High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 244 One step, one kill, leaving no trace in the world

Chapter 244: Kill one step at a time, leaving no trace in the world
But there were also those among the Immortal Kings who were unwilling to give up. Seeing that the two of them didn't respond, they actually followed them without permission.

An Immortal King flashed across the void, trying to get close to the grand palace.

But before he could fall, his expression suddenly changed, and then he exploded into a blood mist with a pop!
The weirdest thing is that the exploding blood turned black in an instant, then slowly seeped into the void and disappeared without a trace!

Zhao Wuxia raised his hand and pointed the fairy sword in his hand at a very tall palace in the building complex ahead.

She sensed where the infected Immortal King's blood was and immediately alerted Wu.

Wu's eyes suddenly condensed, and he and Zhao Wuxia had already formed a tacit understanding.

This palace was at least tens of thousands of miles away from where they were standing. Looking from a distance, a black mist was billowing outside.

It was the smell of darkness, a smell he was familiar with and deeply abhorred.

Although in this dead world, only these majestic palaces in the middle exist.

But this place is too vast, and the area stretches for countless miles. If the darkness is deliberately hidden, it will definitely be very troublesome to find it.

After all, the power in the darkness is also at the Immortal Emperor level, so it is not difficult to hide it from them.

But now it is taking the initiative to show its flaws, which seems to be deliberately trying to get the two of them to take the bait!

He and Zhao Wuxia looked at each other, and both saw a strong look of vigilance in each other's eyes.

The two of them stepped forward at the same time, heading towards the main hall very cautiously.

Soon after, they stood in front of the hall.

This place has long been filled with darkness. Looking deeper, you can only see a large black nothingness.

It seems as if nothing exists here, there is no breath of life, and even the rules of the avenue seem to have disappeared.

As soon as the two stopped, they felt a very strange force suppressing them.

It was a very pure dark power, without any will control, and seemed to just instinctively want to infect the two of them.

Wu raised his hand, and his fist mark hit the sky directly. A huge and terrifying feeling, and the invincible belief that he was the only one rose up in his fist!

The fist seal is like a big sun rising slowly, shining brightly, as if it wants to illuminate everything, tearing apart the darkness ahead and revealing a deeper scene.

But soon the light on the fist seal was blocked, and it couldn't last even for a moment.

Because the darkness began to roll crazily, suppressing the power of his punch.

As if this is the home of darkness, they are the eternity here and cannot be shaken.

Zhao Wuxia took action, and in front of her was a sky-like eternal darkness.

But at this moment, a bright sword energy emerged, blooming like the light of the beginning, across the dark sky, intending to cut it off!
The darkness seemed to be angry, roaring silently, and surged towards Zhao Wuxia.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, but remained motionless, letting the darkness fall down like a wave.

The power of darkness is extremely terrifying, and every slap can make an Immortal King bleed.

In the sea of ​​​​boundaries, those strong men looked at this scene from a distance, and their faces turned pale.

They were glad that they did not follow them presumptuously. They thought that the dead Immortal King just now was the biggest warning.

Now it seems that this lifeless continent is basically a restricted area for the Immortal King, and no one but the Emperor can set foot on it!Buzz!
Zhao Wuxia was about to be swallowed up by the darkness, but an extremely terrifying sword intent emerged from her body.

At this moment, it was as if she was an unsheathed sword, a peerless fairy sword!
The rising unparalleled sword intent eclipsed the sky and the earth, causing the incoming darkness to stop moving forward.

The Immortal King in the Realm Sea witnessed it with his own eyes and was shocked by the sword intent on her body.

They were convinced that the swordsmanship of this female immortal emperor was enough to fight the darkness, because from those sword energies, they felt a sense of powerlessness in the face of darkness.

If these sword energy were poured towards them, they would not be able to block it even for a moment.

The sword energy flew across Zhao Wuxia's body, and a terrifying scene emerged. The darkness in front was torn apart by the sword energy, and unparalleled power dispersed in all directions.

In the gray-white sky, cracks like spider webs are spreading rapidly.

On the earth and in the void, similar cracks continue to spread, and they have even moved towards the boundary sea!

The heaven and earth seemed to be broken, the sea of ​​​​boundaries seemed to be overturned, and everything in front of them seemed to be turned into dust.

The giant Immortal King in the boundary sea looked panicked and began to resist the aftermath with all his strength.

This is a power that completely surpasses the Immortal King. Even if it is just the aftermath, it will be a big trouble for them.

You can completely imagine what kind of impact Zhao Wuxia and Wu Zheng were facing, but they stood there motionless.

Both of them had haloes of mist flashing around them, blocking such destructive power.

The darkness temporarily retreated, revealing an extremely majestic building.

This is a palace as majestic as a mountain, standing there like an ancient magic mountain.

Although the palace, like other surrounding buildings, is gray and white, it is particularly majestic and majestic, making people want to worship it.

Wu and Zhao Wuxia looked forward at the same time. The door of this unimaginably grand palace was open at the moment, and an extremely pure dark atmosphere was coming from inside.

At the same time, there is a very domineering will lying there, exuding strong oppression, asking people to kneel down and kowtow.

Their eyes turned cold at the same time, and their bodies were filled with fairy light, blocking this will from their bodies.

Obviously, there is an unknown power in the palace, and its power exceeds that of the Immortal King!
Without any hesitation, Wu took the lead and found that there were creatures in the dark place. Is this the reason why the darkness is raging?
He is very eager to know the truth and completely solve this trouble for the Nine Realms.

Zhao Wuxia also walked towards the palace. There was murderous intention in her eyes. The will just now actually wanted her to kneel down. This behavior aroused her anger.

The two of them entered the palace at the same time. It was still very grand and decorated very gorgeously, just like an ancient dynasty.

Although the environment here is dyed gray and white like the outside world, you can still see the shadow of its former prosperity.

However, it is so dead here, without even a trace of life or any trace of life.

The two of them walked slowly towards the depths of the palace.

However, at this moment, an indifferent voice slowly sounded. This voice was slightly hoarse, with the meaning of endless vicissitudes, but at the same time, it was also very conceited, with the meaning of contempt for all living beings.

"Why don't you worship me when you see me!"

Wu and Zhao Wuxia were immediately stunned. This voice fell in their ears, and it merged with the will emanating from the palace door before. It was the same creature!
They suddenly raised their heads and looked into the depths of the palace, where the sound came from. At this moment, a figure was gradually becoming clearer there!

(End of this chapter)

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