High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 283 Chapter 283 I, Xuanyuan, fight the sky!

Chapter 283 283 I, Xuanyuan, fight the sky!
Those who understand will understand.

Chen Feng smiled when he saw this.

Secretly, Da Luo was also forced to panic.

This Da Luo is obviously very powerful, and he should have crossed the threshold of a great supernatural power user.

On weekdays, it is natural to have some dignity.

Nowadays, the discussions in the Da Luo channel are too intense and everyone is anonymous.

It’s not easy for this Da Luo to just jump out with his real name.

And this is the Da Luo channel, and everyone is Da Luo.

If you really have a status in the ancient world, then if you show off and pretend to be sophisticated, everyone will probably betray you.

But now everyone is anonymous.

Sorry, no matter who you are, just spray if you can.

I will never let go if I can be yin and yang.

This is quite similar to the relationship between Ying Zheng and Da Luo.

Of course, no matter what happens next in the Da Luo channel.

They are all inseparable from the word "Fighting the Sky".

The entire ancient Daluo is paying attention.

It also means that this matter is finally near.

There was naturally no useful information in Daluo's channel, so Chen Feng deliberately turned it off and went to sleep.

But I thought about it and said something.

Chen Feng: "It looks familiar."

When it was over, he blocked the Da Luo channel as quickly as possible.

He was issued under his real name, so naturally many people would be looking for him.

Take Sanxiao, for example, who is already @him like crazy in the channel.

Of course it is also in real name.

After such a start, all Da Luo in the entire Da Luo channel will no longer be anonymous.

The atmosphere of the discussion has completely changed.

Taoist friends who speak up are polite, Taoist friends who keep silent are arrogant.

Little did he know how many guys there were who just took one bite out of me.

But these have nothing to do with Chen Feng.

Now that he has been polished, he is ready to face the battle against Futian.

Walking out of the cave, staring at the sky.

Chen Feng's sight seemed to fall through the Great Luo to all the worlds and heavens.

This gaze is very deep and seems to have no focus, but if it is observed by others.

This is a kind of indifference and confidence.

I don’t know how long I stood there, as the entire prehistoric era turned into a sunset and a full moon in front of me.

And it seems that because there is a big Luo watching at this time, such natural changes seem to be evolving into some kind of great meaning.

Ever since, Chen Feng took a breath, and it was like a great day.

He seemed to be integrated with the whole world.

His strength is indeed more advanced than during the Zhuolu battle.

Unexpectedly, after several ups and downs in the sky, Chen Feng's pupils once again had focus.

He casually pulled off a green leaf from the tea tree next to him and placed it in the palm of his hand, and a wisp of Da Luo's spiritual thoughts naturally adhered to it.

Soon, the green leaves fluttered in the wind, unstoppable for 33 days, surpassing all concepts of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

Then he plunged headlong into the endless chaos.

At this time, in the depths of endless chaos, an ancient giant opened his eyes and carefully looked at the green leaves floating in his hands.

Soon, it started to rain in the wilderness.

The wind is blowing and the rain is blowing.

Chen Feng stood in the rain.

The rain never got him wet and he couldn't fall down at all.

But when he stretched out his palm, a drop of rain fell on his palm as if it had overcome all obstacles.


"Honghuang, it hasn't rained for a long time."

In the same rain curtain, there was also a figure gently waving away the raindrops in his hand.

And just by standing there, this figure naturally exudes majesty.The bright yellow imperial robe on his body was trembling slightly in the wind.

The emperor's robe was embroidered with many strange patterns, including mountains, rivers, earth, and mysterious runes with profound meanings.

These runes seem to contain an infinite and far-reaching meaning, as if they are explaining the vastness and vastness of this ancient world.

A golden fairy sword hangs beside him.

Emperor Xuanyuan!

At this time, he raised his eyes slightly and looked past the endless rain curtain, as if he wanted to see through the ancient sky.

Between heaven and earth, I don’t know when, but suddenly there was a murderous atmosphere.

After a moment, Human Emperor Xuanyuan said softly.

"How are you getting ready?"

As soon as he finished speaking, footsteps came from behind him.

Then an extremely burly figure wearing black armor stepped forward, but stopped when he was half a body behind him.

The burly figure raised his head, revealing extremely special vertical pupils.

This is Ying Long!

However, compared to the time of the Battle of Zhuolu, Yinglong at this time was full of energy, walking like a tiger and a tiger, and the light of Daluo was dazzling and compelling.

Obviously, he has already gotten rid of the "serious injury" state.

"Everything is ready." Yinglong nodded slightly, his eyes sparkling with light.

Then, Xuanyuan turned around.

A magnificent scene suddenly unfolded in this vast land.

Behind the Human Emperor Xuanyuan, there are actually endless powerful human beings.

Although that number is not as good as the Battle of Zhuolu, it appears to be more elite.

These powerful human beings are actually at the Taiyi Golden Immortal level.

But at this time, they were standing there one by one, holding weapons and waiting in formation.

And this is the source of the murderous aura between heaven and earth. At this time, the only thing in the eyes of these powerful human beings is the Human Emperor on the high platform in front of him!

There was a certain kind of expectation and a certain kind of fanaticism in his expression.

And they have one thing in common. Among the three emperors of the human race, they belong to the Xuanyuan lineage alone.

On the high platform, except for Xuanyuan and Yinglong.

Houqing, Hanbao, Fenghou and other great human clans are all here.

They are also Da Luo who belong exclusively to the Xuanyuan Emperor.

In other words, at this moment, the most powerful force under Human Emperor Xuanyuan is gathered here.

All power too.

Fighting, it’s finally about to begin!

And the person who conquered the sky was Xuanyuan!

In this prehistoric era, Emperor Jun used his methods to plan an era.

Using a time traveler as bait, he successfully launched a sneak attack on Zu Wu Qiangliang at a critical moment.

As a result, the original script of the Lich War in this era went awry.

In previous eras, the final outcome of the Lich War was that the two races perished together.

But this time, because of Di Jun's plan, the demon clan finally won!
Although it was a tragic victory, it also means that the old heaven is still there!

This is the opportunity for Xuanyuan Fatian!
In the past prehistoric era.

The demon clan, which was also damaged by the Lich War, existed in name only, and the demon clan's heaven was completely turned into a decoration.

Originally, we only had to wait until a certain timeline arrived and the heaven established by God Haotian appeared.

This handover of the old and new heavens is the end.

The latter is still the foundation of God Haotian, and no one can shake it for countless epochs.

It's just that in this era, the demon clan has suffered a tragic victory.

And it was because Xuanyuan was stuck at this point in time that he came up with the Human Emperor Fa Tian!
Of course, all the big Luo people in this era know about the tragic victory of the demon clan, so many people have already guessed this.

A previous discussion on the Da Luo channel made it well known to everyone.

But Xuanyuan was not afraid, or in other words, he didn't care at all.

The heaven of God Haotian is not the time to be born now.

Whoever is pushed to the old heaven can take over the power of the emperor of heaven!

Once authority is obtained, it is not easy to let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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