High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 259: This guy doesn’t care about people at all.

Chapter 259 This guy doesn’t speak human language at all
The spiritual thoughts are invisible and have no trace. I don’t know where they come from, and there is no emotion at all.

Even for Wu and Zhao Wuxia.

The meaning that this spiritual thought wanted to convey was just happened to be heard by them.

But the eyes of the two of them were filled with horror.

Because they felt some kind of emotion from this divine thought that had no emotions at all.

It was the contradictory feeling of endless silence that I had felt before.

"This is actually an emotion, the emotion of a terrible creature!"

The two looked at each other in disbelief.

In this ultimate ancient land, the true source of darkness, everything they experienced was actually related to one creature.

This is so terrifying, like the greatest terror in the nine realms.

This is the end of the dark abyss, and there are living creatures.

This in itself is a great horror.

"Could this be a real Immortal Emperor?"

Wu could only speculate this way.

But he couldn't accept the truth no matter what.

Because they were stronger than him and Zhao Wuxia, and according to the Nine Realms, they had not reached that level, and they became quasi-immortal emperors by Old Man Kumu and the others.

Even the Patriarch in White who he invited before was like this.

The Patriarch may be able to instantly kill countless quasi-immortal emperors like Old Man Kumu, but he still has no transcendence, so he has been pursuing the way to immortality.

"Maybe... he is just better than us." Zhao Wuxia said after thinking for a while.

"It's possible, but most likely it's the enemy who caused all this." Wu nodded and stared at the palace.

He knew very well that no matter what the creature was, it would be an enemy.

It is the existence of this creature that affects the Nine Realms and those quasi-immortal emperors.

That monument is the best proof.

Then the two of them no longer hesitated and headed towards the palace.

This time they even used the power of the Great Dao, and they moved faster.

But the palace is obviously close at hand, but it is far away in time and space.

Because they passed through ancient temples one after another.

Those ancient temples are quite majestic and can be described as each one is even more sacred and glorious.

It seems that there are countless opportunities to become an emperor.

But Wu and Zhao Wuxia didn't look sideways at all and ignored these ancient palaces.

I don’t know how long I walked, because the feeling was so terrifying, it seemed like it happened in an instant, and it seemed like it had lasted for several epochs.

Just when the two of them were almost numb, a thunder broke out in the sea of ​​consciousness, and everything in front of them changed again.

They seem to sense the passage of time and have a concept.

Then in one breath, they arrived in front of the palace.

It's still indescribable, I can only feel its antiquity.

When the door was opened, or when they had the idea of ​​entering this palace, they were already inside.

They seemed to be in a new world again.

But silence always seems to be the main theme here.

There is still that eternal loneliness.

But now they understand that this is the emotion of a living being.

Wu and Zhao Wuxia looked up, and they finally saw the creature.

There is no darkness here, there is only a throne.

And that creature was sitting there.

It's just that this creature that was supposed to be extremely powerful didn't have any life in it at this time.

But he is alive.

"Who are you."

Wu spoke, he was questioning.

He wants to get the truth, not just for the mission, because the Nine Realms is his hometown.

The sound fell, very abrupt in this endless and silent space.

Even uncomfortable. "You're lucky."

The figure on the throne spoke, still without any emotion.

But the answer is not what the question was asked, and people don't know why.

However, when Wu and Zhao Wuxia met the eyes of the living being, they could not help but be horrified.

What kind of look was that.

It seemed to be a kind of indifference and ruthlessness that could not make him feel the slightest interest in anything in the world.

They couldn't be sure, because those seemingly cold and heartless eyes contained too much.

There seemed to be some kind of attachment and some kind of unwillingness in the eyes that were completely emotionless.

There are still extremely conflicting emotions that cannot be explained.

"Why do you want to incarnate into darkness? Do you know that all the heavens in the nine realms will be destroyed because of this?"

Wu came to his senses and asked again.

He knew that this creature must know that Old Man Kumu's way was wrong, so wrong, and so broken.

What kind of Immortal Emperor, the real Emperor, is just a creature that is just messing around with them.

Before entering the main god's space, he was also deeply involved in this big lie.

"It doesn't make sense, does it?"

The creature responded, this time the words were within the understandable range.

He said: "Whether it is a quasi-immortal emperor or an immortal emperor, it is meaningless after all. You should understand."

Wu and Zhao Wuxia couldn't help but frown when they heard this.

The origin of this creature seemed to be more terrifying than they imagined.

And as if seeing the reaction of the two people, the creature suddenly smiled.

"It seems that you are not necessarily lucky."

Suddenly, Wu and Zhao Wuxia felt terrified.

They still didn't understand what the creatures said, and the so-called laughter still had no emotion.

But they just had a feeling of being seen through everything by this creature.

"Stop talking nonsense."

He was so anxious that he felt that the two of them would be in danger if things continued like this.

"The mountains and clouds here are shrouded in mist, so I don't know what you're talking about."

He was ready to resort to violence to make this creature speak human words.

In an instant, the 33-day Divine Fist of Creation was activated, and his combat power instantly increased 33 times.

Zhao Wuxia also held the sword in his hand, and his own divine light emerged.

The terrifying aura of the two men was so astonishing, it was actually even more terrifying than when they fought the eight quasi-immortal emperors before.

This is a terrifying power that even a quasi-immortal emperor of the level of Old Man Kumu can suppress.

In the previous battle, the two of them didn't even try their best!
But facing these two people, the creature still shook his head.

"It doesn't make sense."

The pupils with conflicting emotions were still cold, as if he was still facing two ants.

Of course, what he said was still not human words to Wu.

"let me."

Wu shouted angrily, and golden light erupted from his body.

The avenue runes manifested, even in a place like this, still showed a terrifying avenue storm.

He exploded with all his strength in an instant, without any intention of looking down on the creatures.

He didn't dare, he just wanted to fight this creature one step ahead of Zhao Wuxia.

Hongmeng Supreme Fist!
It was the most terrifying killing move at the beginning, but its power was much stronger than when he fought against the eight quasi-immortal emperors before.

The fist seal spreads across the sky, and the power blooms, vast and unpredictable.

Just the spreading residual power can cause the heavens to open up and all realms to collapse in a single thought.

At this moment, the heaven and earth opened and closed, and the avenue groaned.

This punch is so terrifying, it can be called the supreme punch.

Unprecedented, it has truly affected all things, all spirits, and all realms.

(End of this chapter)

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