High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 274 I, Xing Tian, ​​the great positive energy

Chapter 274 I, Xing Tian, ​​the great positive energy
As for why Chen Feng came here this time.

Haotian's war against the sky will begin soon.

Even Xing Tian can know it well.

He can't be really confused.

"Drinking with Brother Xingtian is a pleasure." Chen Feng smiled and drank a glass of wine, which seemed to show his true feelings.

"Da Luo's life is too depressing. If possible, I would rather drink with Brother Xingtian here for half an era."

"Brother, what you said really touched my heart. Come on, let's have a drink."

Of course, behind the scenes it's another story.

If I didn't know who you are, Chen Feng, I, Xingtian, would really believe you.

Drink for half an era?

Then I can't resist the will of heaven.

It’s time to cut down Haotian.

"It's obviously hard to fool this stupid guy."

On the other side, Chen Feng was also wondering.

It’s been so long since I last saw him, this guy’s IQ has actually grown.

Of course, he was not impatient and drank and ate meat indifferently.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xing Tian took the initiative to speak.

"Speaking of brother Chen Feng, there have been some time-travelers coming here in the past few days. I have been busy with my time recently. I didn't enjoy it last time. I was thinking of asking you to play a role."

Chen Feng immediately curled his lips when he heard this.

Yes, they will all turn around and talk about themselves.

At the same time, his eyes glanced intentionally at Xing Tian's side.

There was a shield and a big ax standing there.

Needless to say, they are the legendary relatives.

The stem is the shield and the ax is the qi.

These are Xingtian's two innate spiritual treasures, with infinite power.

But now the shield and ax are shining with light.

Especially the shield can be used as a bronze mirror.

It can be seen that Xingtian probably held them and wiped them every day since entering this period.

Chen Feng naturally knew why after wiping his dry skin so carefully.

After being defeated at the hands of Senior Brother Haotian for several epochs, the thought of making a comeback has become an obsession in Xing Tian's heart.


In short, not good.

But no matter what, we still have to fight for it.

Looking away from Qianqi casually, Chen Feng said with a smile: "Travelers have not been coming recently for some reason, but brother Xingtian, don't worry, there are real time travelers coming, and I will arrange the next one for you."

"Brother Chen Feng is really loyal." Xing Tian immediately poured the wine after hearing this, and at the same time reminded him: "But this time, brothers must arrange the script. I will not do the "stepping stone" thing."

"That's for sure." Chen Feng quickly nodded in agreement.

It was painting cakes anyway, so he didn't mind making them rounder.

However, it is still inevitable to complain in my heart.

With your acting skills like Xingtian, stepping stones and everything else are difficult for you.

Why do you have the nerve to be picky here?

He still remembered that when the opponent fought against the time traveler Di Ming, his acting skills were simply eye-catching.

Of course it doesn't matter.

As for the exchange of cups between the two, the point never got to the point.

Xingtian seemed to have made up his mind to pretend to be confused today.

It looks like you, Chen Feng, can't get anything out of me.And it is not a problem if this continues. Chen Feng smiled again after thinking: "By the way, Brother Xingtian has considered what I said last time."

As soon as these words came out, Xing Tian was obviously a lot more cautious. He thought for a long time before saying: "Of course I have considered it, but my brother has not yet confirmed whether it is true or false."

"Just listen carefully." Chen Feng said again, his expression was very indifferent and his words were very casual.

But in Xing Tian's eyes, he always felt a sense of unpredictability.

He couldn't help but feel a chill down his back.

"Oh." Rolling his eyes, Xing Tian said: "If this is true, then I will naturally have to give my brother face in the next era. By then, I will not be able to find an official position with him."

This is quite a face-saving thing to say.

Because what Chen Feng mentioned was naturally something about how he might become the Emperor of Heaven in the next era.

He mentioned this to Xing Tian at that time.

The original intention was that Xing Tian would not cause trouble for him in the next era.

Although Xing Tian was unexpectedly happy this time, there was actually something in his words.

That is, I will give face to my brothers in the next era, but that may not be the case in this era.

And until now, Chen Feng was almost certain that Xing Tian must have been instructed by an "expert".

It's the big group of people from the Wu clan.

Maybe it's time to come back today and explain some things to Xing Tian in advance.

But Chen Feng was a little unwilling to let it go.

He just stepped up the intensity.

"I don't know what Brother Xingtian thinks of the Conquest of Heaven in this era."

"How else can we look at it?" Xing Tian pointed to the relatives at his feet and said confidently: "This time I am very confident and I will definitely cut down that Haotian God."

Chen Feng's eyelids couldn't help but twitch, and he secretly felt a headache.

As expected, Xingtian knew something about the situation, and knew that something would inevitably happen in the process of Brother Haotian's campaign to conquer the sky in this era.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to behave like this.

"Brother Xingtian, you can't do this." Chen Feng began to persuade, saying: "Look, your heaven-defying script has been widely praised among Da Luo, but as time goes by, no matter how good the script is, it will When the taste changes, it will also affect the development of your acting skills. Do you want to listen to some of my suggestions to ensure that you will shine even more brilliantly in this era and impress other great actors?"

Xing Tian thought for a moment after hearing this, and seemed to really consider this suggestion seriously, but in the end he shook his head decisively.

"Brother, your suggestion is good, but this is what I think about this script."

"Brother, look, my script is very deep and full of emotions."

"Although it seems a bit tragic, I defy heaven and fight for the emperor. What does that mean?"

"This represents a kind of unyielding, what a positive thing."

"Although, as my brother said, some people may be tired of reading this script, I still feel that our ancient world still needs a little positive energy like this."

Chen Feng: "..."

He was completely speechless. This Xingtian even brought out the positive energy for him.

He also showed an expression of deep self-sacrifice.

But the acting skills are still really bad.

When he said this, Xing Tian's eyes kept scanning the relatives at his feet.

The image in his mind is probably of himself finally cutting off the head of God Haotian.

Yes, it seems that this guy is really determined.

Anyway, what's the result?

For Xing Tian now, it doesn't matter whether he succeeds in defying heaven or not, and whether he succeeds in becoming the emperor or not doesn't matter.

Anyway, he was going to have a good time chopping.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to calm down the evil spirit in your heart.

At this point, Chen Feng no longer wanted to stay in Changyang Mountain.

Not to mention Xingtian's attitude, he couldn't stand just the chattering of those big witches.

(End of this chapter)

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