High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 279 Daluo is only mercenary, it’s all acting

Chapter 279 Daluo is only mercenary, it’s all acting

Chen Feng understood.

Ever since Taibai Jinxing went to look for him.

There is so much involved behind this whole thing.

For God Haotian, whether it is Xingtian or other factors.

None of it affects the final result.

After all, the prestige of God Haotian was established through means in each era.

The calculation between Da Luo goes to the end, but it actually depends on who has the stronger fist.

Now that Xingtian's matter is left to him to solve, it is indeed possible for him to participate in it and have a chance to reap benefits.

But that's about it.

Because whether he can benefit from it at that time, and how much benefit he can benefit from, depends entirely on Chen Feng himself.

God Haotian didn't say much.

Chen Feng was just given a ladder. As for how many floors he could climb and whether he would fall, it had nothing to do with him.

If Chen Feng failed to seize the opportunity and messed up this matter, he would not help.

Or have any tips.

This is the case between Daluo, even if they are from the same sect in a certain sense.

God Haotian would never be so "kind" as to grind up all the benefits and throw them into Chen Feng's mouth.

Of course, compared to other Da Luo, the relationship between Haotian God and Chen Feng is better.

Otherwise, God Haotian deliberately gave up the position of the "Jade Emperor"'s trumpet, and there were a lot of people vying to take over, so how could it fall on Chen Feng's head.

In short, there are too many calculations between Da Luo, and every step is planned.

If you are not careful, you will fall into it.

So Chen Feng needs to think more thoroughly.

Just like this time he went to West Kunlun, which seemed to be a test for him by God Haotian.

But he had a deeper reason.

That is, if he takes the initiative to give up his position as the "Jade Emperor" in the next era, it will also have an impact on the Queen Mother of the West.

Chen Feng's arrival meant that he was asking about Queen Mother Xi's attitude.

In fact, Chen Feng had already figured this out when he was about to enter Kunlun.

And he had to come, because he would be the "Jade Emperor" in the next era and had to be the mouthpiece between the God Haotian and the Queen Mother of the West.

It was just the latter's attitude that made him somewhat disappointed.

Although in the end he gave me a flat peach and a golden hairpin.

But the Queen Mother of the West never showed up, and whether it was the flat peach or the golden hairpin, it was actually the matter of Xing Tian.

To put it bluntly, as an ally of God Haotian, I will naturally help you regarding Xingtian.

But as for you, Chen Feng, becoming the Jade Emperor in the next era.

Sorry, you don't seem to be qualified yet.

So she never showed up.

This is what Chen Feng felt during his trip to West Kunlun.

Of course, Queen Mother Naxi actually left some room for her in the end.

That was the flat peach in his hand.

After all, if it was just for Xing Tian, ​​the golden hairpin would be enough.

And this was also the main reason why Chen Feng was willing to cooperate with Jiutian Xuannv in "acting".

Of course, Chen Feng would not have any objections to Queen Mother Xi's attitude.

Because this is the case between Da Luo.

very realistic.

He didn't have that much of a friendship with Queen Mother Xi.

Everything is based on profit.

After all, if he is not strong enough.

If he really becomes the Jade Emperor in the next era, there will naturally be a lot of troubles.

Little did they know that God Haotian was also disgusted by the "stone monkey" created by those Daluo in every era.

What's more, it's Chen Feng.

When the time comes, the Queen Mother of the West's trumpet "The Queen Mother" will naturally be affected.

this is the truth.

Of course, if Chen Feng shows enough strength.When you have the ability to completely suppress the Heavenly Court.

Then when he comes to Kunlun Mountain next time, the Queen Mother of the West will not only come out to see him.

I'm afraid that the person who comes out to greet him will not be the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady, but the Queen Mother of the West.

Of course, whether he becomes the Jade Emperor or not is a matter for the next era.

He still has plenty of time.

What's more, in this era, he himself has no plans.

It doesn't matter if you are looked down upon. The most important thing is how to earn back your face.

They are all Da Luo, who wouldn’t want to play a big game of chess?

After thinking about it, he glanced at the majestic sacred mountain behind him with a faint smile.

The figure slowly disappeared from the place.


West Kunlun.

After seeing Chen Feng leave, Jiutian Xuannv was obviously relieved.

It seemed that all the exchanges between the two just now made her feel a little stressed.

But seeing that things turned out as she imagined, she couldn't help but laugh.

"What? Brother Feng is not as easy to fool as the empress said. Nothing happened."

After saying that, she turned and flew deep into West Kunlun.

Wherever she passed, the endless fog dissipated.

An extremely luxurious palace suddenly appeared in front of you.

Kunlun Temple of the Queen Mother of the West.

This palace cannot be described in words.

If the entire West Kunlun is compared to an endless universe.

Then this Kunlun Temple is the brightest star in this universe.

It is the most dazzling existence.

At this time, in front of the palace, countless female fairies were lined up on both sides, all of them were extremely dignified and looking forward to it.

It wasn't until I saw the return of Jiutian Xuannv that I couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Sister Xuannu, has the newly promoted Da Luo left?"

"Let's go." Jiutian Xuannv nodded.

After getting the definite answer, the female fairy here was obviously relieved.

When Jiutian Xuannv saw this, she waved her hand and said: "Since Brother Feng is gone, you don't need to stay here anymore. Go and do whatever you need to do."

"Thank you Sister Xuan."

The female fairies dispersed in a hurry, as if they didn't want to stay in the palace any longer.

Jiutian Xuannv quickly shook her head when she saw this.

"I'm really used to being arrogant. I usually feel free in West Kunlun, but now I feel uncomfortable even staying by my queen's side for even a moment."

With a sigh, Jiutian Xuannu didn't say much.

These female immortals are not Daluo, and they have no chance or desire to realize Daluo.

It's just that the empress never disciplined them on weekdays, and she didn't expect these female fairies to be so lazy.

Chen Feng is coming today, and she has gathered these female fairies here.

Naturally, you have to behave yourself when staying outside the palace where the empress is.

I just didn't expect that in just a short time, these female fairies would get bored.

She couldn't help but shook her head again. Jiutian Xuannv no longer paid attention to these female fairies, but calmly entered the palace.

Once you enter the shrine, it's another world.

Because this shrine cannot be described in ordinary words.

It's too luxurious here.

The palace is not big, but it uses phoenix as a lamp.

Several fire phoenixes hovered above the main hall, providing light to the main hall with their own phoenix fire.

On top of the palace beams, there are dragon and phoenix sculptures.

It was actually a real dragon and a real phoenix hovering above!

(End of this chapter)

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