Chapter 260 Three thousand times increase in combat power
Wu was too scary at this time.

Can be called invincible.

Because of this punch, I am afraid that even the eight quasi-immortal emperors before that would not be able to receive it.

He has grown to this point in the reincarnation space for thousands of years.

But at this time, there was no trace of arrogance on Wu's face, but a look of caution.

Everything about this creature was too weird, so he was naturally cautious.

Therefore, in the first moment, his figure turned into light rain, and his speed reached the extreme.

Wu Dao's magic is unparalleled, his fist seals are unparalleled, and his combat prowess is earth-shattering.

He instantly arrived in front of the creature, exerting his great power to the extreme, and the invincible fist seal finally fell.

In an instant, time and space around him changed.

The throne disappeared, and Zhao Wuxia also disappeared.

When you look up, you can see the stars. This is actually a sea of ​​stars.

Wu's punch was so powerful that it transcended a certain limit. The place he was in at this moment was not the real world, but the manifestation of the power of his punch.

Then he saw the creature, and the fist seal fell.

Then he saw the boundless sea of ​​stars shaking, and the stars turned into fists, falling towards the living beings like a natural disaster.

This power is enough to destroy the Nine Realms countless times.

Wu raised his head and chest, walking in the sea of ​​stars, as if standing at the end of heaven and earth.

The fighting spirit in his eyes was even more intense. He didn't believe that the creature could ignore his punch.

At this moment, he was high and mighty.

This is an extremely powerful manifestation of nature.

But the next second, his hair stood on end!
Because the moment his fist seal was about to land on that creature, all the stars and the sea of ​​stars disappeared.

It was as if none of this had ever happened.

He was still in the palace, and he himself appeared in the place where he stood before in an extremely strange way.

Blood splattered everywhere, and he was actually injured.

"what happened?"

Wu looked at Zhao Wuxia aside with a blank expression, and his expression suddenly changed.

Because the latter was as confused as he was.

"I don't know. I only know that you took action and got hurt." Zhao Wuxia responded, his voice trembling slightly.

For a moment, the hairs on my hair stood on end. It was a feeling more terrifying than facing death.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the throne.

But he saw that the creature was still the same, and the way he looked at him was still the same.

It turns out that you are so strong that we cannot understand you, so you said everything before was meaningless.

At this time, even though Wu was not afraid of anything, he could not help but feel numb.

This creature itself is the most terrifying secret.

"If you are stronger than you, why do you want to create this darkness? What meaning do all the creatures in the nine realms have to you?"

Wu couldn't help but shouted and asked again.

"You don't understand, it's meaningless." The creature still responded like this.

Wu felt it was extremely harsh, so he became completely angry.

"I'll show you the cost of underestimating me."

Wu sneered, but it was not without purpose.

Having been in the main god space for so long, his trump cards are unimaginable.

With a thought, 33 golden lights suddenly appeared in the palace.

The golden light was too dazzling, like a brilliant sun rising in this palace.

There were 33 golden lights like this, surrounding Wu, making him look like an ancient emperor.

"Do you know the 33-day Divine Fist of Creation?"

33 In the golden light, Wu raised his head and looked at the creature on the throne.

The creature did not respond, and its expression and eyes did not change.So Wu thought to himself: "This 33-day Divine Fist of Creation can increase my combat power 33 times, but this is far from the magical effect of this method."

As he spoke, his eyes became confident when he looked at the creatures.

"If this method is supplemented by 33 artifacts, I can increase my strength by [-] times."

[-] times!
This is an extremely exaggerated figure.

A number that Old Man Kumu and the other eight quasi-immortal emperors simply cannot understand.

At the same time, why is there such a big gap between the Quasi-Immortal Emperors?

Even if it was stacking boxes, it was stacked to a level that was shocking.

At least Wu felt that this was enough to shake the creature in front of him.

But this was not over yet. He looked at the 33 golden lights around him and continued: "But these 33 are not magic weapons, but holy weapons. With their complement, my combat power can be increased by 300 million times."

This is a terrifying number that can directly shame Old Man Kumu and the others into committing suicide.

And this was Wu's trump card, the terrifying aspect of the 33-day Divine Fist of Creation.

After reincarnating in the Lord God's space, his strength was revealed.

Of course, this is no lie.

With a thought, the 33 sacred weapons exchanged from Wu's God's Space finally showed their true colors.

Under the golden light, 33 terrifying weapons of the Holy Path appeared.

They are not the same, but just a trace of breath released is enough to crush the avenues of the nine worlds.

33 The soldiers of the holy way surrounded Wu in a strange formation, acting as a foil.

At this moment, Wu's aura also climbed up, until it increased by a full 300 million times.

no more, no less.

In such a state, Wu becomes even more invincible, indescribably powerful.

But when he looked at the creature again with confidence, he was disappointed.

The other party is still the same as before, with no fluctuation in his eyes.


Wu didn't believe in evil at all, so he raised his fist and struck again.

Under the indescribable power, even if Wu moved slightly, the nine realms of heaven would completely collapse in an instant.

Collapse into nothingness, then rise again under its terrible power.

Countless creatures were also destroyed and reborn in this process.

The so-called avenue pales in comparison to such power.

This time Wu is faster, because his speed has also increased 300 million times, as if he is time itself.

He came to the top of the creature's head and raised his fist again.

The most powerful Hongmeng Supreme Fist was struck again, and the heavens of the nine realms fell apart.

However, when this terrifying attack that was three million times stronger approached, the creature was still the same as before.

He shook his head, as if wanting to express Wu's ignorance.

But over the endless years, he had long forgotten to express this emotion.

Only this time he raised his hand, not because Wu's offensive was adequate, but because he instinctively showed impatience.

Because he only raised his hand slightly and did not make any swiping movements.

In Zhao Wuxia's sight, the creature finally made a move, but the hand was quickly and calmly put down.

Ever since, she saw that Wu was even worse than last time.

Because this time it flew back directly.

A bloody gash appeared on his body, and blood splattered.

Wu's face looked extremely ugly at this time, and he was almost cut in half this time.

But what's even more frightening is that he still doesn't understand what the other party did.

Just by raising his hand, he was defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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