High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 273 What’s wrong with me, Xing Tian, ​​enjoying enjoyment?

Chapter 273 What’s wrong with me, Xing Tian, ​​enjoying enjoyment?


When Zhao Gongming heard this, he immediately stood up from the recliner and looked at Chen Feng doubtfully.

"Why are you looking for him?"

Chen Feng said casually: "Find him a drink."

Zhao Gongming naturally didn't buy such a perfunctory answer.

Have a drink of hammer wine.

If you, Chen Feng, want to drink, you have to find Xing Tian?

Furthermore, you and I, Zhao Gongming, can’t drink?

What if the feelings fade away?

Zhao Gongming couldn't help curling his lips, but Zhao Gongming suddenly thought about it and made another calculation.

But I figured out something.

These big Luo people are all human beings.

Now that Haotian God's attack on the sky is about to take place, Chen Feng is looking for Xingtian at this time.

If there was no explanation behind this, Zhao Gongming would be the first to not believe it.

And if everything is going to be fine, just shout on Da Luo’s channel and it will be over.

Why bother to come to Mount Emei to find him?

But since Chen Feng didn't want to say anything, he naturally wouldn't ask further questions.

Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with Jiejiao.

What's more, since Chen Feng came, he trusted him and gave him enough face.

Soon Zhao Gongming made a decision.

He thought for a while and said, "You asked the right person. I heard that Xing Tian made some noise in Changyang Mountain a few days ago. It seems to be quite lively."

"Oh." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

After all, it stands to reason that the current Wu clan should be as low-key as possible.

Why is that guy Xing Tian still causing such excitement?

If we really want to explore this matter, there is really something unusual about it.

"Could it be that the Witch Clan has calculated that someone has a hand in this attack on the sky, so they have nothing to fear?"

For a moment, Chen Feng thought a lot.

Although Xing Tian is a big fool, he is still a witch clan behind him.

It's possible to detect something early.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help it any more and immediately stood up to say goodbye and leave.

Before leaving, Zhao Gongming stopped him and said with some seriousness: "It seems that your boy is really involved in Fa Tian's matter, but it is a good thing for you, but you must be careful in everything."

These words are true. Zhao Gongming, who is an interpreter, may not know the plan behind this attack on the sky.

But Chen Feng treated him really well.

"Thank you, Brother Dao." Chen Feng also quickly thanked him, very sincerely.

But Zhao Gongming's next words almost made him fall off the clouds.

"If you're not busy, please hurry up and go to Sanxian Island for me. Otherwise, next time my three sisters come, I will let them go to your cave to cause trouble."

Anyway, in the end Chen Feng seemed to be running away and left.

Of course, he still wasn't ready to go to Sanxian Island.

"The worst I can do is spend more time on the Daluo channel and say more nice things to Sanxiao."

While thinking, Chen Feng had already left the territory of Mount Emei and headed towards Changyang Mountain.

While secretly thinking, Xingtian's heart is really big.

After all, there is a paragraph in the script of "Xingtian rebels against heaven".

It was his senior brother Haotian who chopped off Xingtian's head with one sword and sealed it in Changyang Mountain.

So it stands to reason that Changyang Mountain can be regarded as a "sad place" for Xingtian.

But good guy, this Xingtian actually did the opposite.

Not following common sense, he hid directly in Changyang Mountain.

The weirder the guy, the harder it is to fool him.

Chen Feng sighed and thought about countermeasures, getting closer and closer to Changyang Mountain.


One mountain, two mountains.

The mountains are far away and the sky is high, and the cave is always there.

This is what Changyang Mountain looks like.

It can also be regarded as beautiful scenery and unique terrain.

It was different from what Chen Feng imagined.

Of course, the anti-heaven-defying script has not yet been staged. As a fairyland in the prehistoric times, it is a blessed place.Nowadays, the appearance of Changyang Mountain is considered normal.

"Hey, it's really lively."

Before entering the mountain, Chen Feng heard bursts of laughter.

Some of them are extremely exaggerated and deafening.

Although the people of the Wu tribe are naturally generous, the mountains are a little too noisy.

"What on earth is this guy Xingtian doing?"

With this doubt in mind, Chen Feng officially entered the mountain.

And across the large tents of the Witch Clan, the scene in front of him suddenly made him a little dumbfounded.

However, various witch clan creatures were seen gathering in a large open space.

There was a fire burning in the center, and the flames shot straight into the sky, like a fire dragon circling away.

The fire dragon danced as if it was about to tear the sky apart.

Combined with Xingtian, the implications of this are self-evident.

In short, that's called arrogance.

Goodbye to all kinds of wizard creatures, singing and dancing around the fire, eating meat and drinking wine.

That was an exhilaration.

There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not.

In the Wu clan, both men and women have hair that is almost waist-length.

There's nothing wrong with that.

It's just that the dance of this group of witches is too unrestrained now.

Everyone was shaking their heads around the fire, wishing they could throw their heads out.

Chen Feng couldn't help but think of a scene in the pre-historic reality.

That place was also so deafening, with crazy men and beautiful women swaying wildly.

And now the group of great witches in front of them are like this.

In short, it was a chaotic dance of demons.

All he had to say was "medicine, medicine" and "sway to my rhythm."

Looking at Xingtian, he was sitting at the back of the open space, staring at the scene in front of him with a bright face.

His expression was as if he was watching a masterpiece.

"Are the Witch Clan so unrestrained?"

Chen Feng couldn't help but shook his head.

Inexplicably, I suddenly missed Houtu.

At least before Houtu's reincarnation, the Wu clan was not so noisy.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Suddenly, Xing Tian's loud voice rang out.

But he had already seen Chen Feng's arrival.

And the entire lively scene in Changyang Mountain came to an abrupt end in an instant.

All the great witches under Xing Tian looked over.

The scene suddenly became weird.

Because this group of people were having a great time tossing their hair before, and now all of them have disheveled hair, like fierce ghosts.


Chen Feng coughed slightly but looked indifferent.

Walk slowly towards Xingtian step by step along the road where the crowd in front automatically separates.

It wasn't until he was almost at the end that he clapped his hands and smiled.

"Stop what you're doing, keep playing music, keep dancing."

As soon as these words came out, Changyang Mountain seemed to become even quieter.

Then it exploded completely in the next second.

After the great witches made an uproar, the scene was the same as before.

"Brother, why do you have time to come to my place again?"

Seeing Chen Feng come and sit next to him, Xing Tian waved away the wizards beside him and asked with a smile while pouring wine.

"I haven't seen you brother Xingtian for a long time. I'm here to ask for a drink today." Chen Feng picked up the wine glass and said with a smile.

"That's good, we won't get drunk today." Xing Tian laughed immediately, but his eyes obviously rolled a few times.

Chen Feng, just lie to the devil.

He is not stupid, although his calculations may be a little different from other big Luo.

But at the end of the day, I knew that Chen Feng definitely didn't come here to have a drink with him.

(End of this chapter)

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