High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 258 The evolution of the avenue, the true darkness

Chapter 258 The evolution of the avenue, the true darkness

Within and outside the realm, various rune avenues intertwine.

That is not man-made, but the world itself.

A terrible whistling sounded, like a devil crying.

The power of the great avenue of the world itself turned into hurricanes and tsunamis and spread, sweeping across the heavens and all realms.

Magnificent power, mighty.

All the creatures in the nine realms were trembling at this time.

This is a sign of doom.

Heaven and earth are disintegrating, everything is falling apart.

The battle with the eight quasi-immortal emperors still had too far-reaching impact.

The road has been trampled, time and space have been disrupted, and no one can stop it.

Wu looked away, with a bit of unwillingness and helplessness in his eyes.

This was his hometown, and it was now in this situation.

But soon his eyes became firm again.

"If the source of darkness is not solved, it may not take long before the world will suffer even more horrific things."

He sighed, feeling a little thankful.

Because the Nine Realms were not completely destroyed in the end, the avenue can be rebuilt if it is gone, and the time and space can be reshaped with the power of the avenue if it is messed up.

The current situation is already a blessing among misfortunes.

"Let's go, complete the mission, your hometown will eventually be repaired by time." Zhao Wuxia's cold voice sounded, she was comforting.

"I understand." Wu nodded.

The two of them raised their heads and began to look directly into the dark abyss.

In the boundless dark world, there was no movement at all.

It's as if the sound doesn't exist here.

"The source of darkness is actually a place of endless silence?"

Wu frowned, a little confused.

After setting foot here, his whole body was covered in golden light, which was because he had used his great power to the extreme.

This is a precaution, because this is a dark abyss, too ominous.

No one has ever set foot here.

Even the dead old man is just a corpse sinking into the darkness.

His way is domineering, just like his personality.

When we come here, the evolution of the avenue will be extended here.

But it doesn't work. There are terrible rules here that don't allow him to do this.

But not for nothing.

The world that Wu sensed at this time was endless silence and endless loneliness.

"It's like a dying man who has given up everything."

He said this to Zhao Wuxia.

The latter shook his head.

Because she is also realizing that this world is not what Ru Wu described.

"More like, a person waiting for death with obsession."

As soon as these words came out, the two looked at each other speechlessly.

Because this is too contradictory. Why would a person who is waiting for death have obsessions?

And it's so lonely that it's indescribable obsession.

Even that can't be called obsession, Wu and Zhao Wuxia don't understand it anyway.

"Go in and you'll get the truth."

Wu uses his nature and doesn't think about it at all.

The two finally stepped into the dark abyss.

The moment they stepped in, they seemed to have left the Nine Realms and entered a new world.

“The dark world is not entirely dark.”

Looking up at the blood-stained dusk, Wu shook his head, thinking that his understanding of darkness was too superficial and too literal.

At this time, he and Zhao Wuxia were not in a dark world.

On the contrary, everything here is very complete, even better than the current Nine Realms Heavens.

"No, it's very weird here."

After taking two steps, the two discovered a problem.

Because they were moving so fast, one step would take them hundreds of millions of miles.Perhaps they could do this with their current magical powers, but they just took steps.

"The strength is still there, keep moving forward."

Zhao Wuxia reminded that although this place is weird, they are still strong.

The two of them continued to move forward, and there was light falling from the blood-stained sky, which was very mysterious.

Because Xuan Guang is evolving into many avenues.

Just like now, in front of the two of them, the sky was falling with blue and purple air.

Blue and purple circled together, from being repelled at the beginning to merging, and then perfectly becoming one.

"The two qi of yin and yang are the great road."

Wu was a little surprised that there was such an evolution in the dark abyss, the ultimate ancient land.

This is so weird.

And this is just the beginning, because the sky is filled with black and white energy again, this time it is actually evolving life and death.

"Is this the place of ultimate reincarnation?"

Wu was a little skeptical, but quickly shook his head.

After experiencing the main god space, he learned that the so-called reincarnation is just a certain avenue.

A Tao that is impossible for them to master.

The two then ignored this and moved on.

They were traveling too fast, and seemed to have reached the end of this ultimate ancient land.

Because they found a monument, not too high, as white as jade, sacred and flawless.

It's ironic that there is holiness at the end of darkness.

I don’t know what kind of material this monument is made of, but there are actually words on it.

Opportunity to become emperor.

Just four words, but very shocking.

Because this will make all the creatures in the nine realms crazy, just like Old Man Kumu and the others before.

Even the future quasi-immortal emperor would not hesitate to cross the river of time to find an opportunity to become an emperor here.

However, the eyes of Wu and Zhao Wuxia could not waver.

Because they learned something from the Lord God Space, their vision has naturally transcended.

"It seems that this is where the eight quasi-immortal emperors went crazy and lost their true intentions."

Wu sighed, he guessed that this monument was the source of everything.

"No, the power of this monument is too weird. This is not the end of darkness. It's all an illusion." Zhao Wuxia shook his head and stared behind the monument.

But there is nothing there.

There is only a barrier formed by broken fairy light.

That is the barrier, which represents reaching the end of this world.

Wu seemed to sense something, and he made a fist with his right hand and punched it suddenly.

A punch fell, and the boundary wall was suddenly shattered by billions of rays of light!

The place they were standing at this time was indeed not the end of darkness!

Behind the boundary wall is the truth of everything.

But after the new world opened, the two of them felt a more terrifying aura.

It was because they had sensed that contradictory atmosphere before.

Silence, eternal loneliness.

What appeared in front of the two people was such a world.

Any color, emotion, or even the power of the avenue seems to have no meaning here.

"This is the source of darkness, strange and ominous."

Wu suddenly frowned, with a dignity he had never seen before when facing the eight quasi-immortal emperors.

Zhao Wuxia on the side unconsciously grasped the three-foot green peak in his hand, and water droplets seemed to appear on his cold and flawless face.

Immediately, the two of them were shocked.

Because at the source of this darkness, they saw a palace.

It's just a palace. You can't describe its majesty or other modifiers.

Because here, it's all meaningless.

"You are here."

In an instant, before Wu and Zhao Wuxia could recover from the previous shock.

A divine thought sounded in their minds.

(End of this chapter)

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