High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 263: To attain Daluo in this world

Chapter 263: To attain Daluo in this world

It is so difficult to realize Daluo.

Even though Zhao Wuxia was born in the Lord God Dimension, he has seen too much.

In her current state, she is showing her imagination to the extreme.

It is impossible to get a glimpse of even the slightest concept.

This is also inevitable.

After all, several epochs have passed, and in the entire prehistoric era, only Chen Feng has become the new Da Luo.

This is rare.

The same is true in prehistoric times.

That's why Hou Tu, Nu Wa and the others have a different attitude towards Chen Feng than other Da Luo.

It's considered special treatment.

So much so that Chen Feng himself thought that he was the "group favorite" in Da Luo at first.

In short, even in the ancient world where the Daluo people lived, the chance of a Daluo being born in such a world was too small.

Miracles are not enough to describe it.

Although there are always lucky people, Chen Feng will definitely not be the last Da Luo.

But the birth of the next Da Luo may be several, or even dozens of prehistoric eras later.

But now, in front of Zhao Wuxia, there is a creature dormant in the nine realms and heavens. He has reached the pinnacle of these vast heavens and realms, and he wants to prove the way of Daluo here forever.

Regardless of whether the other party succeeds or not, this is worthy of admiration.

But now, there is Chen Feng here, and there is also a real Daluo here.

Zhao Wuxia had a premonition that what happened next would definitely be something she would never forget.

And unexpected.

So she raised her head and looked at the creature.

But now the figure of the other party is even more blurry and somewhat illusory in her sight.

This means that the power of this creature has reached a level that she can't even imagine at the moment.

Because this is the characteristic of Daluo, and it stands on any timeline in all eras.

"I did this just because I wanted to see her again." The creature looked at Chen Feng and spoke with a somewhat inexplicable expression.

It seems like there are too many things to say.

It was as if what he was facing was not just a big figure, but someone who could let him express his lonely emotions in these endless years.

"I know." Chen Feng nodded, his eyes not wavering at all.

But just like that, a look of relief flashed across the creature's face.

The feeling of silence and loneliness that seemed to last for endless years was finally understood by others at this moment.

He has too many experiences, experiences that are not understood by others. Unless it is Da Luo, it can only be Da Luo.

So whether he was facing Wu or Zhao Wuxia, the most common thing he said was that it was meaningless.

Because this is the case even if the two of them are related to Da Luo.

He is very powerful. Both his qualifications and his current strength have reached an extremely terrifying level.

The same is true from Chen Feng's perspective.

In fact, even at this time, Chen Feng felt a lot of pity for this kind of creature.

But he couldn't express it because the other party was not Da Luo after all.

He cannot be regarded as the same kind.

"Have the qualifications to realize Daluo."

Chen Feng sighed in his heart and gave the other party the most direct affirmation from Da Luo's perspective.

It is no longer the time when he first attained enlightenment, and now his understanding of Da Luo is indescribable.

Da Luo is too boring. No matter it is the prehistoric world, it is just their game.

Just play and figure out what they want while playing.

But games are still games. Even those big players who are not in the prehistoric era have only changed the game from an online game to a stand-alone game.

So Ronaldo will do a lot of things, such as training the next Ronaldo.

This is the case with the creature in front of him. Endless years ago, he was discovered by another Da Luo and then cultivated.

Just like how he cultivated Zhao Wuxia.

"It's just a pity..."

Finally, Chen Feng sighed softly.At this time, the creature had obviously reached a perfect state.

He had reached this point countless years ago.

Even he couldn't remember exactly how long it took.

Because that may have happened several prehistoric eras ago.

Just as Chen Feng thought, he has the qualifications to realize Daluo.

His talent is really strong, so he will be noticed by a big Luo.

But until now, he still couldn't take that last step.

Over the long years, he tried everything.

But in the end it all failed.

The so-called dark truth of the nine worlds is just the cause and effect caused by a certain method he tried in a certain period of time.

He wanted to pass down the dark way to this world and attract endless quasi-immortal emperors to come and find out.

He wants all the beings in the world to turn into people of darkness, and then become his "nourishment" after endless years, and then break through the final step in one fell swoop.

This idea is crazy and dangerous.

He just had to do it.

He has a reason why he must attain enlightenment.

"Too bad it was wrong after all."

The creature spoke again, his expression unchanged.

It seems that he has become accustomed to this failure again and again.

Then he looked up at Chen Feng and asked, "In your eyes, Da Luo, am I wrong enough?"

"This has nothing to do with right or wrong." Chen Feng said softly, seemingly in response.

But the creature shook his head. He knew that Chen Feng's words did not answer his question.

But the words of great truth spoken from a height that he could never reach.

He doesn't understand, and unless he becomes Da Luo, he will never understand.

Finally, his eyes turned crazy when he looked at Chen Feng.

It was a kind of madness that put everything on the line.

"What exactly happened between him and a certain Da Luo?"

Zhao Wuxia was thinking in his mind, and his curiosity reached its peak at this moment.

Because this creature is too powerful.

He has almost eternal life, but he is not Da Luo, so why should he be so persistent?

There was no time to think deeply, because at this time, the creature was completely crazy.

He looked directly at Chen Feng, and his endless madness turned into a roar.

"Fighting Da Luo is my last resort and obsession."

"In the endless era, I just want to take that last step and become a great person."

"I don't want to die just to wait for you."

"I want to see her, that's all."

"I am the Dark Immortal Emperor, and I want to realize Daluo in this world!"

The Dark Immortal Emperor was venting his anger, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Due to his obsession, even if he faced Chen Feng, a real big man, he still had to take action, and he had to take action.

The Dark Immortal Emperor raised his hand, and the heavens of the nine realms suddenly shook, and a mysterious sound resounded throughout the world.

Like the sound of a bell or the sound of a piano.

Mysterious and mysterious.

After Xuanyin passed, signs of three flowers and five qi appeared in the sky.

For a moment, the Dark Immortal Emperor disappeared into the palace.

He walked along the long river of time and came to a deserted land.

This place seems to be at the beginning of the prehistoric times, and he wants to preach here.

One era, two eras... countless eras later, he suddenly stood up.

Then time and space changed, and he appeared in the palace again.

So he no longer hesitated and took action against Chen Feng!
(End of this chapter)

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