High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 243 The sea of ​​boundaries is boundless, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless

Chapter 243 The sea of ​​boundaries is boundless, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless

Zhao Wuxia and Wu looked at each other. In the middle of a dead world, there was still such a beautiful place left.

This courtyard is not large, and with the strength of the two of them, they can see through it in an instant.

The courtyard is very peaceful and ordinary, and there is no big terror as imagined.

Wu raised his brows slightly. Under this unreasonable appearance, there are often unseen crises.

Looking away from here, he and Zhao Wuxia began to look at the magnificent palaces around them.

Although these palaces were gray and white, they could still see their former glory, and their vast area surpassed all the buildings they had seen before.

At this time, the two of them were standing in front of the palace group, and they only needed to take one step forward to step in.

"No! You must not step in!"

"Look back quickly, there is a big terror ahead!"

Wu and Zhao Wuxia were about to take steps when they heard shouts coming from behind.

They turned back, and this time someone was really coming. Several figures were landing from the sea, and they were standing on the shore and speaking loudly.

Each of these people has reached the end of the Immortal King Realm, and their auras are extremely terrifying.

But their expressions were anxious, and there was a hint of panic in their eyes.

Wu was surprised that he didn't know any of these people, but their reminders were very real.

However, neither he nor Zhao Wuxia retreated and had absolute confidence.

These people at the back are only at the top of the Immortal King Realm, so it is normal to be worried like this.

Over the years, he has used his Lord God points to exchange for many good things. Many relatives, friends, and old friends have become strong men, and many of them are in the Immortal King realm.

But when he set out, he didn't bring any of his old friends with him, because he knew very well that to quell the darkness, the cultivation level of the Immortal King Realm was simply not enough.

Ignoring the reminders from the powerful men behind him, he stepped into the scope of the palace group.

The next moment, a dark storm suddenly appeared, covering the sky and the sun, covering everything in front of it.

In the storm, various avenue order runes were flying, and the power beyond the Immortal King realm was raging, as if it was going to wipe out the world.

At the edge of the boundary sea, those powerful men at the peak of the Immortal King Realm immediately jumped into the boundary sea and propped up the defensive barrier.

They stood on some worlds floating in the sea of ​​​​boundaries, with frightened expressions on their faces, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"You must never move forward. Throughout the ages, so many geniuses have tried to step in there, but they have all turned into white bones in the end!"

"Ahead is the source of darkness. You have touched the darkness. You must turn back now, otherwise you will be swallowed by it!"

The Immortal King in the boundary sea reminded loudly, and he strengthened the defensive barrier even more, and it seemed that unspeakable terror would soon come.

Looking at the dark storm heading towards him, Wu's face showed a true expression.

The power in the storm is very terrifying, involving power beyond the realm of the Immortal King. If it is just the Immortal King, it will definitely not be able to stop it.

But he and Zhao Wuxia are not immortal kings!

The dark storm was raging, heading straight for the two of them. Some storms similar to the aftermath hit the boundary sea and immediately set off huge waves.

Several Immortal Kings in the Boundary Sea tried their best to resist, and some even used Immortal King Divine Weapons.

However, just as soon as they came into contact with the storm, those magic soldiers were blown into powder by the storm and turned into fly ash!
Too strong.

The level of power of these dark storms is frightening. Those immortal kings just said that in the endless years, many powerful men have stepped here, but in the end they all turned into bones.Looking at it now, there are probably no bones left. Under such power, even the body of the Immortal King will be reduced to dust!
The dark storm came very quickly, and in a flash, it enveloped Wu and Zhao Wuxia.

Wuyan stood there very calmly, letting the dark storm envelope his body.

There was an extremely terrifying force raging in the storm, trying to tear through his physical defense and crush him here.

But Wu did not move, not even frowning, but his body was so powerful that the storm was blocked by him.

Zhao Wuxia was obviously different from him. When the dark storm was about to approach her, a sword light exploded instantly.

The terrifying storm that could be destroyed by even the strongest in the Immortal King Realm was destroyed by her sword and dissipated directly!
"This is?"

"Two Immortal Emperors?"

The immortal kings in Jiehai were stunned, and some couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

They have been enlightened for many years, and although they are not from the Nine Realms, they are still strong men in this square realm sea.

In the past, they also wanted to explore the source of darkness, but found some traces left by their predecessors.

It was an extremely powerful Immortal King like them. It was suspected that he was going to step into that palace and find the source of darkness, but he died in the end.

Later, they witnessed with their own eyes that powerful men of the same level came here and turned into ashes in the end!
So they concluded that the power of the source of darkness surpassed that of the Immortal King, and that was simply not an area they could venture into.

Perhaps one day, when a powerful person from the Immortal Emperor Realm arrives, he will be able to unlock the secrets here.

These powerful men all opened their eyes wide, and some couldn't believe what they saw.

To resist the dark storm so easily, these two people have definitely surpassed the realm of Immortal Kings and are two living Immortal Emperors!
There are two powerful Immortal Emperors!

It was like a fantasy, which shocked them inexplicably.

They hesitated here for endless years, always thinking about breaking through the king's realm, rushing in, and finding the source of darkness.

There is such a strong man coming today. Is this to completely solve the darkness?

Blocking the dark storm, Wu and Zhao Wuxia did not speak, but just took steps and walked towards the palace group again.

And the two of them were obviously more cautious. Although it was only preliminary contact, the power here was indeed very powerful, and there were unknown dangers ahead.

The moment the two took steps, several more figures appeared in the boundary sea.

The auras of these people were extremely amazing, even surpassing those strong ones at the beginning.

Although they are still among the ranks of Immortal Kings, they have obviously taken a step forward and are about to jump to another level.

However, it is very difficult to truly move forward, and you may not be able to do it in your lifetime.

"Has anyone really succeeded in breaking through the King Realm?" one of them asked in disbelief.

"It's from the Nine Realms. I didn't expect that two emperors could come out of there at the same time!"

Someone sighed, their faces also full of disbelief.

"Can we follow the two seniors?"

An Immortal King in the Realm Sea shouted loudly, although there was a source of darkness ahead, the two people ahead were suspected to be emperors, and they might have the opportunity to become emperors.

He has been practicing in the Realm Sea for endless years, and his desire to break through to the Immortal Emperor is stronger than anything else.

Wu and Zhao Wuxia didn't say anything, but just stepped towards the palace group. The Immortal King could not enter this palace at all, they knew this from the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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