Chapter 246 Tell You a Story
Looking at the extremely confident Quasi-Immortal Emperor in front of him, Wu Hehe sneered and did not want to say more.

Summer insects can't talk about ice.

Even the quasi-immortal emperor who has gone through thousands of tribulations and watched the rise and fall of the era cannot escape his own intellectual barriers.

It is precisely because he has been invincible along the way, gone through endless suffering, and reached the end of immortality that he has developed an invincible heart.

Only then can I have absolute confidence in my own strength.

He is confident that he is the emperor, the true pinnacle.

Even if you vaguely know that there is a road ahead, you think it doesn't exist because you haven't seen it before.

This is his state of mind.

But Wu is different.

He entered the main god space when he was weak, struggled to grow in it, and saw the endless scenery of the heavens and the world.

He once saw the Holy King opening the sky.

He who has seen the Tao will live forever.

I have seen the creation of Tianhuang.

I saw the Buddha's Nirvana.

There are too many powerful people in all the worlds.

Although the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is strong, he is far from the end.

Wu had seen a real powerful Immortal Emperor in previous missions.

Naturally, in other multidimensional worlds, the other party may not call this realm the Immortal Emperor.

But Wu knows that there is no difference. The so-called realm is just a name and has no direct relationship with strength.

With a cold snort, Wu lost interest in talking to him and said directly: "Give you another chance to tell the truth about the source of darkness, or I will kill you!"

"Kill me?"

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor looked at Wu and suddenly smiled. His smile was very cold, with a bone-chilling coldness.

"Throughout the past and present, I am invincible in heaven and on earth. I long for defeat but cannot. If you can kill me, it will be considered as fulfilling my long-cherished wish.

It's a pity that your appearance is just a sacrificer after all. "

Wu shook his head and looked at him with pity.

If he hadn't entered the main god space, grown up in the nine realms, and relied on his own blood to cultivate to the level of a quasi-immortal emperor, he might have some sympathy with the other party.

It is too difficult for the quasi-immortal emperors in this Boundary Sea. They have never experienced failure, they are invincible throughout their lives, and they are silent all over the world.

At their level, there is no living being that they can talk to. They are too far away from the life forms below. In a sense, they are already another species.

But now, Wu doesn't feel that way.

On the contrary, he sympathized with the other party because the other party's invincibility only existed in this boundary sea. It is true that this boundary sea was infinitely vast and even a multiverse in itself.

He sighed and suddenly said: "Have you heard a story?"

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor looked at him and said indifferently: "What story?"

Wu Pingping said: "There once was a frog. He had been living at the bottom of a well since he was born. He thought that the bottom of the well was the whole world. The sky he saw was only one foot, so he thought that the sky was only one foot and he was this place. Lord of heaven and earth.

One day, a turtle passed by, and the frog showed off to him, saying that he was happy and happy, that he controlled the world inside the well, and even invited the turtle to come and visit the well.

The turtle listened to the frog's words and accepted the invitation.

But before its left foot was fully inserted, its right foot got stuck.

It couldn't go down, so it asked the frog: "Do you know the sea?"

The frog was confused, but the turtle continued: "The sea is so wide that I don't know its tens of thousands of miles; the sea is so deep that I don't know its tens of millions of feet."There have been nine floods in ten years, but the sea water has not risen; there have been seven droughts in eight years, and the sea water has not become shallow.Swimming in the sea is the real happiness. '"

After he finished telling his story, the quasi-immortal emperor became furious. This time, he could not maintain his indifferent expression and was very angry.

"You are mocking me as a frog in the well."

Wu smiled indifferently: "Isn't it?"

The shriveled quasi-immortal emperor couldn't bear it any longer and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

As soon as he raised his hand, endless magic seals appeared, and the terrifying power shook the dark fairyland. It could instantly seal the heavens and kill all creatures in the world.Wu curled his lips, without any intention of backing down, and stepped forward with a fist.

The two sides suddenly fought, and the great hall collapsed. Time and space collapsed and distorted. The shadow of the long river of time emerged and continued to stir.

All the rules are out of order. One strike between two people will destroy the whole world.

But here, it was just the hall that collapsed.

You can imagine how terrifying the space intensity here is.

There was a loud rumbling sound, like the heaven and earth opening up.

The two quasi-immortal emperors rose into the air and continued to fight.

In the collapsed palace, Zhao Wuxia was dressed in white and stood calmly. The collapsed palace naturally avoided her, and even the aftermath of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor could not affect her.


She raised her head and glanced at the sky, then withdrew her gaze and looked deeper into the Dark Fairy Realm.

There, there are more terrifying strong men lurking.

She could vaguely sense it.

This is the source of darkness, and there cannot be only one quasi-immortal emperor in charge.

In the sky, Wu and this quasi-immortal emperor fought fiercely. The years were pierced by them, and the long river of time ran through the sky. They walked on the long river of time and fought in the endless years.

Outside the boundary dam, many immortal king giants stretched their heads and looked around.

They desperately wanted to know everything that happened inside.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and they saw the collapse of a large hall, and then two quasi-immortal emperors soared into the air. Even the river of time was knocked out. All the rules and laws collapsed and became chaotic in their hands.

so horrible.

These immortal kings opened their eyes wide, and a war broke out between the quasi-immortal emperors, which no one had ever seen before in all eternity.

At least no one can see it in fairyland, foreign lands, boundary sea and other places.

These immortal kings were shocked and watched with wide eyes, for fear of missing any detail.

But the battle between the Quasi-Immortal Emperors was so terrifying that even the Immortal King could not spy on it. He could only vaguely see the outline, and the rest could only be imagined.

"They fought their way through the years!"

A white-haired Immortal King giant exclaimed.

"They fought against each other in ancient history. Oh my god, aren't they afraid of taking the consequences of disturbing the times?"

Another fat Immortal King giant exclaimed.

More Immortal King giants are watching the battle attentively, hoping to gain some insights from this battle and take another step forward.

In the long river, Wu and the shriveled quasi-immortal emperor jumped out at the same time.

No one said anything, they just appeared and they were fighting together again.

The shriveled quasi-immortal emperor raised his hand. His arrogance was overwhelming, affecting endless time and space. His invincible spirit was fully displayed, and a thick dark flame ignited in his hand.

This flame is cold and difficult to discern, and contains the terrifying power to destroy the heavens.

It can use the world itself as fuel to burn endlessly.

He once used this flame to burn alive a powerful man who had just stepped into the quasi-immortal emperor realm. It was the true emperor-destroying flame.

The flames ignited and rushed toward Wu instantly.

In an instant, the years froze, the black flame passed by, everything turned into nothingness, and even the years themselves were burned through.

When the Immortal King giants watching the battle saw this flame, some of them changed their expressions and shouted: "No, close your eyes!"

He said, closing his eyes for the first time.

But some immortal kings were slow to react. When they saw the true appearance of the flame, they let out a scream, and a black flame rose from the depths of their souls, swallowing him up in an instant and turning him into ashes.

Wu raised his eyebrows and whispered: "It's interesting."

His face was calm, without any fear.

(End of this chapter)

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