High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 253 An unprecedentedly large lineup

Chapter 253 An unprecedentedly large lineup

Who is the enemy in all the worlds?

A white skeleton, but a quasi-immortal emperor.

And there is something in what Old Man Kumu said.

It is said that he once walked here like a weed and stared into the dark abyss.

But in the end he fell and was turned into a puppet.

He compares the white bones to weeds, and the irony is self-evident.

But no matter what, Wu and Zhao Wuxia already faced five quasi-immortal emperors.

"There are some means, but still not enough!"

Wu took a step forward again, with no fear in his eyes.

He remains confident and invincible.

"Then add them." Old Man Kumu smiled lightly.

This is confident, and it doesn't look like a lie.

He actually still has a back hand.


The moment the sound fell, the sound of rushing rivers was highlighted in the sky.

The long river of time reappears without warning.

A force that does not belong to this time and space set off a storm in the long river of time, and the entire long river of time was completely rioted.

"Someone came across the river of time." Zhao Wuxia saw the truth.

Wu nodded, and his expression finally changed slightly for the first time.

Hula la.

The long river of time is still rushing, setting off huge waves that are raging.

This shows how terrifying the people who traveled down the river of time are.

Soon, three shocking waves came, with avenue symbols appearing all around them, extremely gorgeous.

Then the emperor's pressure appeared again in this time and space.

There are three quasi-immortal emperors again!
When they completely stepped into this place, they were still enveloped in divine light.

The quasi-immortal emperor's avenue symbol keeps flipping over. Even if time and space are reversed, it is still terrifyingly powerful and can be fully displayed here.


The three quasi-immortal emperors saluted the old man Kumu with a respectful attitude.

friend and foe.

"Excuse me." Old Man Kumu waved his hands indifferently, then looked at Wu and Zhao Wuxia.

The amusement in his eyes was clearly visible.

"I have said before, your road is blocked. These three Taoist friends come from the lower reaches of the long river of time. They still cannot realize the Tao. The darkness is the only chance for us, the quasi-immortal emperors, to realize the Tao. Of course, it is not right to say this now. It’s useless for you, so I don’t know if you and the other two are still confident enough to face eight of us.”

There was an uproar between heaven and earth.

There are eight quasi-immortal emperors, what kind of power does this represent.

What's more, this force has been completely condensed at this time.

"Is there anything else in this world that can stop these eight people? The only thing that can attract their attention is becoming a true emperor."

The creatures inside and outside the realm murmured in their hearts.

But now this power is used to deal with others.

This is so terrible that countless creatures dare not think about it anymore.

They are leaving here.

There are too many quasi-immortal emperors gathered here, and the entire world is trembling, and may completely collapse in the next second.

In other words, they are no longer qualified to watch the game.

"Where do two or three kittens come from? No matter how many weaklings gather, they are just weaklings."

Wu let out a ruthless taunt.

"What a shame!" Old Man Kumu's eyes turned completely cold.

Wu's attitude has completely angered him.

At this time, he had used up all his cards, even though he already had enough respect for the strength of Wu and Zhao Wuxia.

But in the face of eight quasi-immortal emperors, who in the world would not bow their heads!

They are all quasi-immortal emperors, why do you?
The killing intent in Old Man Kumu's eyes has solidified.

As soon as the eight people looked at each other, they had already surrounded Wu and Zhao Wuxia.

This is to cut off all escape routes for the two of them.

"Today, the end you are waiting for is to be destroyed physically and mentally!"


As for Wu, there was still disdain in his eyes.

In other words, it is a kind of pity for the frog at the bottom of the well.He looked at Zhao Wuxia and said, "I'll leave the old man and Jianzi to you, and let me take care of the other six!"

The latter nodded calmly, the sword was unsheathed, and he still said the same words.

"Quick fight."

I only heard the sound of a sword, and the power of breaking all laws with one sword was revived.

The sword light streaked across the sky and across time and space, as if it was about to split the darkness at this moment.

While the white clothes were dancing, Zhao Wuxia took action directly, and his targets were the old man Kumu and the white-bone quasi-immortal emperor.

"court death!"

Old Man Kumu's face was even more angry, but more of a sneer.

In his opinion, if Wu wants to fight one against six, he is seeking death.

So he cooperated very well. When the big palm rose and fell, the power of darkness surged wildly, breaking the incoming sword energy.

He is the creature closest to the source of darkness, even staying in the abyss of darkness for eternity.

He is terrifyingly powerful and is the strongest among the eight.

What's more, at this time, there is the White Bone Immortal Emperor helping him. With one against two, he is not afraid at all.

Soon, the sword light and the power of darkness collided together, creating a scene of world destruction in the sky.

It wasn't long before Old Man Kumu's cold voice came out.

"Wait for the six of us to quickly attack Wu, and then join me to surround and kill the empress!"

The urgency in his words was quite obvious.

The other six quasi-immortal emperors were startled at the same time.

The meaning conveyed by Old Man Kumu was very obvious. Even if he was one against two, he could not do anything to the other party.

For now, we can only hold back and wait for their help.

The three quasi-immortal emperors who came upstream from the river of time suddenly looked solemn.

Emperor Yan, Emperor An, and Emperor Xian looked even more ugly.

They once again felt the terror of Wu and Zhao Wuxia.

But the next second, they became arrogant again.

"We have thrown ourselves into the darkness and are stronger than before. And with one against six, who can defeat us!"

"Wu, this is the price for opposing us."

Emperor Yan even smiled coldly.

He was defeated mercilessly by Zhao Wuxia before.

At this time, he turned over consciously and immediately sneered.


With a loud shout, it was actually the three quasi-immortal emperors who wanted to take the lead.

After all, they came against the long river of chaos and time, and their time was limited.

A snow-white jade hand reached out and pressed directly towards Wu Heng.

This is actually a female immortal emperor.

But the power of this palm is extremely terrifying.

The monstrous avenue symbols suddenly emerged and intertwined together.

The darkness was overwhelming, blocking all time and space around Wu.

"You bitch, you have quite a bad temper."

Golden light erupted all over Wu, and the runes of the avenue also rose into the sky.

He also punched out, his eyes still filled with invincibility.

The quasi-immortal emperor's avenues clashed again, and the void instantly split open.

The fists and palms exchanged, forming a terrifying chasm in the sky.

But the result was obvious. The empress retreated suddenly, and her palm was almost destroyed by this blow.

"Weaker than those three emperors, why are you shouting?"

Wu is overbearing and never forgets sarcasm.

But the next second, he looked sideways at the sky, and two more terrifying attacks had already landed.

It was a measuring ruler and a black spurge.

They are two other quasi-immortal emperors from the future.

They began a siege.

But Wu was still unafraid and blasted away everything with his fists.

Emperor Yan, Emperor Xian, and Emperor An quickly joined the battle group.

The six quasi-immortal emperors want to kill Wu here.

(End of this chapter)

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