High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 270 This script, whether to accept it or not

Chapter 270 This script, whether to accept it or not
Chen Feng and Taibai Xingjun mentioned tea.

Then gradually get better.

From the latter's mouth, Chen Feng also learned a lot of interesting things about Da Luo.

Those were all things that happened in the prehistoric era.

It even involves a lot of ancient Da Luo.

It made him happy.

Of course, he once again witnessed the cruelty of the battle between Da Luo.

Be it Nuwa or Houtu.

Even if you have done Pangu, you will still face challenges from other Daluo.

Nowadays, these Daluo who stand at the pinnacle of the ancient world all have their "basic base" that was obtained through fighting for several epochs or even hundreds of epochs.

Just thinking about the process is enough to shock all Da Luo.

Especially when thinking of Sanqing, Chen Feng still couldn't help but click his tongue and sigh.

"Sanqing is a ruthless character after all. He has occupied the role of "Pangu" with the greatest benefits, and it has been for dozens of epochs now. It is too fierce."

"'Pangu' is still a little early for fellow Taoist Chen Feng, but Taoist Taibai is quite good-looking." Taibai Jinxing smiled while stroking his beard.

As for the evaluation of Chen Feng in these words, it is frighteningly high.

"If I didn't know what I'm capable of, I might have believed it." Chen Feng waved his hands quickly and did not discuss this topic too much.

After all, regardless of whether Taibai Jinxing was a compliment or not, it was still too early for him to contact "Pangu" now.

That can't be described as overestimating one's capabilities.

But in short, because of Haotian's relationship, he did know a lot of things from Taibaijinxing.

At this time, the fragrant tea was finally brewed.

"To be honest, the reason why Taibai came today is because he has important matters to discuss with fellow Taoist Chen Feng."

Taibai Jinxing picked up the tea cup and finally got down to business.

"Xingjun, just say it's okay." Chen Feng nodded and sat up straighter, his expression no longer so casual.

"Fellow Taoist Chen Feng must have guessed that Taibai came this time because Your Majesty... uh, what kind of tea is this? It's so astringent!"

Just as he was about to start speaking, Taibai Jinxing almost spat out his words.

But he was drinking tea while talking, but the tea was really difficult to drink.

Of course, he didn't dare to say the last sentence directly in front of Chen Feng.

After all, the other party is his Majesty's junior brother, and the tea he makes cannot be shown no matter how bad it tastes.

There is still a city like Taibaijinxing.

He put down the tea cup calmly, and even said "good tea" before saying: "Now the human race is unstoppable, but the demon race's heaven is still there, so this is not possible."

"So it's my senior brother's turn to come out." Chen Feng nodded, very directly.

But at the same time, he calmly refilled Taibai Jinxing's tea cup and said, "Since it is good tea, Xingjun should drink more, otherwise I cannot bear the blame on Senior Brother Haotian."

Taibaijinxing: "..."

The good old man in Daluo's hands were shaking a little at this time, and he didn't know whether he was angry or something.

Anyway, in the end, while sipping tea, he said: "Fellow Taoist Chen Feng is right. Your Majesty is on the side of the human race after all. Therefore, it is inevitable to conquer the sky if you take advantage of the human race at this time."

Chen Feng continued to add tea, and then started talking directly.

"Senior Brother Haotian conquers the sky and establishes a new heaven. This is a matter that has been discussed. Senior Brother, he is bound to win. It has not changed in many eras. Today, Xingjun comes to find me. Is there any change in this? "

like he said.

After conquering the sky, a new heaven was established and became the world that ruled the prehistoric times.

This is Haotian's basic plan.

This has been the case for countless epochs.

But at this time, Taibai Jinxing appeared, looking for him, saying that it was related to this matter, so naturally something unexpected happened. "The result is naturally impossible to change."

Speaking of this, even Taibai Jinxing, who always had a charitable look on his face, became a lot tougher in his words.

"This script was obtained by His Majesty himself over countless epochs. No one else can touch it, and no one can shake it."

Taibai Jinxing's expression was a little cold at this time, and of course it was not directed at Chen Feng.

"Then why?" Chen Feng's expression remained calm, but his eyes had narrowed.

Just because at this time, my heart was already filled with turmoil.

To make this good old man so cold, in this era, Da Luo must have intervened in this matter.

It even reached the point of planning and even competing for the position of Emperor Haotian.

And Da Luo, who is qualified to participate in this matter, is definitely not a good person.

Chen Feng knew that maybe something big was going to happen in the Battle of Defeating Heaven.

But at the same time, he was confused because he seemed not qualified to participate in such a thing at the moment.

He raised his question directly to Taibai Jinxing.

"I don't know the specific Taibai, and His Majesty will naturally not let Fellow Taoist Chen Feng directly participate in this matter. This time, His Majesty has another request from Fellow Taoist."


Chen Feng nodded and continued: "Then Mr. Xing might as well say it bluntly. Senior Brother Haotian was very helpful last time. I will do my best if there is any problem."

He agreed immediately, which immediately made Taibai Jinxing smile.

He looked very pleased.

After all, interests are paramount among Da Luo.

Although Chen Feng and Haotian said they were from the same ancestral family, if something really involved their interests, the senior brothers would probably start fighting.

In the endless era of prehistoric times, Chang Geng Xingjun has seen too many similar things.

Of course, in Chen Feng's eyes, the relationship between him and Haotian was not as worthless as the other party imagined.

They both come from the Tao Ancestor's sect, so the interests involved between them are naturally different from those of other Da Luo.

Just like those under the Sanqing sect, those who explained and intercepted the teachings were united beyond imagination.

Even if interests are involved, once big players like Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao take action, it will be a team battle.

It wasn't because of this that he suffered a loss from Chanjiao before.

As for the occasional fights in his own teaching, they were just minor fights.

In the end, as long as the Sanqing behind him appears and some reconciliation is achieved, the trouble between the brothers will be over.

Although the Taoist ancestors behind Chen Feng and Haotian may be different from Sanqing, they don't care much about this.

But they are both from the same school after all.

Furthermore, the last time he suffered from cowardice from Chanjiao, if it hadn't been for Haotian, he might not have been able to get rid of that anger so easily.

God knows if he would go crazy if he held this anger for an era.

He is the one who never suffers.

Therefore, due to emotions and reasons, he must help with this task.

Furthermore, before, he was still worried about how to legitimately participate in this Fa Tian script.

This time, Taibaijinxing was able to provide help in times of need.

In short, he naturally trusts Haotian.

You must know that the other party will even give up his position as Emperor of Heaven to him in the next era.

He thought about it in private, but it turned out that he was narrow-minded.

(End of this chapter)

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