High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 268: Have you finished fighting Zhuolu? If not, I’ll take a break.

Chapter 268: Have you finished fighting Zhuolu? If not, I’ll take a break.
You say the world is dark and yellow.

The universe is prehistoric.

The wind and moon are boundless and beautiful.

The prehistoric era is still the prehistoric era.

Chen Feng yawned as he walked out of his cave.

"Is the Battle of Zhuolu over?"

The matter in the Lord God Space has been resolved.

And the reason why he appeared was actually because he corresponded to Da Luo.

He exists behind Zhao Wuxia.

And behind the Dark Immortal Emperor is Bixia Yuanjun.

An ancient statue of mine has been lost.

When Zhao Wuxia met the Dark Immortal Emperor, it was the Da Luo aura that he had felt before.

Da Luo doesn't care about cause and effect, but this time Chen Feng took the initiative.

He also likes to take the initiative.

Of course, it may be related to the "tragic" experiences faced by big bosses like Nuwa and Houtu.

What's the matter with always being passive?

After all, we are also Da Luo.

But Chen Feng could only think about these things in his heart.

If he can't beat those two, what can he do?

In short.

Everything that happens in the main god's space is to him.

This is just an episode in life.

It's much better than Daozu just drawing circles to amuse ants.

Chen Feng comforted himself.

Anyway, it’s too busy.

Of course, there is another main reason besides this.

That is because he disliked the script of the Battle of Zhuolu as not exciting enough.

In the Lich War of this era, because of Di Jun's hand, it was impossible for the Witch Clan to come back.

The general trend has not been changed.

The script of the Battle of Zhuolu itself is actually just a preparation for the script of The Rise of the Human Race.

The Witch Clan was defeated in the Lich War, so it is impossible for Chi You to make a comeback in this era.

The trend is inevitable.

To put it bluntly, there is nothing left for the Witch Clan to calculate.

Kunpeng's appearance was their last effort.

We can only hope that in a certain era, the Witch Clan will win the Lich War.

The script of the Zhuolu War may be of some interest.

So even if everything in the Lord God's Space only happened in a moment to Chen Feng, it was under his deliberate control.

At this time, a long time had passed since he "woke up".

After all, he is Da Luo, and it is his freedom to "fast forward" occasionally.

"Yes, the time is just right, the final battle has just ended."

After counting with his fingers, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile. ,

He "fast forwarded" just right.

In the current prehistoric period, the Battle of Zhuolu ended, and Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan were regarded as the three emperors of the human race.

Of course, the Three Emperors are also their base.

As for the Wu clan, they have basically withdrawn from the stage of this era.

In other words, there are no more dramas.

Chen Feng returned to the Great Wilderness at this time because the following plot was very important to him.

Because that is the one who can be regarded as his senior brother.

That is Haotian's basic market.

The battle of cutting down the sky.

After the Battle of Zhuolu, the human race has become unstoppable.

But the heaven established by the demon clan still hangs high in the sky.

This was naturally not accepted by the powerful human race.

So Haotian will stand up at this time and attack the sky from the perspective of the human race.

Then build a new heaven.

This is another big plot after the Battle of Zhuolu.

This is also a script that has been set after countless epochs.

In every era, I don’t know how many people are staring at this area.

Needless to say, it’s exciting.After all, just for Haotian and Di Jun to take action is worth looking forward to.

And this scene is extremely important to Chen Feng.

Because there is no telling that in the next era, he will replace Haotian and become one of the protagonists in this drama.

Heaven is not easy to establish, and being the Emperor of Heaven is not easy either.

Chen Feng understood this quite well.

Why are Daluo fighting over each other? To put it bluntly, it is for this benefit.

Playing is fun, making trouble is making trouble, Da Luo really gets into a fight, that is no joke.

Not to mention a script like Establishing Heavenly Court, which has great benefits.

If Haotian hadn't gotten tired of playing, his "Jade Emperor" trumpet would have reached the full level long ago.

And if Chen Feng hadn't been considered a member of the Dao Ancestor lineage, this kind of thing would never have happened to him.

All in all, it was a lot of pressure.

God knows what kind of pressure he will face when that day comes.

How many forces and how many powerful people would jump out to target him.

He is not Haotian, and he has this self-awareness.

Fortunately, this era is not over yet, and he still has time to plan.

Since in the prehistoric world, a game that belongs to the great Luo people, calculation is indispensable.

As for the current situation, he couldn't help but yawned.

Although the Battle of Zhuolu is over, the rise of the human race has just begun.

He doesn't have to rush yet.

After all, this era is not over yet, and he, the newly enlightened Da Luo, does not have many scripts to participate in.

Many scenes in the prehistoric era have been decided at the Daluo meeting after the beginning of this era.

And because of what happened in the last era, the situation of tearing up the script by hand will basically not happen.

But things must be reversed at the extreme. Although his role is not set in this era, he can participate in any script.

After all, he is a newly promoted Daluo. This kind of thing will only happen once in countless eras.

He was also able to become a "hot potato" in Da Luo's eyes.

Speaking of which, he took the lead in attacking Yuxu Palace, which was a role he added to himself in this era.

Let all the great people say that it is very enjoyable.

Especially after this incident, the attitude of the Daluo of the Jiejie Sect towards him.

Although it also offended the great Luo of Chanjiao.

But after all, I got some benefits for myself.

After all, it's still profitable.

So if possible, he would still like to find an opportunity to participate in Haotian Fatian's next script.

We don’t have the main character’s role.

But the opportunity to become a "little actor" still needs to be fought for.

After all, there are benefits.

That's the real deal.

Da Luo also has strengths and weaknesses. After an era, he cannot make any achievements.

If that were the case, he would be embarrassed to visit Dao Ancestor again.

Two words, shameful.

Furthermore, if you are not strong enough.

In the next era, he will continue to be sandwiched between Nuwa, Hou Tu and other Da Luo who have served as Pangu.

That was still a pain.


I won’t mention whether I like to take the initiative or not, but I can’t always be passive.

The next thing is simple.

After basking in the sun for a while in front of the cave, Chen Feng emphatically took care of his tea trees.

After all, although Da Luo has no desires or desires.

But it is inevitable for Da Luo to move around a lot.

Even if you are just visiting someone, you have to bring some gifts.

Especially since he is still a newly promoted Daluo, these are unavoidable.

And these tea trees have a place to be used.

The etiquette is less important than the intention.

And Chen Feng has the ability to brag about the tea leaves on these tea trees.

When the time comes, the gifts will be sent up.

Fellow Taoist, please don’t underestimate this tea.

Even Daozu agreed after drinking it.

(End of this chapter)

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