Chapter 271 Xing Tian is really fierce
Haotian really regards himself as his junior brother.

Chen Feng naturally regarded the other party as his senior brother.

In fact, speaking of all this, the good old Taibai Jinxing thinks too much.

After all, he didn't trust Chen Feng as much as Haotian.

Of course, for no other reason.

Chen Feng is a newly promoted Da Luo in this era, and there are many topics surrounding him among Da Luo.

It’s not unheard of for Taibai Jinxing to have such comments as high talent and good character.

You can even judge this person just by looking at Nuwa and Houtu's attitudes towards Chen Feng.

Ordinary people can't get into the eyes of those two people.

It's just that this matter involves Haotian, so Taibai Jinxing inevitably thinks more about it.

"But I'm a little more petty."

Thinking of Chen Feng's previous promise without hesitation, Taibai Jinxing couldn't help but shake his head.

He took the initiative to pick up the tea cup and took a big sip, looking at Chen Feng with a more kind look.

"Your Majesty, this junior brother is indeed an extraordinary person."

With such admiration in my heart, even the tea that was originally a bit bitter seemed to become sweet and mellow.

But Chen Feng didn't know what Taibai Jinxing was thinking at this moment, so he asked directly: "I wonder if Senior Brother Haotian has anything he needs me to come forward for."

Seeing him talking about business, Taibai Jinxing's expression suddenly became serious and said: "Your Majesty told me before coming here that naturally it is up to Your Majesty himself to resolve the matter of conquering the sky. Fellow Taoist Chen Feng, you don't have to worry, but now Fellow Taoist is not the number one." The sky is in the middle of nowhere, but I heard that there is another person in this matter who may cause some trouble for His Majesty."

"You mean." Chen Feng narrowed his eyes slightly: "Xing Tian?"

Taibai Jinxing nodded and immediately praised him.

"Your Majesty is indeed right. Fellow Taoist, you really can tell the truth."

Of course, this sentence was automatically ignored by Chen Feng.

Because at this time, he seemed to have some guesses about this matter.

Haotian conquers the sky, this is something that has been decided for a long time.

And it has been staged for countless prehistoric eras.

The response among Da Luo was even better.

It goes without saying that Haotian's strength and methods can be achieved to this extent.

Because the position of Emperor of Heaven is definitely ranked high in the entire prehistoric plot.

Just like Nuwa created humans and then reincarnated them into earth.

Even in a sense, the weight of establishing Heavenly Court and becoming Heavenly Emperor is heavier than these two.

But now, there are actually other Da Luo involved in this script.

This has shaken up Haotian's fundamentals, and this is a rhythm that will lead to a fight.

Haotian naturally wouldn't allow it. This was already a naked provocation.

Even if the position of Emperor of Heaven is no longer important to Haotian, after all, even the trumpet "Jade Emperor" has already reached the full level after many epochs.

But it is one thing to give up Haotian to others.

It's another thing to have it taken away by someone else.

As for which Daluo was targeting Haotian, in fact Chen Feng already had a guess in his mind at this time.

Of course, there is no point even knowing it.

Because he couldn't participate in the battle between big Luo at that level.

Naturally, Haotian had no intention of letting him interfere.

Since that has nothing to do with the main line of Fatian's script.

So Chen Feng naturally thought of Xing Tian.

In fact, in his impression, Xing Tian Defies Heaven is actually the script of Haotian Defeating Heaven.

Just as Xingtian himself said.

In a certain era, Haotian had just sat on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. He had a sudden idea and immediately did the opposite.Xingtian himself is quite proud when talking about this matter. After all, not only he has earned enough roles, but also has a good response among Da Luo.

Later it was retained as a traditional program.

When the Wu clan was talking to Chen Feng and Xing Tian before, the other party even patted his chest and promised that Haotian would have to give Haotian a hard blow in this era.

At that time, he just listened to it as a story, but it is different now.

Haotian became his serious senior brother and helped him a lot.

Therefore, the matter of Xingtian cannot be ignored.

After thinking about it in his mind, Chen Feng looked at Taibai Jinxing and said what he was thinking.

"It seems that Senior Brother Haotian has figured something out. If someone else really interferes with the Conquest of Heaven in this era, then Xing Tian's rebellion against Heaven will inevitably be brought forward. By then, Senior Brother will be fighting with that person, and Xing Tian will intervene. Unexpected changes are inevitable.”

"That's right." Taibai Jinxing chuckled softly: "Although Xingtian is strong, it is not enough to pose a threat to His Majesty. This has been proven over several epochs."

Chen Feng nodded, this is true.

After all, the ending of Xing Tian's rebellion has not changed since the beginning of this script.

He was beheaded every time and was no match at all.

Even Xingtian himself was almost obsessed.

It's just plain dissatisfaction.

But being able to rebel against Heaven, Xing Tian is naturally the Da Luo among Da Luo, very strong.

And the existence that can target Haotian is naturally not an ordinary person.

So when Haotian competes with him for the capital, if Xing Tian gets the idea and suddenly changes the script, I'm afraid it will really cause some trouble.

He might even be able to succeed.

He couldn't help but think of the way that stupid guy in the Wu Clan had slapped his chest and boasted about how he was going to be in this era.

Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a chill.


This is absolutely not possible!

Chen Feng would never let the scene in his mind just now happen, so he immediately said sternly to Taibai Jinxing: "Please also ask Mr. Xing to send a message to my senior brother Haotian. If Xing Tian appears then, I will definitely stop him."

"That's very good." Taibai Jinxing was obviously very satisfied with this answer, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood up, picked up Fuchen and bowed again.

"In that case, Taibai will return to His Highness to resume his duties."

"Mr. Xing, go slowly."


After sending Taibai Jinxing away, Chen Feng returned to sit under the tea tree.

But now his brows are slightly wrinkled.

After all, the reason why Haotian asked Taibai Jinxing to look for him today was to stop Xing Tian from the attack on Tian in the near future.

As for whether Xing Tian will suddenly have an enlightenment or not, it is already inevitable.

After all, there is the entire Wu clan behind Xingtian.

After the Zhuolu Battle, the Wu Clan basically lost their role, so naturally the Wu Clan was concerned about Xing Tian.

This is the case between Da Luo. Even if he can't beat his opponent in this era, he will never let go of the opportunity to disgust his opponent.

Just like Xingtian, and like the monkey later.

In addition, Da Luo has his own sense of this kind of thing. Not to mention Haotian, even Chen Feng himself has already calculated it with his fingers.

In short, if he participates in it, it means that there will be a battle between him and Xing Tian.

Although Xing Tian looks like a stupid guy, he is also really fierce.

and so.

This is a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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