Chapter 256 Extremely Insulting

Looking at the remaining Dark Emperor and Yan Emperor.

Wu could only wave his hand.

"Since you have picked them all, I can only look for the two of them."

Just the expressions and tone of the three people at this time.

It's not like choosing an opponent to fight to the death.

It's more like choosing a certain product, but it's still a bit disgusting.

Not much damage, but highly insulting.

How could the six quasi-immortal emperors endure this?

The three emperors Yan, Xuan, and An practiced for endless years and reached the realm of quasi-immortal emperors.

They are above the Nine Realms, how have they ever been treated like this?

The other three people have reversed their course from the downstream of the long river of time. They want to apply for the body of darkness in this life, and they want to step into the realm of the Immortal Emperor in this way.

Naturally, those who use such unnatural means and magical powers are not here to receive anger.


The six quasi-immortal emperors were furious, their eyes filled with murderous intent.

Kill the opponent in groups of two.

They still have the numerical advantage and are confident that they can kill the enemy.

A fierce battle broke out.

The battlefield is divided into four parts, and no one is in the way of anyone.

The only thing that is the same is that the battlefields are all two against one.

Don't talk about Wude at all.

The demonic energy broke out, and as a fellow Taoist invited by Wu, the power of Demon Ancestor's explosion at this time was quite astonishing.

And those fighting against them are two immortal emperors, a man and a woman, from the lower reaches of the river of time.

At this time, the avenue runes all over their bodies became even more dazzling, covering themselves.

The aura it exudes is also unparalleled and shocking.

They come from the future and can become quasi-immortal emperors, so they are naturally invincible.

However, facing the two of them, Demon Ancestor stood calmly with his hands behind his back, his expression unable to change at all.

"As hateful as a weed!"

The female immortal emperor roared angrily and revealed her true appearance. She was 30 years old, with a beautiful face and a golden dress like armor.

He is also a quasi-immortal emperor, so he naturally appears to be otherworldly.

But at this time, she had a murderous look on her face, which ruined her pretty good temperament.

With a move of her right hand, the female immortal emperor actually used a killing weapon like Tian Ge to attack the Demon Ancestor.

At the same time, the quasi-immortal emperor holding the black halberd was also pressing forward step by step, coming at the same time from another direction.

Facing the full blows of the two invincible quasi-immortal emperors, Demon Ancestor's expression changed for the first time.

But that change seemed to be just a disappointment.

"I don't know who gave you the courage to fight with fellow Taoist Wu."

Demon Ancestor shook his head and whispered.

At the same time, that day Ge Yu Daji had already slashed at him with terrifying power.

For a moment, the roar of the avenue sounded.

It seems that the power of this world is not enough to support the power of these two magic weapons at this time.

Because even if the Demon Ancestor is not from all the worlds here, all the time and space he is in is actually imprisoned by these two divine weapons.

The two quasi-immortal emperors' great powers were at their best at this moment.

I vow to destroy the enemy in front of me!
Finally, two magic weapons fell.

In other words, the moment it fell, Demon Ancestor took action.

"Yin and Yang are in chaos, and the Demon Ancestor is under heaven!"

When Demon Ancestor spoke, time and space seemed to freeze.

The two magic weapons were infinitely close to him, but they were still unable to move at all.

In the sky, black evil energy once again filled the world.

Two forces naturally arise, operating in a mysterious and mysterious trajectory.

Feeling the terrifying pressure coming from the dark world, the two quasi-immortal emperors were already horrified.

They stared into the demonic aura, as if they wanted to see through everything.

"Don't look at it, you can't learn." Demon Ancestor shook his head and sneered.

"This is the two qi of yin and yang in the heavens. I use this to enter the devil's way. This is only one part of all the worlds in the heavens. How can you be able to see through it?"

After that, as the yin and yang qi circulated, a magic knife appeared.

The two sides fought together again.

Divine weapons and magic swords that are not of this world.

The power of the explosion is enough to destroy the world.

The three of them fought together.

Ah, the world sea rises and falls, the years freeze, the heavens sink, Aba, Aba, Aba...

That’s the process anyway.

Elsewhere, Wu Ye was fighting with Emperor Yan and Emperor An.

The two people on the opposite side were obviously much more cautious this time, and they mainly focused on fighting.

The three figures fought to any point in the long river of time, and they fought in it.

However, Emperor Yan and Emperor An always focused on defense and did not dare to attack easily.

Wu was fighting until he rose, and his fist seals were continuously blasted to suppress all enemies in the world.

He was typing and chanting.

"Are you just saying that you are invincible?"

"You are the ones who dare to say you are invincible?"

Wu's eyes were slightly slanted, and the corners of his mouth were slightly curled.

Even after obtaining the blood of darkness, Emperor Yan and Emperor Dark were still suffering in their hearts at this time.

Facing Wu Na's fist seal that could sweep everything, they could only struggle to hold on.

They can only hope that several others can defeat their opponents and support them.

And the third battlefield.

Zhenghe, who was dressed in white, was fighting with Emperor Xian, who was called the ancestor in Wukou, and another person, but they could not imagine the suffering that the two people were suffering at this time.

In other words, even if they knew it, they would probably sneer at it.

Because the enemy in front of them is also too scary for them.

It even gave them a sense of humiliation.

This may seem unbelievable, but it is true.

Just then Emperor Xian took action with anger. He evolved his great way to the extreme, turning into a big hand to kill the enemy directly.

After getting the blood of darkness, his strength is not much weaker than that of Old Man Kumu.

The moment he took action, waves rose up in the boundary sea and turned into clouds and smoke, which continued to disappear.

It was as if the birth and death of the nine realms were all within his reach.

This kind of attack has reached a peak he has never experienced before.

At this moment, Emperor Xian felt that he was above everything else.

However, when the Patriarch in white saw his attack, he slowly shook his head.

"Your Tao is too broken to live forever. The Tao that I have understood for 1000 years is no longer this kind of thing."

It's still that understatement, but it's still extremely harmful!
Of course, this was the case with Emperor Xian at the beginning. His way was actually broken and he was called "something".

But the next scene completely confused him.

The Patriarch was still sitting cross-legged on the top of the nine-story Immortal Tower. He didn't make any movements, except for casual movements with his right hand.

Immediately afterwards, another big hand came across like this.

The huge Taoist hand was making a lot of noise, but it ended quickly.

Because the big hand that followed completely wiped out Emperor Xian's offensive.

It was annihilation. In an instant, Emperor Xuan's so-called ultimate avenue of evolution was torn into pieces.

This is not a difference in strength, but a simple crushing of the avenues.

And Emperor Xian's expression changed from confused at first to one of horror.

Because of the avenues and moves used by the opponent.

They are actually the same as him!
The insulting nature of this outcome aside.

Emperor Xian had only one thought in his mind at this time.


What the hell is going on here!
(End of this chapter)

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