High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 245 Under Da Luo, everyone is Taiyi

Chapter 245 Under Da Luo, everyone is Taiyi

"Who are you!"

Wu looked toward the depths of the palace, where a seat made of fairy gold stood at the highest point.

At this moment, there was a figure sitting on it, looking indifferently at him and Zhao Wuxia.


There was only one word coming, but it was very scary. The figure's eyes opened and closed, showing a sense of overlooking.

He exudes great majesty, like an immortal emperor, enough to make all worlds surrender!
Wu's eyes narrowed slightly, this person's aura was terrifying, he definitely surpassed the Immortal King, and maybe he really was a true Immortal Emperor.

As for why he said this, it was because although he had surpassed the Immortal King, he was not the real Immortal Emperor. He just stepped in with one foot.

Zhao Wuxia was similar to him, maybe a little better than him, but he hadn't completely stepped into that field.

But so what, even though they are not real Immortal Emperors, the two of them can also be called quasi-Emperors!

This mission of the main god was very difficult, which he knew very well when he set out.

But which mission has been easy?High difficulty will also be accompanied by high rewards. After completing the mission, the rewards will be amazing, and you may be able to enter the true imperial realm.

Furthermore, even if there is no Lord God mission, he still wants to eliminate the source of darkness for the Nine Realms.

In the empty and majestic hall, the voice of the Immortal Emperor was still echoing, and the voice shook the rules, as if the heaven and earth were resonating.

Wu looked at this person, the immortal power in his body was boiling, and he was ready to take action at any time.

The powerful man in front of him, who may be the Immortal Emperor, has been existing in this darkness for who knows how long. He is definitely not a good person.

"If you don't worship the emperor, you will be punished!"

The figure deep in the hall spoke again, and his voice spread across the sky, just like the laws of the great road blooming in the void.

When the voice came out, there was actually an extremely terrifying force suppressing Wu, trying to suppress it.

Wu frowned and said what he said was true. This opponent was truly unprecedentedly powerful.

However, his reaction was more direct. At this moment, he clenched his palm into a fist and punched out. The terrifying fist seal enveloped the void, like a world falling.

This punch was very terrifying. It was a combination of several magical powers he had obtained in the main god's space, and it was about to smash through the whole world.

When he punched, he snorted coldly: "What is the dark turmoil about? Tell the truth and spare your life!" He
He said this more domineeringly, and before the actual fight, he already regarded the opponent in front of him as his defeated general.

But he was completely confident. With one punch, it was like a bright sun appeared in the hall, making people dare not open their eyes at all.

Although he is not a real Immortal Emperor, he is still considered a quasi-Immortal Emperor. When he takes action, the majesty of the Immortal Emperor emerges, as if he wants to overlook the enemy in front of him.

"Speak out loud! Court death!"

The Immortal Emperor in the hall was immediately furious, with infinite murderous intent emerging unabashedly, and at the same time, vast power of darkness surged through him!

A palm shrouded in dark aura appeared in the void and fell towards Wu.

In this palm, it seems that a square world is sinking, wailing, and being swallowed by darkness!
That was the inner world he created for himself, but it was invaded by the darkness within him.

Sure enough, this is a dark creature!An unparalleled demon who was assimilated by darkness and suspected of being an Immortal Emperor!

"Who is looking for death!" Faced with such a palm, Wu was not afraid at all. The murderous intent in his eyes was overwhelming, and the world was ups and downs as the fist seals changed.

It's just that in these worlds, there is no trace of dark power, only the purest fairy light.

At this moment, these big worlds are filled with fairy light, bursting out with infinite power, and colliding with the palm wrapped in darkness!

An extremely powerful shock wave spread out, and the magnificent palace turned into ashes almost instantly, disappearing together with countless surrounding palaces.

Black holes exuding a terrifying aura continued to collapse in the void, swallowing up everything around them like a ferocious maw.

Spider web-like cracks appeared on the earth, and large areas of gray-white continent broke off and crashed into the boundary sea!
The giants of the Immortal Kings in the world who were looking at this place were stunned.

They watched helplessly as Wu and Zhao Wuxia entered the hall, and it turned out that there was an emperor there too!
At this time, the two emperors were fighting, almost destroying this place!

You know, this place has always looked like this since ancient times.

There was once an Immortal King who tried to bombard the ground beneath his feet, but was blocked and obliterated by an extremely powerful force.

Some people speculate that this place is protected by a supreme magic circle and cannot be truly destroyed.

But now the facts are before our eyes. Wu fought with a dark creature suspected of being an emperor, and with just one blow, the place was destroyed to such an extent.

The void trembled, the earth shook, and the smoke and dust splashed by this terrifying power slowly fell.

Wu stood in the sky, with the immortal light on his body shining brightly, like the sun across the sky, shining on everything.

And the dark creature originally sitting in the main hall also revealed its true appearance. It was actually a figure as skinny as wood, like a skeleton.

The skin on his body was dry and clinging tightly to the bones, and his eye sockets were sunken, but his eyes were filled with a soul-stirring cold light!

At this moment, he is still sitting on the emperor's chair, wearing the emperor's robe, and has never moved his body!
Just now, Wu and Wu exchanged moves. The main hall was completely destroyed, but the emperor's chair under him and everything under the emperor's chair were not damaged at all.

Although he was just sitting there, there was a majestic aura that made the Immortal King tremble from the bottom of his heart.

"It turns out to be just a quasi-emperor!"

Wu looked at this opponent quietly. He had just fought, and he already understood the opponent's strength.

This person is in the same realm as him and has never completely entered the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

"Just? How many years have passed, and how many people have reached this level? This is already the end of immortality, and we are the emperor!"

The Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor is very arrogant and domineering. He bluntly states that he is the Immortal Emperor and does not agree with Wukou's statement of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Maybe he knew that the Immortal Emperor was the end, but he had never seen it before, so he didn't believe it.

However, Zhao Wuxia's eyelids, which had been watching the battle, twitched slightly, but he soon returned to normal.

She didn't take action, and she also saw the strength of this dark creature. It wasn't that she didn't want to bully the smaller ones, but that she didn't think it was necessary. Wu could deal with this opponent alone.

But she completely disagreed with what the dark quasi-immortal emperor said. She had been to Hongwu and knew too many truths.

She didn't know where the end of the immortals was, but she knew that there was a completely unreasonable gap between the Taiyi Golden Immortals.

Taiyi, the weakest, may only be equivalent to an ordinary immortal king, but even giant immortal kings, and even quasi-immortal emperors like her and Wu, are still within Taiyi's category.

She even felt that even the real Immortal Emperor was still the Taiyi Golden Immortal. This realm was too broad. Perhaps only the person named Chen Feng could give the real answer!
(End of this chapter)

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