Chapter 257 The Deepest Dark Depths

Something that was difficult to accept, even difficult to understand, appeared in front of Emperor Xian.

The Patriarch opposite him actually used his own way to crush me?

He couldn't believe it, he was a quasi-immortal emperor.

That was the path he had been pursuing for endless years of practice.

Not to mention others, even he himself has been in the process of pursuing and improving.

But the way the other party evolved was actually more perfect.

"Isn't it surprising?" The white-clothed Patriarch chuckled.

Emperor Xian nodded subconsciously and did not answer.

It was impossible for him to understand, and suddenly he remembered what the other party said before.

"Your way is broken. I have been practicing for 1000 years and this is no longer the case."

Now Emperor Xian somewhat believed it.

Subconsciously, he asked: "Do you really have a way to live forever?"

"Yes, do you want to learn?" The Patriarch in White was obviously interested and said: "The way I practice is the way in which one thought generates ten thousand things! I can understand the way of all heavens and worlds in one thought..."

He talked endlessly about his way to eternal life, even though Emperor Xian was his enemy now.

This situation made Wu remember some memories from another battlefield.

This white-clothed patriarch and the others became friends in a world of reincarnation in the space of the Lord God.

It is extremely powerful and transcends everything, so for endless years, it wanders among the heavens and the worlds, preaching and enlightening the beings in all heavens. It can be said that all heavens are disciples.

That's why Wucai called him the ancestor.

An extremely powerful creature whose realm is so profound that it cannot be described by a specific realm.

The aftermath that erupted in the four battlefields shocked ancient and modern times.

The entire Nine Realms were almost shattered and became somewhat dilapidated.

Wu and others are all fighting one against two, but they are all the ones with the upper hand.

As time progressed, this battle was coming to an end.

Hongmeng Supreme Fist!
On the battlefield where Wu is, his fist seal is still invincible.

With the blessing of the 33-day Good Fortune Fist, his strength increased by 33 times.

The Dark Emperor and Yan Emperor who fought with them were suppressed from the beginning. At this time, even passive defense became a little difficult.

Under Wu Dakai's offensive, they could only retreat steadily.

"Only I am invincible!"

Wu seized the opportunity and landed a punch on Emperor Yan's body. The terrifying punch mark almost tore apart his soul after breaking through his physical body.

Although he was not dead, he lost all combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

After that, the Dark Emperor was even more helpless, and the feathers of the avenue behind him were brutally torn off by Wu.

The blood of the dark quasi-immortal emperor suddenly spilled from the sky, polluting the boundary sea.

Wu Li, who was the first to resolve the battle, looked at other battlefields in the void.

In another battlefield, the nine-story fairy tower and the white clothes are still very conspicuous.

"That's all, your qualifications are too dull. You can't understand the way to eternal life. You can't understand it."

The Patriarch in white sighed, and his offensive changed instantly.

When facing Emperor Xian and the quasi-immortal emperor from the future before, he only suppressed the opponent's avenue with his opponent's avenue.

But at this moment, he made a false move with his right hand, and a flower of the avenue appeared above his head.

This is not an ordinary flower of the great road, but a flower of eternal life that he transformed into the way of creating all kinds of dharma with one thought.

He traveled through all the heavens and realms for endless years just to see the way to eternal life.

"I'll send you to wait for reincarnation and see eternal life."

The Patriarch smiled lightly, and the eternal flower above his head swayed gently.

In an instant, the time and space in front of Emperor Xian and another quasi-immortal emperor changed.

When you open your eyes, you will see a fairyland, with white clouds floating under your feet, misty fairy mountains and long rivers.In the farthest distance, the fairy light is the brightest, and a fairy palace temple appears with the word eternal life written on it.

"Could that be the place of eternal life?"

Emperor Xuan and another quasi-immortal emperor murmured in their mouths, and walked towards the immortal palace temple almost like a demon, with only the word eternal life in their eyes.

Halfway through the journey, I saw that the road was cut off and all the immortal palaces and temples had disappeared.

The whole world was shattered in an instant, the sky collapsed, thunder and fire burst out, and this place turned into a purgatory!
Finally, the entire land shattered into pieces, and ghosts cried and wolves howled, and the place turned into the netherworld again.

Billions of ghosts and gods were coming towards the two of them.

But in the real world, we saw that the expressions of Emperor Xian and another quasi-immortal emperor were changing in various ways, and they still lost the chance of life.

"The Patriarch has good tricks."

Wu couldn't help but praise, this method of invisibly killing the quasi-immortal emperor was really amazing.

"Fellow Taoist, you're overly praised, but it's just a small trick." The Patriarch in white chuckled and waved his hand.

The sound of a sword interrupted their conversation, and the source of the sound was Zhao Wuxia's battlefield.

It has to be said that among the eight quasi-immortal emperors, the dead old man is undoubtedly the strongest.

After all, he is the first quasi-immortal emperor since the creation of the Nine Realms, and he is extremely powerful.

There is also the White Bone Quasi-Immortal Emperor refined by himself. Together, the two of them create an extremely terrifying attack.

But unfortunately they met Zhao Wuxia.

With a green blade in hand, he can kill all enemies.

As soon as the Seven Swords of Jiejiao were released, under the power that completely transcended this world, only death awaited Old Man Kumu.

Finally, the battle on this battlefield ended.

The old man with dead wood and the quasi-immortal emperor with white bones were both killed by Zhao Wuxia's sword.

Only the Demon Ancestor's side continued, but after Wu's joining, the battle was easily resolved.

At this point, the battle with the eight quasi-immortal emperors finally came to an end.

However, the Nine Realms at this time also paid a huge price.

The eight quasi-immortal emperors died, and the heaven and earth mourned together. Blood rained from the sky, and it was unknown how many thousands of years it would last.

Even after the three future quasi-immortal emperors died here, the long river of time collapsed.

Time and space are chaotic, and the avenue is no longer there.

The world is completely broken.

But this cannot be changed, because it involves a battle at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor.

After taking a look at the mess at his feet, Wu sighed in his heart, and then said goodbye to the Demon Ancestor and Patriarch.

The reinforcement order can make them break some rules and come here, but after all, they are not creatures of this world.

When they were separated, several people were quite free and easy. Because of the existence of the reinforcement order, they would meet again in the future.

The corpses of the eight quasi-immortal emperors were floating on the ground, and there was no one blocking the way in front of the entire dark abyss.

"Let's go and complete the mission."

Wu quickly regained his composure and headed towards the dark world with Zhao Wuxia.


The end of the boundary sea is the ultimate place.

This is the ancient place where the eight quasi-immortal emperors believe there is an opportunity to become an emperor.

But Wu and Zhao Wuxia knew that this was an abyss of darkness.

There is no way to become an emperor here, but a place of endless loneliness and despair.

The two stepped into the boundary sea and did not feel much power.

The power in the boundary sea was violent and killed too many people.

But the previous war destroyed everything.

Traveling along the boundary sea, the two finally came to the final place that contained dark secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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