High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 280 I am optimistic about Chen Feng, but that’s all

Chapter 280 I am optimistic about Chen Feng, but that’s all
Place yourself in the Kunlun Temple.

See the true phoenix, true dragon, and true phoenix itself.

It's hard not to help but be in awe.

What's more, for the entire shrine.

These real phoenixes, real dragons, and real phoenixes are actually just decorations, just to set off the great existence of the palace.

Of course it's more than that.

But looking at the center of the shrine, there is also a unicorn nodding its head, looking majestic.

The Qilin clan has various attributes.

These unicorns also played various decorations in the palace at this time.

There is a fire unicorn that raises its head and spits out flames, like an oil lamp.

There are eight water unicorns surrounding it, spitting lotus unicorn water from their mouths, like a fountain.

There are also wooden unicorns coiled together into tables and chairs.

At the top, there are unicorns with attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, light, darkness, ice, wind, and thunder.

They gathered together at this time to form the most luxurious cloud bed and phoenix chair in the world.

The combined scenery is too shocking.

But Jiutian Xuannv is no longer surprised by this.

This is the palace of the Queen Mother of the West, and as the most powerful person under her command, she has long regarded this as a daily routine.

At this time, on the phoenix chair on the cloud bed, a figure was holding his chin in one hand, lying there slightly lazily.

The figure was completely wrapped in a white mist, with slender jade fingers occasionally exposed.

The jade fingers were slenderer than those of ordinary girls. They were holding a grape-like purple fruit and throwing it into the mouth of Qilin who was sitting down.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv walked in front of the cloud bed and phoenix chair, and her expression became solemn.

"Mother, I'm here to revive you."

The figure in the white mist is naturally the Queen Mother of the West.

This is the Kunlun Palace, and the only one who can show off the real dragon, real phoenix, real phoenix, and real unicorn is the Queen Mother of the West.

"What's going on?" A slightly lazy but even childish voice came from the white mist.

If Chen Feng were here, he would probably be shocked.

Because the Queen Mother of the West has jade fingers that are even slender than those of a young girl, plus she has a slightly childish voice.

I'm afraid she's not a loli!

Of course, it doesn't matter what Ronaldo's image is, because this is something that Ronaldo can change at any time.

Of course it is not a simple change, but a change that goes back directly to the beginning of Taiyi.

For example.

At this time, in Chen Feng's eyes, Xing Tian was an extremely tough and stupid guy.

But if one day Xingtian went to Taiyi and changed his image into a jade-faced scholar.

Then other Da Luo would naturally think that Xing Tian was originally like this.

It's not that this method can hide from other Da Luo.

But the Daluo people will naturally not deliberately pursue the beginning of Taiyi because of another Daluo's change of appearance.

It's just that the so-called appearance comes from the heart, and generally Daluo rarely changes his appearance.

What it was in the beginning is what it is.

Therefore, the image of the Queen Mother of the West must be beyond Chen Feng's expectations.

But he is not here now, so there is no need to mention it more.

As for Jiutian Xuannv, she has long been used to it and doesn't feel anything wrong.

At this time, she smiled and said: "Everything goes well, Brother Feng is not as troublesome as the empress said."

The words were said a little casually, but the respect in his tone was no less.

"It would be better if that were the case." Queen Mother Xi suddenly sighed.

"Oh, what do you mean by this?" Jiutian Xuannv was obviously startled.

"Then the boy is acting with you." Queen Mother Xi seemed to be laughing.

"Then it seems that Brother Feng's acting skills are good." Jiutian Xuannv responded, she is Da Luo.The Queen Mother of the West talked about this directly, and she naturally explained it in one point.

"But he is sensible. After all, if everything is revealed, it will only increase the embarrassment." Queen Mother Xi seemed to be praising him.

But finally shook his head.

"As a newly promoted Da Luo in this era, it is amazing enough to be able to achieve this step. He has seen through both Haotian and me, but his strength is still too low."

There was obvious regret in these words.

But in fact, the final result has not changed.

Today, she still doesn't like Chen Feng's strength.

I think he will not be able to secure his position as the Jade Emperor in the next era.

Then her own interests will be shaken.

"But in my opinion, the empress did the right thing." Jiutian Xuannv said from the side: "As the empress said, with the strength of brother Feng, his right to speak is still too little in this ancient world."

"But I really like him." Queen Mother Xi nodded and said: "So I asked you to give him a flat peach, which can make up for it. If one day he really has that strength, I don't mind being in Heaven. Assist him in matters."

"Then it all depends on Brother Feng's fate." Jiutian Xuannv nodded, but her expression was a bit casual, as if she was not very optimistic about this possibility.

Again, Chen Feng has just been promoted to Da Luo in this era, and his authority to speak is too limited.

Although there is huge room for improvement, in her opinion it must be several, even dozens or even hundreds of epochs away.

But what she didn't know at this time was that there was something mysterious about Queen Mother Xi's expression behind the white mist.

It seemed like a kind of expectation, but it also seemed like a kind of calm.

It's hard to tell.

"By the way, Madam, Brother Feng brought you a gift this time. He said it was tea grown by himself, and he said it would be fine if Daozu drank it."

"Oh, then go ahead and brew it and let's have a taste. If it doesn't taste good, just throw it away to him."


Chen Feng, who had left West Kunlun, naturally did not know about the conversation between Queen Mother of the West and Xuannv of the Nine Heavens.

Not even knowing that his tea leaves might have been thrown away.

Because that's most likely the case.

His tea is completely deceptive, bitter and astringent.

Of course, this was no longer important. He already knew Queen Mother Xi's attitude.

His next experience will mainly focus on Xing Tian.

He returned to his cave and closed the door directly.

This trip to West Kunlun was still rewarding.

After all, leaving aside the Queen Mother of the West's attitude towards him becoming the Jade Emperor in the next era.

On the issue of Xing Tian, ​​he was of great help.

After all, he and God Haotian have been allies for countless epochs.

To solve Xingtian's matter, we actually need to help God Haotian.

He first took out the gift box given by Jiutian Xuannu.

When he opened it, Chen Feng was startled at first because there were twenty Yaochi flat peaches inside.

Although he knew that Queen Mother Xi was "taking care" of his emotions.

It is for the space left between the Jade Emperor and him in the next era.

But this number is definitely a lot.

Because this quantity is enough to make many Da Luo jealous.

Meet those big Luo who love face and show off very much.

These twenty flat peaches may be exchanged for an innate spiritual treasure.

It's not an exaggeration.

After all, the other Da Luo is not Chen Feng, and they have very deep background.

What's more, the immortals and spiritual treasures are also divided into strong and weak ones.

And Da Luo also pays attention to face, so it is still very possible to exchange a slightly inferior fairy treasure for twenty Yaochi flat peaches.

(End of this chapter)

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