High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 269 Chang Geng Xingjun, why are you here?

Chapter 269 Chang Geng Xingjun, why are you here?
In the prehistoric times, everything involves Tao Ancestor.

That's absolutely true.

It was Pangu who had served as Daluo like Nuwa and Houtu.

Then you have to give face.

Anyway, in Chen Feng's eyes, Daozu is a golden brand.

You can't say his tea doesn't taste good.

Isn't that a slap in Daozu's face?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng himself couldn't help laughing.

He secretly said that he was really a genius.

As a result, he spent a lot of effort.

He played with the tea trees he planted in front of the cave.

It's just that I didn't give them any dragon, phoenix or unicorn shapes.

He was afraid that the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribes would come to his door.

Although the power of the three major clans in the entire prehistoric era is not very good now.

Even the scene of the battle between the three clans is now despised.

It was even almost canceled directly at the meeting of Da Luo, the founding queen of this era.

But this is also relative.

Da Luo, who had been Pangu, could look down on the three major clans, but Chen Feng could not.

It's not that I'm afraid.

It's just that there is no conflict between him and the three tribes, and some face must be given.

Superficial work also needs to be done.

Chen Feng didn't stop until he was satisfied with a few tea trees.

Then he sat cross-legged under his tea tree and began to "practice".

Although he just went up and acted as a gangster in the Battle of Zhuolu this time.

But after all, he participated and had his part.

Naturally, there will be benefits for him after the war.

So as soon as he sat cross-legged, his great light appeared outside his body.

And the enhancement is visible to the naked eye.

In this regard, Chen Feng is also familiar with it. After all, this is not the first time.

Speaking of which, after he attained enlightenment as Daluo, he really wasn't idle in this era.

Although he was passive at first, he participated in the Lich War despite being plotted by Emperor Jun.

Although I felt a little emotional after realizing that I was being calculated.

But in the end, he also gained a lot of benefits, and he couldn't open his mouth in front of Di Jun if he blamed him.

And I also had a real experience of the calculation between Da Luo.

Di Jun disappeared for an entire era, just for the palm that followed.

The degree of calculation in this is enough to make people appreciate it carefully.

After realizing this, he also had a great time participating in various scripts.

For the Yuxu Palace scene, he can even be considered a director.

Until now, he has also benefited from the Battle of Zhuolu.

Based on this situation, he made rapid progress, and Da Luo's path became more and more solid.

Although we don't mention Nuwa and Hou Tu, who have been Da Luo, they are compared to those old Da Luo.

The gap is still large.

But his performance is still at a heaven-defying level among Ronaldo.

Therefore, his potential and value are not weaker than any veteran Ronaldo.

Naturally, he will be respected by other Da Luo.

Chen Feng is currently quite satisfied with this situation.

After all, this was his first era after attaining enlightenment.


Time flies, under the tea tree.

Chen Feng's light of Daluo continued to grow, and his understanding of the Tao of Daluo became deeper and deeper.

Maybe it won't take another era for him to become a great supernatural power in Da Luo.

Of course, this is just a snap for Da Luo.But throughout the prehistoric times, major events have happened one after another in these years.

Of course it's all related to the rise of the human race.

After the Battle of Zhuolu, the rise of the human race was the general trend.

In addition to the Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan clans being established as human emperors, their basic base was guaranteed.

After that, the Five Emperors of the human race came to rule the world.

Later, there will be more scripts such as Dayu's flood control and so on.

And these human race giants have also been holding back for a long time, after surviving a series of scripts such as the opening of the sky, the three clans fighting for hegemony, the Lich War, etc.

It was finally their turn to play their part, and they actually came out and cashed it in.

While showing off his acting skills, he also got the benefits he deserved.

But these have nothing to do with Chen Feng.

At this time, he was still staying in his cave.

The progress of this era has reached this point, and he has a rare moment of leisure.

It can be regarded as stealing half a day's leisure.

Of course, with the passage of time, he has fully integrated the benefits he has gained from the scripts of all parties.

Daluo's path has made further progress.

The gestures and gestures are completely different.

Of course, after leisure, boredom comes.

Just when he thought that the rise of the human race would continue for some time, the peaceful days were finally broken.

It's not that he couldn't help but go out, but that someone came here looking for him.

It is said that on this day, Chen Feng was lazily basking in the sun on a deck chair outside the cave.

A group of auspicious clouds appeared in the sky, and a figure stepped on the clouds.

As soon as he saw the person's appearance, Chen Feng quickly stood up, bowed and asked with a smile: "How come Mr. Xing has no time to come to my place today?"

It is Chang Geng Xingjun.

That is Taibai Venus.

He is still the same as a child with white hair and a fairy-like spirit, and he comes riding on the clouds at this time.

Before it landed, Chen Feng swept away the recliner that would only turn into salted fish if he lay on it, and then an exquisite tea table appeared.

I waved my hand, and there was already the fragrance of tea.

Then he invited Taibai Jinxing to sit down at the table with a very enthusiastic attitude.

Taibai Jinxing is kind-hearted and a good old man in Daluo.

Therefore, he has a very wide network of contacts among Da Luo. Even if other Da Luo do not please him, they will not offend him.

This was one of the reasons why Chen Feng was so enthusiastic about him.

Another reason is that this Taibaijin Star is Da Luo who belongs to his senior brother Haotian.

Regardless of strength, the other party is also Da Luo, whom Senior Brother Haotian trusts the most.

So today it was not Taibai Jinxing who was looking for him, but Haotian.

"Fellow Taoist Chen Feng, we meet again." Taibai Jinxing sat down and was naturally polite.

Before, Chen Feng stormed Yuxu Palace angrily, and Haotian was the most powerful in this.

Among all the people in this group, this one is from a clear family.

What's more, those two people are already called senior brother and junior brother.

Needless to say about the relationship.

Therefore, Chen Feng is considered one of Taibai Jinxing's own.

After both parties were done, Chen Feng asked with a smile while making tea for the other party.

"Why did Xingjun come today?"

Taibai Jinxing smiled and did not answer, but put the floating dust in his hand aside.

Then his eyes scanned the one-third of an acre of land where Chen Feng was.

It wasn't until he glanced at the tea trees that had obviously been deliberately manipulated that he smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist Chen Feng is very interested, especially these tea trees. They are really unique and original."

"Xingjun is joking." Chen Feng waved his hand. Since the other party did not get straight to the point, he was not in a hurry.

Da Luo is immortal and has too much time. Paying attention to some elegance is also a routine operation.

Especially since Taibai Jinxing attained enlightenment early and knows a lot.

Talking to him is not a boring thing.

(End of this chapter)

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