Chapter 282 Da Luo channel is so lively!
After Zhuolu.

Chen Feng is stronger.

He is one step closer to becoming the great supernatural power user in Da Luo.

Of course, saying this is more to comfort myself.

It's not that his steps are too small, but that the distance between the big Luo is too big.

If you want to become a great magical person in Da Luo, how can you achieve it overnight?

Other Da Luo, in several or even dozens of epochs, can obtain extremely limited benefits.

Therefore, Chen Feng is not depressed about this. Compared with others, his progress has been much faster.

Exiting the state of meditation, opening your eyes, you will see a star.

At this time, a golden hairpin appeared on his head.

In order to get familiar with the innate spiritual treasure of the Queen Mother of the West, he opened up the entire cave into a galaxy.

I have practiced here countless times with the golden hairpin, but I have basically mastered it.

With a thought, the lotus lantern appeared, echoing the golden hairpin.

Looking at these two innate spiritual treasures, a flash of confidence flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

After all, his mission is not to decide life and death with Xing Tian, ​​so he only needs to stop him when the time comes.

But in this case, he felt that it could still be done.

Then he waved his hand in the air, and the lotus lantern and golden hairpin turned into two rays of light and were hidden in his cuffs.

Then all the stars in the sky disappeared.

This also corresponds to that sentence.

The birth and destruction of all worlds are all within a single thought of Da Luo.

Then Chen Feng realized that the script of human race development is still continuing.

He also had nothing to do.

He simply walked out of the cave and lay down on the deck chair very calmly.

Then he turned his right hand, and the whole cave was filled with the fragrance of peach for who knows how many miles.

Instead, he took out the Yaochi flat peaches he got from the Queen Mother of the West.

Three times five divided by two equals five flat peaches.

Anyway, there were twenty flat peaches in total, so he didn't feel bad at all.

Five flat peaches finally turned into five peach stones.

Then Chen Feng raised his eyes and looked at the tea trees in front of his cave, and suddenly had a new idea.

Although Xi Kunlun and his party mostly acted with Jiutian Xuannv, the other party also made him understand something.

That is to say, he really couldn't handle the broken tea leaves.

But in the future, the interactions between him and other Da Luo will become more and more frequent.

It would be a little unreasonable to fool around with those tea leaves.

So he wanted to plant the peach stone and see if he could grow a peach tree.

Especially after eating this flat peach, the taste really makes Daluo linger.

As for effectiveness, it's so-so.

It's not as magical as the legend says.

Chen Feng took action quickly and was very confident.

After all, the flat peaches in Kunlun have been transplanted to the heavens of later generations.

So he pointed to the ground, and there were five pits.

Then he carefully threw five peach stones in.

Then he carefully buried the five pits.

In terms of various behaviors, they are no different from ordinary fruit farmers.

Or because it's too boring.

Daluo is too boring, and may even lose himself because of it.

Chen Feng now has some understanding of this sentence.

After all, if you achieve Daluo, you will have immortality in the true sense.

I really don't even want to die.

In the whole prehistoric period, I have never heard of Da Luo successfully committing suicide.

Because this kind of thing is impossible to exist and goes against the path of the great Luo people.So now when Chen Feng does something, he basically doesn't use any magic power and prefers to be a mortal.

After planting the peach seeds, he also kept the tea trees.

After all, this was his first time growing flat peaches, and he didn't know yet whether he could succeed.

If he failed, he could only use those tea leaves to continue to fool him.

Anyway, he is just a newly promoted Daluo with no background. Others can't really blame him for this.

There are plenty of reasons to break the jar.

After finishing all this, the day still hasn't passed.

So lying on the recliner, Chen Feng became even more bored.

Just staring at the sun, moon and stars, I was in a daze for three ancient days.

Until three days later, he suddenly sat up from the recliner.

"You'd better be nice to me, brother Gongming."

He remembered that Zhao Gongming mentioned Sanxiao when he left Mount Emei last time.

At that time, he thought that he would not go to Sanxian Island, but he would be able to have a lot of fun on the Da Luo channel.

Now that I am bored, the opportunity has come.

So he directly opened the Da Luo channel.

And when he opened it like this, he secretly thought that it was quite exciting.

"The group has started, the group has started, the Fatian dungeon is about to start, is there anyone participating?"

"Take me with you. Someone dared to sneak attack me in the last era. If I don't find a chance to kill them in this era!"

"This Taoist friend is so arrogant, don't you dare reveal your identity!"

"Who I am is none of your business!"


Chen Feng was speechless for a while.

This Da Luo channel naturally belongs to all Da Luo people.

So if some Da Luo deliberately hides his identity, other Da Luo really can't tell.

However, he usually doesn't pay much attention to this channel, so he didn't expect it to be so intense.

Well, the discussion was so intense that I almost cursed.

Of course, there are also those who pretend to be powerful. For example, he saw a big Luo speak like this.

"You guys are just louder than thunder, so the matter of attacking the sky has nothing to do with you."

This Da Luo also hid his identity, so he was ridiculed even more fiercely.

"Hey, there are still people who jump out and pretend to be big. Then I have to ask what kind of important role this fellow Taoist played in the matter of defeating the sky."

The strange aura inside and outside those words made Chen Feng call him an expert.

And before that, Na Luo was obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp even though he was powerful.

"Don't pretend to be my identity. Anyway, the role will definitely be more than yours."

A war of words was inevitable.

After listening to it for a while, Chen Feng found it interesting.

Of course, it's not all useless scolding, there are still some powerful people in it.

"Seeing how intense the discussion among you is, I really want to fight. But if I think about it carefully, you may not have no chance in this era."

"How to say." Everyone said in unison.

"Oh, don't you know that in this era, conquering the sky is not that simple?"

Speaking of this, the big Luo immediately shut up and stopped talking.

But the repercussions caused by this sentence were naturally violent.

After all, what the big guys are interested in are the plots in each era that are outside the script.

But most of them are still dissatisfied.

"Although this fellow Taoist has said this, I'm afraid he only has limited knowledge and is deliberately showing off."

"That's right, why are you pretending to be sophisticated?"

After going back and forth, Da Luo, who spoke before, seemed to be angry and went offline directly, but he also left a cold snort.

"No need to say more, people who understand this matter will understand."

(End of this chapter)

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