High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 250: Jie Tian 7 Swords, Zhan Dao See Me!

Chapter 250: Seven Swords to Cut the Sky, Kill the Way and See Me!
Being stopped suddenly, the Dark Emperor's expression became even colder.

His face was indifferent.

Perhaps because he has lived for too long, he has long forgotten his emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy, and his face will always only have the expression of cold, colder, extremely cold.

The previous shocks were all exceptions.

Well, he's not an exception.

In this square sea where the Nine Realms are located, most of the powerful people look like this.

"Empress, I think it's not easy for you to cultivate, so don't make the mistake."

Zhao Wuxia ignored him and said a few words without thinking. The moment he drew his sword, he saw a sword light blooming.

Red Sky Sword, unsheathed!

This sword light shocked the heavens and illuminated all worlds.

The Dark Emperor's eyes suddenly condensed, and he was also shocked.

The light of the sword turns into silk, like a piece of steel, and wherever it passes, everything is torn apart.

One sword breaks all methods!

And it is a sword in the quasi-immortal emperor realm that can defeat all kinds of magic!

This was the first time for the Dark Emperor to see this kind of swordsmanship, and he felt a warning sign in his heart.

Sword cultivator is known as the number one in combat power in all the worlds.

This is a reputation that is forcibly gained and gained in actual battles.

I only practice the three-foot sword for a living, and I can kill others as well as myself.

But in the vast sea where the Nine Realms are located, although there are all kinds of shocking swordsmanship and grass and wood sword techniques, there is no purest sword cultivation after all.

Even the Dark Emperor, who had lived for endless years, fought against a real swordsman for the first time.

The sword light is coming in an instant!

He shouted coldly: "Presumptuous!"

The imperial spear in his hand was swung out, and the golden light was bright, piercing through the universe and sweeping across eternity. The long river of time emerged under his feet and kept running.

The sound of gold and iron clashing emerged, resounding throughout the ages.

The Dark Emperor groaned, and the world behind him, the Dark Immortal Realm, the Ultimate Ancient Land, was an infinite space.

split into two.

Along with his body, there was also a trace of blood, which was so thin that it was almost impossible to see.

The next moment, Qi and blood surged in his body, and the blood mark was repaired, but the look he looked at Zhao Wuxia was completely different.

It was a look of deep shock in disbelief.

This empress is so strong!
The emperor's blood, which had been cold for countless years, seemed to boil again, and he vaguely regained the feeling of fighting in a bloody battle.

The murderous intent in his eyes became even stronger.

These two anomalies must be eradicated today.

He calmed down, although he was shocked, he was not afraid.

He is the Dark Emperor, invincible throughout the ages.

In the past, there was an unknown quasi-emperor who came across the sea to end the dark catastrophe, but eventually fell into his hands.

Now the Imperial Spear is stained with blood, which is a symbol of his glory.

Although today's opponent is strong, it just makes his Imperial Spear drink blood again.

He waved the imperial spear in his hand, and a bright light bloomed, illuminating the long river of time under his feet. Epochs lit up one after another. The red spear tip was stained with blood, and the light emitted streaked across the eternal epochs.

This spear is invincible in the world!

Zhao Wuxia's expression was dull and he slashed again with the Chixiao Sword.

A ray of sword light came from across the eternity and instantly clashed with the imperial spear.

The two sides were on the verge of breaking up, but the terrible aftermath was spreading. Chaos was opened up, time was cut off, and the world became fragments one after another.

In the endless world, the sun and moon rise and fall, and the stars break.

In the end, the ancient land rumbled, and the two emperors clashed again.

Fast, too fast.

No one saw how they fought, and both sides used their full strength as soon as they came into contact.

At least that's the case with the Dark Emperor.

He waved the imperial spear and became one with this imperial weapon. The wings on his back were sacred and flawless, and he stood on the chariot, showing his invincible appearance.

The two sides fought twice in an instant, and Zhao Wuxia had already made up his mind.

Her eyes turned cold, the Chixiao Sword circulated, and another sword light slashed out.The seemingly slender sword light contains endless changes.

She wants a quick fix.

This sword determines the outcome.

The Dark Emperor sneered loudly: "It's useless. Although your swordsmanship is strong, it is ultimately useless. In the past, when emperors crossed the border, they died under this imperial spear. Today, you will all follow the same footsteps."

While speaking loudly, he waved the imperial spear in his hand, and the quasi-immortal emperor's great law turned into a spear shadow and greeted the sword light.

But at the moment of the confrontation, the sword light suddenly changed.

At the moment of contact, the sword light split into two, two gave rise to three, and three gave birth to infinity...

These swords are bright, each one is extremely slender, cutting across time and space, full of sword energy that can break through all kinds of magic with one sword.

The next moment, the sword lights merged with each other, and a sword lotus bloomed in the void.

The sound of the sword pierced the sky and resounded throughout the heavens for eternity.

The dark emperor's invincible spear shadow is being shrouded by this sword lotus. If you look closely, you can see the sword energy flying around, entangled with each other, and it is extremely complicated.

Each sword energy forms its own system, and the light of the sword creates a lotus. It is also like the fusion, which is endless, forming a multiverse composed purely of sword energy.

In the quasi-immortal emperor realm, one sword can create all kinds of magic!

The dark emperor's spear shadow was shrouded by the sword lotus. In an instant, billions of sword energy fell down. His invincible spear shadow was divided into inches and was eliminated in the blink of an eye.

The sword lotus did not stop, but instead intensified and attacked him.

"not good!"

The Dark Emperor's expression changed, and before he had time to react, he jumped and left the chariot where he was.

The moment he left, the sword intent spread and the space became stagnant.

The chariot and even the nine terrifying beasts pulling it were turned into powder under the sword's will.

The years are annihilated.

The Dark Emperor flapped his wings lightly, opening up under the light of the endless chaotic feathers. At this moment, his body suddenly condensed.

The sword intent... enveloped him at some point.

He looked around and saw a lotus growing in the light of the sword. A sword lotus full of terrifying sword intent bloomed, forming a vast universe like a sea of ​​​​boundaries.

And he was at the very center of this sword lotus.

"When should I not leave..."

He was shocked in his heart and immediately lowered his head to see a sword lotus strangling his chariot and the nine-headed beast.

Not the same sword lotus!
He was shocked and suddenly understood.

He took a closer look and saw that the void of the Ultimate Ancient Land was filled with sword intent. The sword lotus rose up and circulated. A sword energy was drawn out from each other. In an instant, it continued to grow and grow latent in the void, turning into a sword lotus universe. .

Even though he is invincible in the world, his scalp feels numb.

What kind of swordsmanship this is, it's really terrifying.

Everything happened in just an instant, he was enveloped by the sword lotus, and then billions of sword lights slashed down, trying to kill him and annihilate him.

Each ray of sword light is a sword that breaks through all means, and is a terrifying sword energy that is enough to cut off an immortal body.

The Dark Emperor fought for only a moment before falling into a big crisis.

He looked up to the sky and roared, and the power in his body exploded endlessly.

"I am the Immortal Emperor, invincible in the world, but a mere sword formation is nothing!"

He exploded all his strength, and the imperial spear suddenly rose, constantly resisting the sword energy, and actually opened up his own world in the sword lotus, standing proudly in the world.

But the sword lotus circulated, and as soon as he resisted one sword energy, two more attacks came, endless, constantly consuming his strength.

The two sides were in a stalemate, and it was difficult to determine the outcome in a short period of time.

At this time, Zhao Wuxia raised his sword towards him.

She never thought of killing him with one sword.

The function of the sword lotus is just to trap him so that he can't escape. The next step is the real killing move.

She stared slightly, and a Taoist rhyme emerged from his body and poured onto the sword.

In the end, the ancient earth suddenly swayed, and the sound of the ancient Tao emerged.

When the quasi-emperor heard this, he was also flustered.

Her sword slowly slashed down.

Heaven-cutting Seven Swords!

The first sword!
Cut the road to see me!

(End of this chapter)

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