High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 264 Heaven and earth cry bitterly, Daluo Wei 1

Chapter 264 Heaven and earth cry bitterly, Da Luo is the only one
The Dark Immortal Emperor has experienced countless prehistoric eras.

He is more powerful.

But this is just his perception, his perception of the Tao of Da Luo.

He has also been in the palace.

Just a momentary thing.

He used this to bring his own path infinitely closer to perfection.

Also let your momentum and confidence reach its peak.

Because he wanted to take action against a big Luo.

As a result, the great road rising infinitely close to Da Luo.

The Dark Immortal Emperor used all means to make himself perfect.

Perfect without any flaws.

Not to mention others, even the Dark Immortal Emperor himself would have thought that he was already Da Luo if he had not met Da Luo before.

But when such a scene fell into Chen Feng's eyes, he just shook his head in the end.

He remembered a scene in the wilderness.

That was what happened when he went to see the Taoist ancestor before he attained enlightenment.

Because at that time he also thought that he was becoming perfect, but in the end he was unable to take that step.

So he went to find the Taoist ancestor and wanted to solve his doubts.

He still remembered the scene that day.

He found Daozu, who was teasing two crickets with a wicker stick.

He didn't dare to speak at that time because he was not Da Luo yet.

It's just that Daozu knew he was coming and wanted to use these two crickets to solve his doubts.

So he really stared at the cricket for a long time, but he couldn't figure out the reason.

It wasn't until later that he finally couldn't help it anymore.

"Taozu, with all due respect, I don't understand."

Who knew that Daozu would be happy at that time.

"I'm just teasing crickets, what can you understand?"

Of course, to Chen Feng today, this scene was just a joke in the past.

He finally became Da Luo, knowing that Daozu might just be teasing crickets out of boredom that day.

But he never spoke, and Daozu didn't reply.

This back and forth lasted a thousand years.

Of course, he finally heard something from Daozu.

"The Great Dao is fifty, the Heavenly Evolution is forty-nine, if a person escapes even one of them, there is no such thing as perfection."

He immediately benefited a lot and later finally attained Daluo enlightenment.

Daozu’s words are indispensable.

Purpose, there is nothing perfect in the world.

Even Da Luo will make all kinds of calculations for himself and to go further.

It's just that the height is different.

Therefore, the Dark Immortal Emperor thought he was perfect, which was a big mistake.

If you want to realize Daluo, you are still far away.

However, Chen Feng did not say what Daozu said that day because it was meaningless.

Because this Dark Immortal Emperor is different from him.

That's it.

He just came to the main god space and saw what the Dark Immortal Emperor went through.

Because of these, he allowed the other party to be "willful" this time.

That's it.

"I want Zheng Daluo, I want to see her."

The Dark Immortal Emperor had no idea what Chen Feng was thinking at this time. He was already a little dazed at this time.

He realized his own way and made himself "perfect".

Then he took action.

He raised his hand, and a huge hand appeared.

Then there was a billions of golden lights.

Thunder appears.

The sky is on fire.

The earth's fire surges.

Avenue runes intertwined.

The chains of order soared into the air.

No matter how you describe this moment, it is correct.

Because the Dark Immortal Emperor at this time was already powerful enough to surpass these concepts.

Behind him, the endless scroll emerged again.

There is only me in heaven and earth, and there is only one in all worlds.

This time, Zhao Wuxia counted the numbers more seriously.

A total of 60 billion pictures.Then, the scroll actually shattered.

In other words, it has been sublimated and transcended.

Because they transcend the scroll itself and transform into a 60 billion cubic world, a large universe and even a multiverse.

Zhao Wuxia's initial guess was correct.

This Dark Immortal Emperor is only one step away from Da Luo and is too powerful.

In addition to Da Luo's Tao, any concept can be embodied in him.

In the end, all these methods were condensed by the Dark Immortal Emperor into the terrifying Taoist hand, which was shot directly towards Chen Feng.

This is a palm that can destroy everything.

Even at this time, Zhao Wuxia could hardly look behind him.

However, Chen Feng, who was facing this palm at this time, always stood there with an indifferent expression.

Then he shook his head and spoke softly.


When the characters fall, they represent the Tao of Da Luo.

Ever since, everything has changed.

in the sky.

The chains of order are shattered.

The avenue runes collapsed.

The fire is extinguished.

The thunder also stopped suddenly.

These visions in the heavens turned into nothingness in an instant.


No, it really never happened.

Everything I experienced before was illusory.

In the distance, Zhao Wuxia's eyes seemed confused and somewhat enlightened.

Looking at it from her perspective at this time, it was not just these visions in the heavens that turned into nothingness and illusion.

Even the Dark Immortal Emperor seemed to no longer exist.

She was actually forgetting all memories about the other party, a little slowly, but it was happening now.

The figure of the Dark Immortal Emperor is also becoming transparent.

Unlike before, this is not a sign of Daluo, and it is not based on any timeline.

It's just that he is about to dissipate and turn into nothingness.

"He has fallen and will no longer exist in this world soon."

Zhao Wuxia murmured softly and looked at Chen Feng, who was still standing there as if he had never moved. His cold face was inevitably a little shocked at this time.

She had some realization and vaguely guessed what had just happened.

In order to prove the Tao with his own life, the Dark Immortal Emperor tried countless methods over the endless years, and finally came up with a method that was so crazy that it was unimaginable.

That is to meet Da Luo and take action.

To use the experience of that moment when oneself perish due to the power of Daluo.

Take this opportunity to break out of the cocoon and be reborn, the Phoenix Nirvana, and become a great Luo.

This is crazy.

"What kind of obsession does he have?"

Zhao Wuxia sighed, the closer he got to the truth, the stronger his curiosity became.

In fact, she guessed right.

This was the plan of the Dark Immortal Emperor, so when he met Da Luo, he had been silent for countless years.

Because he really couldn't find a way to go any further.

He wanted to see the real Da Luo, to force Da Luo to take action on him in his own way, and to seize that moment of madness.

It's really a big gamble.

However, he lost.

At this time, the Dark Immortal Emperor, who was facing collapse and turning into nothingness, did not make any attempt.

Because of his desperate discovery, even if he reaches the end of Daluo, he can make himself infinitely perfect.

But his final palm just now did not allow Chen Feng to use even a trace of Daluo's method!

This is cruel, but it is reality.

It was just one word, and everything he cast was meaningless.

So he gave up, and ended up dissipating with his obsession.

Because he was not Da Luo, but he took action against Da Luo.

Unless Chen Feng is deliberate, death will definitely be waiting for him.

It's just that he is powerful enough, and the process of his demise is a bit slow.

He cried because he was still unwilling to give in and his obsession was too deep.

In the palace, it started pouring rain at some point.


The sky is crying.

(End of this chapter)

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