High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 278: Tea leaves for peaches, how embarrassing

Chapter 278: Tea leaves for peaches, how embarrassing

Although Yaochi is beautiful.

But Chen Feng had no time to care at this time.

Xing Tian's fighting power is beyond his reach, and only a powerful being like Queen Mother Xi can turn the tide.

This way you won't miss anything important.

At this moment, Jiutian Xuannv suddenly sighed.

"Actually, the Empress knows the purpose of Brother Feng's visit to Kunlun this time."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Feng frowned fiercely.

Queen Mother Xi actually knew that he was coming.

But he asked Jiutian Xuannv to bring him to Yaochi.

But he didn't show up.

Is this already a rejection of oneself?

After all, this doesn't sound like hospitality in any way.

But for a moment he was a little confused.

Queen Mother Xi knew that he was coming, so her guess was not wrong.

Senior Brother Haotian will not give him an impossible task.

So I think there has been some kind of connection with the Queen Mother of the West for a long time.

The reason why I didn't tell him but let him realize it on his own was that it was an invisible test.

But at this time, he was already in Kunlun, and the Queen Mother of the West did not see him.

This kind of conflicting attitude is somewhat difficult to understand.

But seeing his frown, Jiutian Xuannv knew that he had misunderstood.

"Brother Feng, don't worry, my mother-in-law doesn't mean what you think."

After saying that, she suddenly pointed into the Yaochi.

But he saw that the golden light in the Yaochi was even stronger, and for a while the sky was filled with rays of light.

Then a special aroma filled the air again.

Different from before, this one smells like peach.

Although it is light, it is as intoxicating as ambrosia.

Even Chen Feng couldn't help but salivate after taking a sip.

This peach fragrance can actually affect Da Luo.

But when the glow dissipated, a beautifully decorated gift box appeared in Jiutian Xuannv's hand.

As tall as half a person.

It was in sharp contrast to the small bag in Chen Feng's hand before.

After all, the material used in this gift box alone is extremely amazing.

It is said that there is a kind of sacred tree in Kunlun Mountain.

Its tree is full of treasures.

The leaves can be made into tea.

The branches can be transformed into spiritual treasures.

The bark can also be refined into weapons.

Its trunks can even be used as indoor decorations and are highly respected among Daluo people.

As for the root of the sacred tree, it is rumored that it has a chance to be turned into an innate spiritual treasure, and it will be turned into different magical uses and shapes in the hands of each Daluo.

Chen Feng knocked on the gift box in front of him at a glance. It was made from the tree trunk closest to the root.

Its value is self-evident.

Just by giving this as a gift, you can ask a great Luo to help you.

Of course, resisting Xing Tian is not included in this list.

As for the contents of the gift box, Chen Feng had already guessed what they were.

That is of course the Yaochi Peach.

This baby is amazing.

You must know that after the heaven is conquered, the heaven is established.

He controls the immortals in the three realms of the prehistoric times, and even Daluo is among them.

And even in such a heaven, the annual Peach Festival will attract all these Da Luo.

The value of this Yaochi flat peach is evident.

The person holding the peach festival is the Queen Mother, also known as the queen mother of the West.

It is said that Pantao was born in heaven, but this is actually wrong.

The real Yaochi flat peach is in West Kunlun.

The one in Heaven was transplanted later, and the environment like Kunlun Mountain was lost.

The effectiveness of flat peach has also dropped a lot.

It is also divided into levels of maturity in 3000 years, 6000 years, and 9000 years.But in fact, there are only a few real flat peaches in the Kunlun Mountains on a tree throughout the entire prehistoric era.

It is an important treasure among the important treasures.

It is also helpful to Da Luo.

Of course, the effects of those transplanted in Heaven were quite good, and they were not fooling people.

At this moment, the gift box that Jiutian Xuannv took out was in it.

I'm afraid it's the real Yaochi Pantao.

And it’s still packed in a gift box.

At this time, besides Jiutian Xuannu, there was only Chen Feng beside the Kunlun Yaochi.

He was suddenly confused.

"This is for me?"

"Otherwise." Jiutian Xuannv rolled her eyes at him angrily, and said in a teasing tone: "The empress knew that you were coming, so naturally she had prepared a gift in return, but who knew that you would come to the door with some tea leaves grown by yourself? Yes, it’s true.”

Chen Feng was suddenly embarrassed.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

If it were really Yaochi Pantao, his tea would really not be worth mentioning.

The so-called really delicious drink is just a lie to deceive Daozu into not being as knowledgeable as him.

Could he not be embarrassed?

If he hadn't been a big guy with a thick skin, he wouldn't have been able to stay any longer.

And Jiutian Xuannv continued to spread salt.

"I really don't know why the empress treats you so well. You must know that the peaches in the Kunlun Mountains also have good and bad growth, and these the empress gave you are the best in the Kunlun Mountains."

Chen Feng didn't know what to say.

After all, if that's the case.

The Queen Mother of the West was too kind to him.

The flat peaches in the Kunlun Mountains can't even be eaten by Daluo Keqiu.

After all, the number of flat peach trees in Kunlun Mountains is limited.

There are so many female fairies under the command of the Queen Mother of the West, and there is not enough food for herself, let alone for others.

Judging from the size of the gift box in Jiutian Xuannv's hand, there are at least a dozen in it.

Of course, even countless flat peaches would not be able to grow too much for a great Luo.

But the preference behind it is obvious.

And with such a standard of treatment, Queen Mother Xi's attitude has become clear.

I am [-]% sure that this matter is not gone.

It's a bit redundant to say thank you, but Chen Feng is really good at being a good person.

He suddenly turned sideways and saluted Tianwai.

"Thank you Queen Mother of the West. Chen Feng will definitely remember such a great gift and will be rewarded generously in the future."

He knew that Queen Mother Naxi would naturally hear this.

Seeing that he was sensible at this time, Jiutian Xuannv also smiled.

"You have your heart set on it, but I can't see you at this time for some reason, but I also gave you a more important gift for my sister to give to you."

As she spoke, Jiutian Xuannv pointed at the golden hairpin on her head.

The energy released from the hairpin at this time was extremely astonishing.

It is obviously a terrifying innate spiritual treasure.

Not weaker than the lotus lantern.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up when he saw this. Before, he thought this was just an ornament used by the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady for decoration.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a valuable treasure.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv had already taken off the golden hairpin from her head and handed it into his hands.

"Take it, your Majesty gave it to me. It can be of great use."


After leaving West Kunlun, Chen Feng stared at the gift box and golden hairpin in his hand.

His expression was calm.

Some are as indifferent as snow.

There is no trace of embarrassment from before.

After all, it was deliberately shown in front of Jiutian Xuannv.

Because he knew Queen Mother Xi's attitude from beginning to end.

He was treated to delicious food and drinks, and given a golden hairpin. This seemed like endless enthusiasm and benefits, but in fact it was all because of one thing.

That is Xingtian.

(End of this chapter)

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