High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 252 The man staring into the abyss

Chapter 252 The man staring into the abyss
man staring into the abyss
The light of the fist illuminates the heavens.

Under Wu's fist seal, there was only the roar of the avenue.

He doesn't need to hide.

No need to hide.

The long river of time reappears, and at every point in time there is a figure making a fist seal.

"Only I am invincible!"

Wu let out a long roar and his fist seal fell.

The waves surged into the sky, and the boundary sea burst.

In this place, brilliance soared into the sky, extremely vigorous, and the fist light swept across the past, the present and the future.

Emperor Xian flew backwards, unable to block the punch at all.

The entire world was silent.

The three quasi-immortal emperors were crushed by the other two emperors like this.

This is too exaggerated and unacceptable.

Wu and Zhao Wuxia met at a place and looked down.

The three quasi-immortal emperors are not dead.

At this time, their Dao roots were damaged and they had no strength to fight anymore.

But after all, the Emperor is still not dead.


Wu withdrew his gaze and stared into the abyss.

There is the source of darkness, the truth behind everything.

He stepped out, as if he had stepped out of the long river of time.


When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you!
In the boundless darkness, something terrible happened.

At this moment, a mutilated corpse appeared in the silent universe.

He was so broken, skin and bones.

But when those double eyelids slowly opened, a momentum traveled through space and reached the critical sea.

This is Diwei!

This is actually an emperor!
Then, the corpse made a sound.

"Why, why bother!"

The corpse stood up, the smooth eyes piercing through all the worlds.

Like a divine weapon cutting through the void.

It's too captivating and too sharp.

Immediately, these eyes traveled through time and space and landed on Wu and Zhao Wuxia.

The entire world fell into darkness at this moment.

"You're just trying to be mysterious, let's fight!"

Wu curled his lips and looked at him.


The momentum of the quasi-immortal emperors competes here, and thunder dragons are raging.

Thunder fell from the sky and cut through the darkness.

The corpse didn't speak again, and he stood up in the darkness.

There is only one leg, the other leg is also missing the sole of the foot, and it has one arm.

He was really crippled, and the hair on his head was as withered and yellow as weeds.

The whole person gives people an ancient feeling, which has been accumulated over the years.

His eyes became colder and colder.

He took steps and came out of the dark abyss.

Time and space shook, and all the heavens and worlds were affected at this moment.

By the time He appeared in front of Wu and Zhao Wuxia, his broken body had actually recovered.

Transformed into an old man in black.

In an instant, the boundary sea rolled up into huge waves and then exploded.

The old man came, he was so terrifying, much stronger than the previous three quasi-immortal emperors.

The terrifying pressure of the emperor caused the world sea to dry up at this moment.

The eyes of Wu and Zhao Wuxia were still dull.

However, the three quasi-immortal emperors below immediately became energetic and immediately went towards the old man regardless of their previous injuries.


The three quasi-immortal emperors were so respectful and respectful.

Wu laughed. "The pomp is quite grand, but it's a pity that he is still just a quasi-immortal emperor."


Emperor Yan shouted angrily and pointed at the old man with a ferocious expression.

"This senior is the first emperor in the world. Those who come after you will be punished by death if you don't worship him. How dare you disrespect him!"

"Here we go again." Wu curled his lips and dismissed it.

Then he said simply and directly: "To be honest, you alone can't stop our way."

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and pointed towards the dark abyss behind him.

"It's good to be young, and the blood and passion are still there, but the Tao is ruthless after all. If you two don't fulfill the Tao, how can you achieve Tao? And there is an opportunity for us to realize the Tao behind this, how can we let you wait and get it."

"Frog in the well, I'm too lazy to talk to you." Wu shook his head directly. After he and Zhao Wuxia experienced countless reincarnations in the main god space, their horizons had long been transcended.

He didn't want to talk nonsense with the man in front of him at all. When the fist seal came up again, he was going to sweep past him.

"It seems that Taoist friend is still stubborn, so I can only send you to wait for transcendence." The old man still sneered.

Although he admitted that Wu's strength was somewhat unexpected.

But now that he appears, he also has full means.

He raised his hand, and the endless and terrifying emperor's pressure reappeared, and then he struck out with a palm.

This palm evolved into a ruthless, heaven-destroying, domineering one. His strength was too tyrannical.

At this moment, the three quasi-immortal emperors behind him all looked horrified.

"My name is Old Man Kumu, and I control the world of destruction." The old man's tone was calm, but his arrogance did not diminish.

The big palm Hengkong could easily destroy a world was not aimed at Wu and Zhao Wuxia.

Instead, he shot into the depths of darkness.

Under this palm, a trace of dark power spread out in the darkness.

The terrifying ominous power suddenly broke out.

Everyone stared into the dark abyss, as if staring at an ancient behemoth that was about to resurrect.

Just a hint of darkness can make one's scalp tingle.

The sneer on Old Man Kumu's face became even more arrogant, and he looked at the three quasi-immortal emperors.

"Today I give you the opportunity to devote yourself to the path of darkness. You and I will be the same in the future."

"Thank you, senior!" The three quasi-immortal emperors were immediately overjoyed.

They know what it means.

If you are completely accepted by the darkness, you may have the opportunity to achieve enlightenment in the future.

Old Man Kumu smiled indifferently, without any emotion in his eyes.

at the same time.

The trace of dark power that poured out before has occupied the entire world, and terrible things happened again.

The dark sky cracked open in an instant, and three indescribable ominous forces descended from the top.

Those were actually three drops of dark blood!

The moment they appeared, darkness and blood intertwined between heaven and earth.

This place has completely turned into purgatory.

At this time, no one needed to remind them. The three quasi-immortal emperors instantly took to the air, with a certain kind of fanaticism on their faces, and allowed the three drops of dark blood to fall on themselves.

The long river of time emerges and flows upstream at this time.

Visible to the naked eye, the injuries of the three quasi-immortal emperors recovered in an instant.

In other words, they are stronger.

To put it bluntly, Wu and Zhao Wuxia have to face four more powerful opponents at the same time.

"If this is your only method, it will inevitably be disappointing."

Wu took a step forward, still looking domineering.

It's true, Darkblood created three other powerful enemies.

But even if you add Old Man Kumu and the four Quasi-Immortal Emperors, he alone is enough.

Old Man Kumu was not affected by these words, but still looked at Wu indifferently.

"You are on the wrong path after all. There is no end to the road ahead. You may be very powerful at this time, but you are doomed to failure, just like someone in the past."

After saying that, he made a feint with his right hand.

In the dark abyss behind him, an extremely ominous aura erupted again.

An ancient white skeleton stepped out of it.

Although he is a deceased person, he still exudes the terrifying pressure of the emperor.

"Have you seen this? This quasi-immortal emperor once questioned the darkness like you, but he eventually fell and was refined by me, becoming like this."

It's actually another quasi-immortal emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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