High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 266 Life is really lonely like snow

Chapter 266 Life is really lonely like snow
Maybe 1000 years, maybe 1 years.

Zhao Wuxia kept watching.

It seemed that she couldn't bear to break the harmonious life between the woman and the boy.

And the boy is getting stronger and stronger, even surpassing her now.

Just when she thought the life of a woman and a boy would be as usual.

Everything has changed.

One day, the young man returned from the depths of the wilderness as always.

Also dragging in his hand was a demonic beast that was countless times larger than him.

"Master, I'm back. This monster was so powerful today that even I lost a lot of energy."

The boy returned and said this the moment he saw the woman, a bit showy.

But Zhao Wuxia was not surprised, because this scene had appeared countless times before.

And the woman also praised and encouraged the young man as before.

Then the young man quickly separated the corpse of the monster, leaving only the most essential part, and then began to prepare dinner.

He had always done this before.

Finally, he respectfully placed the carefully prepared meal in front of the woman.

Of course, until then, the relationship between the woman and the boy was the same as before.

But when the boy also sat down, his expression was a little different from usual.

On weekdays, when he comes back, the young man looks confident and will show off his achievements today to the woman.

It's a bit like Wu, taking the invincible path.

But at this time he seemed a little confused, after being entangled with the woman for a long time.

It seemed that he finally mustered up the courage and asked, "Master, I find that my path is a little difficult."

The young man's talent was so terrifying. As a bystander, Zhao Wuxia felt the deepest.

It is no exaggeration to say that one reaches a higher level in one day, but the young man at this time is so powerful that he is already an Immortal Emperor.

He has also opened up billions of big worlds in his body, and he is about to reach a certain end.

So finally on this day, his realm made no progress.

So the boy started to panic because he wanted to get the usual praise from the woman.

Women are important to him. He once had a hard life, walking alone, with all kinds of evil beasts and evil people stretching their fangs at him.

He kept fighting until one day a woman came to him and wanted to be his master and teach him how to practice.

The hard days are finally over.

Therefore, Master is everything to him, more than himself.

And every time he makes progress and improves his realm, the master is happiest.

So he works hard every day, even if he is extremely talented, he still works harder than anyone else.

But as he became stronger and stronger, the feeling of progress became less and less obvious. Until today, he found that he had not changed at all.

He began to panic. He was worried that his master would be disappointed.

In fact it is.

Zhao Wuxia discovered that just when the young man talked about his problem with doubts, the woman's expression changed obviously.

It's not a feeling of disappointment, but rather calm.

It's just that calmness. For some reason, Zhao Wuxia prefers to call it a kind of indifference.

However, the young man didn't seem to notice. He continued: "Master, the road to Daluo is too difficult."

"Yeah." The woman just nodded.

"It's too difficult." The young man smiled bitterly and added, "Master said that when I become Daluo, I can follow Master forever."

At this point, the young man's expression became depressed, and he finally expressed his worries.

"If the disciple fails to become a Daluo, the master will not leave, right..."

Women are too important to him, more than anything else.

He tried his best to stay with his master.

And at this moment, Zhao Wuxia discovered that the woman's expression had completely changed.

Or rather it's not an emotion.

Instead, he changed from a "mortal" to a towering creature.

"This senior is indeed Da Luo." Zhao Wuxia sighed in her heart, because she understood that this was Da Luo's characteristics.

She had seen it before from Senior Feng.

At this point, everything changed.

It was also the first time that the woman proposed to the boy that she wanted to go away.

Then, during the years of waiting for the boy, she never came back.

Time flies, spring goes and autumn comes.

The young man seemed to have turned into a stone statue, staring in the direction where the woman left.

Ten thousand years, millions of years, billions of years...

The anticipation in the young man's eyes had turned dull, and the sky seemed to be darkening again.

He started to go crazy.

He is crazy and wants to attain enlightenment.

"It turns out that this is his obsession."

Zhao Wuxia sighed, she now fully understood.

This young man is the Dark Immortal Emperor.

He is extremely talented and may be able to realize Daluo, so that woman appears.

But he couldn't take the last step, and the woman finally left disappointed.

"You are crazy enough to go to Zhendaluo and see her."

Even though Zhao Wuxia had a cold temperament, it was inevitable that he would feel endless sadness and pity in his heart at this moment.

Then, she looked into the distance and sighed.

"Senior Feng, I have seen the truth."

Ever since, time and space changed, all the scenes in front of him disappeared, and Zhao Wuxia returned to the previous palace again.

She immediately looked at the Dark Immortal Emperor and sighed in her heart again.

The other party's body is more transparent and is still heading for destruction.

But the pouring rain turned into snow all over the sky at some point.

"Do you have any insights?" Chen Feng's voice came out.

What he had let Zhao Wuxia see before was the truth.

This Dark Immortal Emperor is very talented and has a chance to realize Daluo.

That's why the female Daluo appeared to train her.

Just a pity.

"Senior Feng, is his talent not enough?"

Zhao Wuxia sighed, feeling a little depressed.

"No." Unexpectedly, Chen Feng shook his head. He looked at the Dark Immortal Emperor and said calmly: "Getting to that point has nothing to do with talent. It's just that he started to doubt himself and began to worry that Master would leave him. And when he leaves, his way has reached its end.”

Hearing this, Zhao Wuxia's mouth seemed to be bitter.

She understood.

very cruel.

The qualifications of the Dark Immortal Emperor may be enough, but if you want to become a Daluo, the qualifications alone are not enough.

Maybe a small thing determines the outcome.

"He shouldn't doubt himself, let alone worry that the woman will leave. He is too emotional, so this is the result."

Zhao Wuxia understood clearly, and then she thought of herself again.

"That boy is just like me now, the same but different."

She raised her head and looked at Chen Feng, her eyes becoming firm.

"Very good." Chen Feng nodded, his mood seemed to have gotten better.

Zhao Wuxia did not disappoint him.

At the same time, the Dark Immortal Emperor, who was dying, suddenly looked at Chen Feng, and an extremely weak voice sounded.

"Senior, I really want to see her one last time."


(End of this chapter)

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