High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 249: Quasi-immortal emperor, native chicken and dog

Chapter 249: Quasi-immortal emperor, native chicken and dog
Wu's tone was sincere.

But the more sincere you are, the more you will irritate the other person.

Especially when the opponent is an invincible quasi-immortal emperor.

As expected, the Dark Emperor flew into a rage and sneered: "With such arrogance and lack of awe, the Emperor is destined to fall today."

As he spoke, the wings of light behind him flapped slightly, and the ripples of world destruction swept across billions of miles. Wherever the light passed, it opened up chaos and stagnated the years.

He has the right to be proud. He is the Dark Emperor, the strongest among the three quasi-immortal emperors. Even Emperor Xian and Emperor Yan are weaker than him.

Wu smiled helplessly, shrugged lightly at Zhao Wuxia and said, "It doesn't make sense."

Zhao Wuxia nodded lightly and said seriously: "People in your world are all one-minded and don't really listen to what others say. Let's fight quickly. They are not the source of darkness."

Wu curled his lips, thinking that you can also criticize others for being stubborn?

After thinking about it, I didn't complain.

Instead, he glanced at the three of them and said calmly: "In that case, leave Emperor Xian and Emperor Yan to me, and leave Emperor Dark to you."

The conversation between the two was as familiar as anyone else's, directly delineating each other's opponents.

There is no depression, no coldness, and no indifferent imperial power, but there is a kind of confidence emerging from the depths of the soul.

They really think so.

The three emperors were furious, Emperor Yan sneered, and Emperor Dark frowned coldly. Only Emperor Xian had an expressionless face, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The next moment, Emperor Yan took action.

Thousands of rays of light emerged, and each ray of light contained the power of opening up the world.

The light rises and falls, and the years become a river, cut off at the waist.

The world is born and the world is destroyed, turning into primitive chaos, raging and raging. These ten thousand rays of light interpret everything in the world, just like the first ray of light when the world first opened.

Wu clenched his fist, and 33 fist shadows appeared behind him.

His starting hand was the 33-day Divine Fist of Good Fortune.

With one punch, 33 fist shadows merge into one, which is 33 times the terrifying combat power.

The world is swaying and time and space are collapsing.

All the chaos and years were insignificant under this punch.

Emperor Yan was stunned!
He didn't expect the opponent's punch to be so terrifying.

It is simply indescribable, everything is crushed, high above, like an extremely indifferent God, leaving no chance to breathe at all.

One punch increases the quasi-immortal emperor's combat power by 33 times.

How is it possible to have such magical powers!
How could such supernatural powers exist?
Emperor Yan couldn't believe it, let alone understand it.

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor is already at the end of immortality. He is at the pinnacle. He is invincible and undefeated throughout his life. He always maintains his peak and prosperity.

But since it is the pinnacle, it is the real upper limit. With no way ahead of them, how can they become stronger again?
Even if it is really powerful, the improvement is limited. It can only be doubled or tripled at most, which is the most heaven-defying magical power.

But 33 times in one shot!
He stared blankly at the shadow of the fist. All the rays of light were swept away by this punch, without even a ripple appearing.

The unparalleled divine fist has reached the top of his head.

He groaned, fear rising in his heart for the first time, and he even had the illusion that he would die from this punch.

He wanted to hide, but found that the whole world was covered by the power of the fist.

There was no room for him to move.

Even jumping into the long river of time and escaping to an era that does not belong to this ancient history is not possible, so we can only resist.

"Emperor Yan, be careful!"

At the critical moment, Emperor Xian's voice suddenly came to mind.

A rotten force of destruction instantly came forward, tearing apart the void and destroying the way of heaven!

But under this punch, even destruction itself cannot stop it.

Emperor Xian didn't originally want to stop him.He just delayed the punch for a moment, and at the same time he took a step back, crossing the distance of endless space.

Compared to Emperor Yan and Emperor An, he just received a punch from the other side, his soul was scattered and his body collapsed.

If he hadn't relied on his own special origin to condense the emperor's blood, he would have fallen under this punch.

Because of this, he was full of fear towards Wu.

Taking advantage of this moment of delay, Emperor Yan seized the opportunity, and the long river of time emerged. He jumped directly into the long river and headed towards the mysterious future.

The long river of time is so terrible, it contains supreme secrets and has great cause and effect.

Many of these secret histories, even the quasi-immortal emperors would not dare to step into, would involve the secrets of heaven, and they would also fall under the backlash.

A punch fell.

A corner of the Dark Fairy Realm is collapsing, the universe is being destroyed, and everything is being crushed into powder.

A hole was punched out of the long river of time, causing turbulent waves.

Wu just stood there with a calm expression and his eyes moved slightly from side to side.

As his eyes turned, two figures appeared again, but the eyes looking at him were no longer the same.

Emperor Xian and Emperor Yan.

If Emperor Yan was full of confidence before, now he is full of surprises.

Even the Dark Emperor, who had not taken action, noticed this scene and said in shock: "A 33-fold increase in combat power, such a terrifying magical power."

A 33-fold increase in strength is not scary in itself.

The scary thing is that a quasi-immortal emperor can actually increase his strength by 33 times.

It's creepy.

Just like when you are a drop of water, it can easily be enhanced a hundred times or even a thousand times through special magical powers. But what if you are a vast ocean?
What if you are already a boundary sea?

The difference is immeasurable.

However, he was only shocked, not afraid, and continued: "Is this your trump card? It is indeed amazing, but such magical power must pay a price, it cannot last, and the emperor is still falling today!"

Emperor Xian and Emperor Yan were shocked at the same time.

Agreed with the Dark Emperor's words.

How can such heaven-defying magical powers not come at a price?
As long as it drags on, the other party will definitely be the first to be exhausted.

They were filled with fighting spirit again, thinking that they had grasped the opponent's lifeline.

Wu is too lazy to talk anymore, just let it be what you say.

A frog at the bottom of a well cannot speak of the ocean, and a summer insect cannot speak of the ice.

Even the quasi-immortal emperor is still tightly bound by his own barriers to knowledge and vision.

The 33-day Divine Fist of Creation is the unparalleled magical power of the Immortal King of Creation, the Lord of Heaven in the eternal world. Although he is only a quasi-emperor, he has the ability to fight the Immortal Emperor head-on.

The 33-day Good Fortune Fist has no side effects.

Even Wu is far from exerting the true power of this magical power.

Will you be amazed at 33 times?
The true use of this magical power is to cooperate with 33 artifacts of creation and use it with all its strength, which is 330 times the terrifying combat power.

If 33 artifacts of creation were sacrificed and refined into a treasure of creation, it would be three thousand three hundred and three times the combat power.

The Immortal King of Creation they met during the mission was such a peak quasi-immortal emperor who exploded with more than 3000 times combat power with every move he made.

That battle was much more dangerous than it is now.

The Dark Emperor held the Imperial Spear in his hand, and despite this situation, he still said with murderous intent: "Let me learn your peerless magical power!"

Just as he was about to move, a figure in white stopped in front of him.

Zhao Wuxia looked gentle and quietly raised the sword in his hand: "Your opponent is me."

(End of this chapter)

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