High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 248 How many people are there? Let’s go together

Chapter 248 How many people are there? Let’s come together

The phantoms of 33 divine fists appeared beside Wu.

These fist shadows are as solid as substance, and the void collapses when the fist is clenched, opening up chaos.

33 days of good luck fist!

With one punch, the heaven and earth were imprisoned, and the years were stagnant.

This was a magical power that Wu had experienced with Zhao Wuxia in the eternal world when he was doing a mission in the main god space.

A peerless magical power created by the Immortal King of Creation.

The Immortal King of Creation, named Immortal King, is actually a terrifying and powerful man in the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

Because there is no Immortal Emperor Realm in the Immortal World, the Immortal King Realm encompasses a very wide range of powerful people. They can sit back and watch the world come and go, and the eras change without being able to harm them.

The Immortal King of Creation is the Lord of the Immortal World.

In that battle, Wu and Zhao Wuxia were locked in a tough fight. Fortunately, with the help of the Immortal King of the Era, they were finally killed, but they were only the incarnation of the treasure in one fell swoop.

Even this incarnation has the strength of a quasi-immortal emperor.

As for the 33-day Divine Fist of Creation, Wu was even more amazed by its explosive combat power.

When deployed, it directly explodes to 33 times the terrifying combat power.

This is an increase in strength in the quasi-immortal emperor realm. Doubling it is incredible, let alone increasing it by so much.

After all, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor has reached the pinnacle of immortality. He is flawless, perfect and at ease, always at his peak, and immortal for tens of millions of years.

With one casual strike, they created heaven and earth, all with full force.

It is precisely because of this that it is difficult for beings like them to increase their combat power, and this magical power is terrifying.

The current shriveled quasi-immortal emperor was shocked by Wu's sudden burst of power.

He couldn't understand.

Everything passed by the shadow of the fist was swept away, space was obliterated, and time was also obliterated.

The 33-fold divine fist swept away the flames of the Burning Sky, and landed heavily on the shriveled Quasi-Immortal Emperor with an invincible momentum.

The Dark Fairyland shook violently, as if this ancient and profound dark area was about to collapse.

The shriveled quasi-immortal emperor screamed, and the rotten wings spread out behind his back were instantly annihilated. He himself bled, his soul was torn apart, and was directly blasted into a pool of flesh and blood, which exploded between the heaven and the earth.

His blood is sprinkled in the long river of time, glowing with little bits of light, touching the upstream and downstream of time and space.

Wu Ze withdrew his magical power and stood with his hands behind his back, still looking extremely relaxed.

Billions of miles of dark fairyland were destroyed by him, and he stood in the middle of the darkness, the master and the only one.

On the boundary dam, the giants of the Immortal Kings outside the Dark Immortal Realm sensed the decrease in the aura of destruction. They opened their eyes carefully and saw this scene.

They were inexplicably shocked. Did the young Immortal Emperor win?

He really did it?

Their minds were swaying, could the other party really quell the evil?

For the first time, they had hope.

Everything happens in an instant.

Wu cast his gaze into the depths of darkness.

At the end of the horizon, a purple-golden avenue appeared, rumbling, surrounded by golden lotuses, divine birds flying, and the vast world trembled.

A creature appeared. He wore a purple-gold crown, his complexion was also purple-gold, he was tall and tall, surrounded by the marks of the heavens, exuding a suffocating sense of oppression.

This is also a quasi-immortal emperor.

His gaze was like a torch, and he instantly swept across Wu and Zhao Wuxia, with a hint of surprise in his cold eyes.

"Emperor? Or two people?"

He couldn't help but be surprised. It was so difficult for a quasi-immortal emperor to appear. Often, no matter how an era changed or the seas of realms rose and fell, no one would appear.

The appearance of every quasi-immortal emperor is due to the great destiny of heaven and earth, which is so rare.Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of people who have achieved enlightenment and are quasi-immortal emperors.

Even in the depths of darkness, there were only a few of them.

Now that two people appeared at once, he was shocked.

But he was not afraid, and instead spoke, his voice booming, breaking through time and space, spreading up and down the river of time.

"Emperor Xian, you are careless."

His voice was simple, without joy or sorrow, and had a kind of superior indifference.

Following his voice, light rises up and down the long river of time, either along the way or against it, following the long river of time and condensing in this world.

Those were drops of blood, the blood of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

The blood gathered, and he was reborn instantly, and then transformed into a shriveled quasi-immortal emperor.

But his breath was weaker than before, and when he looked at Wu, his expression was extremely ugly, and he said in a deep voice.

"Emperor Yan, this son is fierce, don't be careless!"

Emperor Yan didn't take it seriously. He stood there, with purple energy surging into the sky, the energy between his mouth and nose flowing naturally, and the stars in the universe cracking, like a strong man who did not belong to this world.

He sneered: "Emperor Xian, you are going back more and more, and you are frightened out of your wits by a junior. So what if you are an emperor, it is not that there have been emperors who have stepped into this place in the past years, but they do not understand the secrets of heaven and insist on going their own way. Turn into dust.”

Emperor Xian was silent, obviously too lazy to pay attention.

You will understand when you wait and see.

He moved his eyes slightly and looked at Zhao Wuxia calmly, wondering in his heart whether the female immortal emperor would be weaker and waiting to take action. He let Emperor Yan and this junior fight to death and killed the female emperor himself.

Wu Luo came down and stood together with Zhao Wuxia, facing each other. He said, "Is there anyone else? You two are the only ones who are not our opponents."

His tone was calm, not cold or arrogant, it was the most ordinary words.

This attitude undoubtedly angered Emperor Yan. He was full of murderous intent and said coldly: "Junior, you are too proud, this will ruin you."

Wu curled his lips and shook his head slightly.

He suddenly felt that it was very difficult to talk to the other party and he could not speak well.

Who is it for?
"That's right, then add me."

A majestic voice sounded from the depths of the ancient earth and ran through the ages.

Another figure soared into the sky, and the sky was filled with blazing light. It was sacred and bright, illuminating the eternity, and an imperial power emerged.

As the universe shook, a peerless creature was born.

He drove the ancient chariot, which was extremely brilliant, emitting light and overwhelming the world.

The chariot rumbled, pulling him towards him at great speed amid the galloping of the nine-headed ancient beast.

The nine-headed ancient beasts all exude immeasurable pressure. Each of them has ferocious horns and dense scales. They look like real dragons, but they are not. They belong to a strange species that has never been seen before.

Nine-headed ancient beasts came over the long river of time. An emperor stood up and looked down at Wu and Zhao Wuxia.

The chariot stopped, and Emperor Xian and Emperor Yan greeted him at the same time: "Emperor Dark, you have ended your slumber."

The quasi-emperor, who was called the Dark Emperor, spoke with the same cold voice: "How can I sleep peacefully if strange numbers are coming to kill me."

His eyes were always fixed on Wu and Zhao Wuxia, domineering and cold, containing murderous intent.

He held an imperial spear in his hand, and the tip of the spear was dripping with blood, scarlet and dazzling. It was the blood that belonged to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and it had lasted forever.

It was left behind by the last quasi-immortal emperor who came here.

Wu looked at the three of them. There was no seriousness or pressure on his face. He just smiled, shook his head slightly and said: "With you, it's still not enough."

His tone was sincere and didn't seem to be hypocritical, but it completely angered the three of them.

They feel themselves deeply insulted.

(End of this chapter)

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