High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 281 Golden Hairpin, Cowherd and Weaver Girl

Chapter 281 Golden Hairpin, Cowherd and Weaver Girl
The peaches from Yaochi are exchanged for innate spiritual treasures.

This kind of thing may sound exaggerated, but it is absolutely normal.

Da Luo is superior to all the heavens in all realms.

But at the same time, it seemed to become a strange creature in the eyes of other creatures.

Moreover, none of these big players are comparable to Chen Feng, the newly promoted big player.

Although innate spiritual treasures are precious, no big Luo has only a few of them.

Especially the kind that is powerful and has a backing.

With one hand he could take out seven, eight or even a dozen items.

Among them, there are even more existences like Duobao.

If you have nothing to do, you can use the innate spiritual treasure to hit people.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng sighed again.

After all, compared to other Da Luo, he has too little time to practice, which is a flaw.

And the problem of too few innate spiritual treasures in hand is obviously fatal.

Because any innate spiritual treasure can be played with in Da Luo's hands.

Just like the yin-yang mirror in the hands of Chi Jingzhi at that time.

Taking a picture of oneself with a white mirror gives oneself the concept of absolute life.

Zhao Gongming finally bombarded him with 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls, but his blood was locked by the red sperm.

This is true for Zhao Gongming, let alone him.

Moreover, Xing Tian is stronger than Chi Jing Jing.

So he will rush to find reinforcements.

But this situation was reversed by an innate spiritual treasure.

Chen Feng raised his hand, and a golden hairpin appeared in his palm.

This is the biggest benefit he got from West Kunlun this time.

Because this is an innate spiritual treasure that is no weaker than the Lotus Lamp.

He had already seen the origin of the golden hairpin.

He thought of the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

Of course, this story used to be a touching love story in his heart.

But now that he has attained Daluo, he will naturally not think so.

Because the so-called Weaver Girl is actually another Daluo in West Kunlun.

Like Jiutian Xuannv, she is Da Luo who belongs to the Queen Mother of the West.

Of course, this is a big Luo Kai trumpet.

And in the long epoch, the Weaver Girl got some sudden ideas from nowhere, and came up with such a script of "Love between Humans and Immortals".

And he took action immediately.

So in later generations, after the heaven was established and the three realms of heaven, earth and man were established, they found a mortal man in the human world to get married to.

As soon as this play was performed, it immediately attracted the attention of all the female fairies in West Kunlun.

There was even a wave of craze at the time.

Finally, it reached the Queen Mother of the West, pushing the script to a climax.

Mainly because this script had a huge response in West Kunlun at that time.

The Queen Mother of the West didn't mind participating, and even became a villain for once.

That is, when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl parted ways in the end, she used the golden hairpin to open up the Milky Way, so that the two could only look at each other across the endless Milky Way.

Of course, this script was also very effective among the female fairies in West Kunlun at that time.

It's considered a niche.

And in the end, it seems that the Cowherd was not just a tool that was brought in to make up the numbers. He was actually the trumpet of a certain great Luo, and he quickly became an immortal in the end.

Therefore, this script of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl was never performed in later eras.

But at this moment, the golden hairpin in Chen Feng's hand was the same one that the Queen Mother of the West used to slit the Milky Way.

Among the many innate spiritual treasures of the Queen Mother of the West.

This golden hairpin is definitely top-notch.

It seems to have endless uses.

With the addition of the Lotus Lamp and the two innate spiritual treasures in hand, the pressure on him about to face Xing Tian will naturally be much less.

Xingtian only had two innate spiritual treasures in his hands, and in terms of quality, the lotus lantern and hairpin should be better.The most important thing is that this is the best method he can get.

If you really can't defeat Xing Tian, ​​there's nothing you can do about it.

Anyway, he has already calculated all the possibilities and consequences, and he has even been to Xing Tianna himself.

There is no better possibility than now.

At least at this moment in this era, it can only go so far.


For the next time, Chen Feng just stayed at the door and never took a step forward.

Transform your own cave into a world, and then become familiar with the power of Queen Mother Naxi's golden hairpin.

After all, this is not his innate spiritual treasure.

So putting aside the strength, he can at most use the strength of this golden hairpin to its full potential.

After all, I didn’t practice it myself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"When can I create an innate spiritual treasure of my own?"

But even though he thought so, he also knew that it was too difficult.

Although the prehistoric era keeps reincarnating from era to era, each era has nothing but the general trend of the original script.

Although some new things will happen, the treasures of heaven and earth that can really be used to refine innate spiritual treasures have already been occupied by other Da Luo at the beginning of Taiyi.

So his starting point is still a little low.

Sometimes he would even think that if he had not listened to Taozu's sermons and proved himself, perhaps after a long period of time, he would have lost himself.

Because if that were the case, he might not be qualified to fight for anything in the whole prehistoric period.

I can only skip the big cake of prehistoric times and play stand-alone.

There will always be times when you get tired of it.

Of course, if you prove it carefully.

It’s not that he was born low, he was just born late.

After all, in the entire prehistoric period, he and God Haotian were the only ones who listened to Dao Ancestor's sermons and proved Da Luo.

And this can be considered a disciple of Dao Ancestor.

Although Daozu did not participate in the entire prehistoric period, he was still the most special existence.

Therefore, with this title, Chen Feng wanted to do and be able to do things throughout the whole prehistoric period, but he was also envied by most of the other Da Luo.

The worst thing is, maybe after countless epochs.

He, Chen Feng, can also snatch some of his own fundamentals like the Haotian God.

This is the benefit of having a background.

While comprehending the upper limits of the two innate spiritual treasures, Chen Feng was also paying attention to the general trend of the prehistoric times.

The Battle of Zhuolu is now over.

As for the result at that time, he already knew it.

Under the leadership of the three human emperors, the human army was unstoppable.

Chi You resisted in every possible way and went through untold hardships, but in the end he was completely defeated.

It failed to reverse the trend and ultimately lost the qualification to appear in this prehistoric era.

As for the demon tribe's reinforcements, Kunpeng, this time he also had no sense of loyalty and escaped during the final battle.

And now, after hundreds or even thousands of years of development, the overall strength of the human race has reached a peak level.

There are three emperors at the top and five emperors at the bottom.

Other human race heroes also appeared one after another.

The general trend of the human race has been completely unstoppable, reaching unprecedented heights in several prehistoric eras.

For a time, the scenery was the same.

And today this development continues.

However, Chen Feng no longer paid too much attention to this.

At this time, he was still staying in his cave, ignoring what was happening outside the window.

After this period of polishing, his Da Luo way became more stable.

The benefits gained from the Battle of Zhuolu have also been fully digested.

(End of this chapter)

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