Chapter 267 Ending at dusk

The Dark Immortal Emperor is dying.

But the obsession in my heart still hasn't let go.

He lived with loneliness for endless years and tried every means.

Crazy desire to attain enlightenment.

Just to see each other.

I want to see that big Luo again.

The woman who brought him out of the dark twilight.

The master who gave him everything.

This is so important to him.

Just like what Zhao Wuxia felt.

Under the dim sky, the young man fights alone.

Only when he lives with a woman, the boy's sky is filled with color.

But when the great Luo left, the dusk remained the same, leaving only darkness.

In the midst of his death, the Dark Immortal Emperor recalled the past events, the days he lived with his master.

He couldn't let go of his obsession, it was his last desire at this time.



That extremely pious plea continued to echo in the palace.

Even if he is facing a big Luo, even if the chance of the other party helping him is almost non-existent.

But he didn't want to give up until he died.

Not willing to give up.

But Chen Feng remained calm.

He is Da Luo.

The story of the Dark Immortal Emperor may have a certain sadness to it.

But how can it affect a big Luo.

"Senior Feng."

Someone spoke up, it was Zhao Wuxia.

She didn't say much, but the meaning was quite obvious.

Because she had already seen the truth, she couldn't bear it now.

There is nothing wrong with the Dark Immortal Emperor himself. He has a strong enough talent to be able to realize Daluo.

When that day happened, his path was not cut off.

It's just that the progress of cultivation has slowed down, and it was his own panic that blocked his path.

Zhengdao Daluo's only thought was to stay with that woman.

With this kind of ideological awareness, his path was completely cut off.

So the woman left.

She is Da Luo.

On that day, she could no longer regard the boy as her own kind.

The palace became quiet, with only the dark immortal emperor's endless pleading whispers echoing.

The atmosphere was a bit dull. Zhao Wuxia held the three-foot green peak tightly in his hand and did not dare to say anything.

As for Huang on the side, he had no idea what was happening.

He didn't speak before, so he didn't know the truth.

He followed the path of invincibility and was not interested in the story of the Dark Immortal Emperor.

In the palace, there was still snow all over the sky.

The Dark Immortal Emperor began to completely dissipate, and his limbs turned into points of light, which merged into the snow and completely dissipated.

His eyes seemed to gradually lose color.

He no longer had any expectations and allowed himself to perish.

Even the process of death seemed long to him.


After a long time, Chen Feng sighed again.

He looked at the Dark Immortal Emperor and said calmly: "Let me ask for you, but the result may not be perfect for you."

Daluo has no lies.

Maybe it's because of Zhao Wuxia, or maybe it's because of other reasons.

In short, Chen Feng is ready to take action.

He directly called up the Da Luo channel and explained the characteristics of the woman Da Luo.

"Do you have any information about this fellow Taoist?"

He has never seen that Da Luo, and the other person is not in the prehistoric place where Da Luo is.

I had to ask other Da Luo.

The Daluo channel quickly became lively.

This is because the big Luo people are too idle, and of course because Chen Feng's popularity is really good among the big Luo people.Xing Tian: "Brother Chen Feng, come drink quickly."

Chen Feng: "..."

Jie taught all the great Luo: "Fellow Daoist Chen, when will we continue to beat up Chan!"

Chen Feng: "..."

All the words that came out were useless.

There were some that he didn't even dare to take on casually.

For example, the group of Daluo who intercepted the teachings were already scolding the ones who explained the teachings.

After blocking these, there is no copy of Fengshen yet.

Most of the Daluo people in the two sects of Chan and Jie are addicted to talking.

However, after Chen Feng searched for a long time, he finally found someone willing to help.

Zhao Gongming: "Fellow Daoist Feng, the Daluo you mentioned is quite ancient. Why do you want to see her?"

Chen Feng secretly thought that he finally had someone reliable, but there was no need to hide it.

He told everything about the Dark Immortal Emperor.

But I saw that Zhao Gongming also sighed secretly and said: "You are quite boring, so let me go and ask for you."

Chen Feng: "Thank you very much."

Zhao Gongming: "It's a small thing."

After some communication, Chen Feng did not wait too long.

Soon, another Da Luo contacted him.

It is a very ancient Da Luo.

"Fellow Taoist, the name of the Daluo you are looking for is Bixia. He lost me several epochs ago."

This Gu Daluo was also direct and disconnected after directly informing him of the result.

Chen Feng nodded, not surprised by this result.

Because he had already guessed it.

Of course, in the eyes of Zhao Wuxia and others, these events only happened in a moment.

Chen Feng blocked Da Luo's channel, and then met the expectant eyes of the Dark Immortal Emperor.

Speak the truth softly.

"She lost me."

The calm words turned into thunder when they fell.

Visible to the naked eye, the expectation in the eyes of the Dark Immortal Emperor turned into collapse in an instant.

It seems that he cannot accept this result no matter what.

Until finally, his eyes completely lost their sparkle.

That could no longer be called a will to die, it was the look in his eyes after all faith collapsed.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Zhao Wuxia even felt that the opponent was dying faster.

But she already guessed the reason.

Da Luo will lose me, which means that he has given up everything, and no longer has any nostalgia and care for everything in his heart.

In other words, this Dark Immortal Emperor has not left a single trace in Roots' heart.

"From that day when she left, the boy in black was no longer in her heart."

Zhao Wuxia sighed in his heart, but he was also very touched.

As someone related to Da Luo, the Dark Immortal Emperor naturally understands everything.

So he couldn't accept this result no matter what.

The snow in the palace is getting heavier.

The obsession in the Dark Immortal Emperor's heart was completely gone.

And until the moment he died, there was no look of relief in his eyes.

There was no relief.

Of course, there is no emotion such as regret.

Perhaps it was in response to what he had been emphasizing before.

It's all meaningless.

And he himself became meaningless as he completely dissipated in this world.

It was as if the boy in black at dusk had never appeared.

There was complete silence in the palace.

"mission completed."

"The rewards are as follows..."

I don't know how long it took.

The sound from the main god space brought Zhao Wuxia and Huang back to their senses.

They went through reincarnation again.

It was only when the former suddenly looked up.

That seemingly eternal figure has disappeared there.

(End of this chapter)

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