High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 247: Thirty-three Days Good Fortune Fist

Chapter 247: Thirty-three Days Good Fortune Fist
"The flames that burn the sky?"

Wu whispered and suddenly took action.

A terrifying aura exploded from his body, and in an instant, the power of more than a million big worlds was boiling.

He punched out, with the terrifying power of destroying the era, and the long river of time roared, cut off by the power of his punch.

With a rumble, the flame was shattered from the front.

The shocking waves shook out, and then turned into ripples, stirring up the Dark Immortal Realm.

The universe was torn apart. With his punch, countless worlds emerged. The clean air rose, the dirty air fell, and the light of the first stars flashed and kept flickering.

With this punch, Wu not only dispersed the black flames, but also opened up three thousand worlds.

Equivalent to a Taiyi Golden Immortal, the Immortal King of this world, this is just the weakest aftermath.

All the heavens and worlds have an endless universe.

Power systems also vary.

Generally speaking, those who have the power to open up three thousand worlds in their bodies are Taiyi Golden Immortals.

However, the power systems of the various worlds are different. Some do not create worlds in the body, but are equivalent to that kind of power.

And Taiyi Golden Immortal, in Hong Wu's power system, is the highest state under Da Luo.

No matter how strong you are, if you don't become Da Luo, you will still be Taiyi.

But in most worlds, within Taiyi, there are still subdivisions.

Just like this vast sea of ​​​​boundaries where the Nine Realms are located.

The Immortal King is Taiyi, but there are still quasi-Immortal Emperors and even Immortal Emperor realms above.

If we use the irresponsible division method of some Daluo in Hongwu, we can directly express it in numbers.

The quasi-immortal emperor is probably the Taiyi Golden Immortal who has opened up a world of 100 million square meters in his body.

As for the Immortal Emperor who goes one step further, he has opened up a world of [-] million square meters.

Such a comparison is very hasty, and the accuracy is probably about the same as a blind old farmer looking at the weather, but that's probably the case.

In short, Wu's punch shattered the flames, opened up the world, and froze time.

But although the flame shattered, it did not die. Instead, it suddenly rushed into the world that his aftermath had just created, and with a roar, it used these worlds as nourishment to ignite.

The world turned into a sea of ​​darkness and fire, still burning towards him.

The shriveled quasi-immortal emperor laughed: "This is the immortal fire, which can kill the emperor. My descendants, kneel down at my feet now, so that your true spirit will never be extinguished."

The fire was raging, but Wu remained calm, just raised his fist and kept dropping it.

In an instant, the sky was filled with fist shadows. His fists were so terrifying that they penetrated the years and chaos.

Every fist shadow is accompanied by the birth and death of the world.

The black flames that had just been ignited were scattered again.

But this black flame is extinguished and regenerated, accompanied by the dark power that corrodes everything, like gangrene attached to the bone, which cannot be completely eliminated.

Gradually, Wu's figure was wrapped in a sea of ​​fire, and the situation became dangerous.

But the superficial danger did not really pose a threat to him.

He is a quasi-immortal emperor, invincible in the world. Even if these sky-burning flames can consume all the origins, it will take a long time.

What's more, his Qi and blood are now at their peak, and even if they are allowed to burn with these dark flames, it will take millions of years to burn him out.

The shriveled quasi-immortal emperor also knew this situation, so he took action again the moment the sea of ​​fire formed.


He let out a long roar, and spread out a pair of huge rotten wings behind his back, which was boundless in terror. With a slight flutter of wings, the law stirred and moved towards Wuyang.

The laws of decay, destruction, darkness, damage, etc. all converged to form a terrifying power that could kill the quasi-immortal emperor.

A breath of destruction rushed towards his face, and even Wu was affected, and his movements became sluggish, trying to restrain him and destroy him in this world.This is the supreme law of destruction!
This is the ultimate plan of the shriveled quasi-immortal emperor. He uses his own sky-burning flames to surround his opponent, and then binds him with the Law of Destruction.

Even if you can't kill the opponent, you can still immobilize the opponent. When even a trace of Burning Heaven's Flame enters your body, it will be nourished by the source of the Immortal Emperor and grow stronger.

There is a hidden danger in the opponent's body, and he must be distracted at all times to suppress it.

At that time, the balance of victory will naturally tilt towards yourself.

Wu Que raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a long smile: "Not bad."

Immediately, his body burst out with vitality, creating life, and streams of fairy light containing vitality were sprayed out from his mouth and nose, like a white dragon flying, bright and boundless, wrapping around himself.

Around him, shadows of the world emerged one after another. They were full of vitality, giant trees soared into the sky and took root in the void, patches of immortal grass were lush and green, and the elixir of immortality bloomed, sparkling and translucent.

This is great vitality and great good fortune.

It's not the art of creation that he himself understood.

It is another more terrifying magical power, the supreme avenue in another multiverse.

Great life technique!

One of the three thousand avenues in the eternal universe.

Destruction and life confront each other, like the cycle of yin and yang, one ebbing and the other ebbing, falling into a brief stalemate.

After about a moment, the balance between the two forces was broken, and the most dazzling and dazzling light erupted.

Even the darkness was dispelled in an instant.

Wu shouted softly and punched away the light, and even the darkness itself dissipated under his invincible fist.

He blasted away the sea of ​​fire and killed the shriveled Quasi-Immortal Emperor again.

The quasi-immortal emperor refused to give in, waving his wings and fighting Wu again.

The two suddenly collided, endless laws were superimposed, the heaven and earth collapsed, and everything was annihilated.

The world was annihilated, a sea of ​​chaos was opened up, and the two of them fought into it. The endless power of destruction tilted, and all kinds of laws came and went. It made the ages tremble.

The fists collided, and the power exploded beyond everyone's imagination. The two fought, from the sky to the ground, and from the ground to the earth, water, fire, and wind. Chaos opened up and evolved all things.

They were killing each other heartily, and this dark fairyland was constantly shaking.

The eternal palace continues to collapse, the earth continues to crack, spreading to billions of miles, and in the sky, squares of chaos are opened up and destroyed.

The giants of the Immortal Kings outside the world hug each other, like a small boat in a violent storm, and may be annihilated at any time.

Zhao Wuxia stood in the ruins, her white clothes lifted slightly by the violent energy.

She looked deeper, and there was an equally powerful force rising deeper in the Dark Fairy Realm.

She raised her head and said calmly: "Another quasi-immortal emperor is here. Stop playing around and deal with it quickly."

Her voice was calm, but it penetrated the chaotic world and rang directly in the ears of the two quasi-immortal emperors who were fighting.

The shriveled quasi-immortal emperor was startled at first, and then became furious.

What does stop playing mean.

Could it be that the other party always thought he was playing?

He was furious and felt that he had been insulted like never before.

The law of ultimate destruction erupted from his body, and he was incredibly refined again, doubling his strength.

At the same time, he suddenly felt a twinge of heart palpitations.

He suddenly stared and saw Wu clenching his hands into fists, and an unimaginable terrifying force erupted from the opponent's body.

In an instant, his power doubled, doubled, tripled... 33 times...

(End of this chapter)

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