea!

(End of this chapter)

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