Chapter 284 Is Fa Tian so passionate?

The rain all over the sky stopped at some point.

But the chilling atmosphere in the endless wilderness has not dissipated even a bit.

Human Emperor Xuanyuan finally revealed his plan at this moment.

It was actually in this era that the Haotian God's position as the Emperor was calculated.

This is so cool.

And it was at this moment that many Daluo in the prehistoric times truly realized that the new script of the Human Emperor's Conquest of Heaven was finally going to be staged.

All of them are looking forward to it.

Of course, there are more calculating people who want to gain some benefits from this matter.

They want a piece of the pie.

It's just that it's obviously out of date now.

This matter involves three great Luo.

They are still the three great Luo who are definitely second only to Pangu in the entire prehistoric Daluo!
All Da Luo are waiting for Di Jun's reaction.

Waiting for God Haotian’s reaction!
At this time, Xuanyuan was no longer thinking about this.

Because the battle between Daluo will end if it doesn't move, and the world will collapse if it moves.

At this moment, all the fangs under his command were unfolded.

He is determined to be the Emperor of Heaven!

In fact, this is exactly the case, because the ending of the Lich War in this era happened suddenly.

Before Di Jun's sneak attack on Qiang Liang broke out.

Who would have thought that the demon clan could win.

Therefore, Xuanyuan only has one opportunity in this era.

After all, who can guarantee that this will happen again in the next era and the next era?

If Qiang Liang could be attacked by Di Jun once, how could he be attacked a second time?

So Xuanyuan stood up decisively and directly at this time.

Throw plans and calculations aside.

Da Luo, fight to the end and see who has the bigger fist!

There are endless powerful human troops, with Daluo generals at their side.

Looking at all this, Human Emperor Xuanyuan's eyes became extremely solemn at this time.

He took off the Xuanyuan Sword and held it in his hand, then raised it gently.

There are no fancy moves.

But with his sword pointed at the sky, the Human Emperor's determination has shocked the entire ancient world!

A sword intent that seemed to be able to shake the sky and split the earth rose from the human emperor's body, and an aura of detachment emerged spontaneously.

At this moment, the light of the Human Emperor's Great Luo shines upon the vast wilderness and all the heavens and worlds.

The Human Emperor's will to conquer the heavens also spread throughout all realms and heavens at this moment.

Xuanyuan Sword was raised high at this time, and the sky was cut open.

Among them are faintly visible mountains, rivers, and cities in all directions, where hundreds of millions of people live, farm, and raise livestock, all united as one.

It also appears that the mountains and rivers have changed their course, and hundreds of millions of people are offering sacrifices and worshiping this place from afar. The sun and the moon have no light.

As soon as this vision of all realms appeared, the sound of Daluo Dao floated down from the dust.

Advisers on the battlefield, warriors at the border fighting, the right time and place, and harmony!

Human Emperor Xuanyuan took a step forward, held his sword and shouted: "Heaven can strike!"

All the generals and soldiers of the human race shouted in greeting: "Yes!"

33 The sound of Daluo Dao fell again from outside the sky, singing in the wind.

On this day, there is a cauldron on the pavilion, and he walks on the mountains and rivers with a sword!

Everyone in the capital sang the song of defeating the sky, and led all the tribes in the wild to congratulate him!

At this moment, Human Emperor Xuanyuan's ambition was like a hurricane, blowing across the endless land.

"Cut the sky!"

Xuanyuan raised his sword and drank again.

"Cut the sky!"

Human soldiers will respond again!

In the end, the Xuanyuan Sword fell, and it seemed that the world would be reopened at this moment, and another prehistoric era would be established.

All the heroes in the prehistoric times are in vain at this moment.

There was a voice from Da Luo on the Da Luo channel that had been silent for a long time.

"This Human Emperor is really making further progress in this era, so he dares to fight for the power of the Emperor of Heaven in this era!"

"I can't help but see that in this era we are fighting for the Emperor of Heaven. After a few eras, I'm afraid we will be fighting for Pangu!"

Regardless of whether this is an exaggeration or not.But this is undoubtedly not the highest praise.

In the end, the sound of cutting the sky echoed through the vast wilderness, reflecting the light of all the heavens in all realms.

The entire prehistoric sky was directly torn apart by the Human Emperor's soaring light.

God, cracked!
A magnificent fairy palace is fully revealed.

Monster clan, heaven!
At this time, the situation was unstoppable, and the Human Emperor raised the Xuanyuan Sword high again.

"The gate of heaven has been opened. All officers and soldiers, follow me and fight forward!"


In front of his own cave, Chen Feng seemed to be suppressed by the momentum of Human Emperor Fa Tian.

"I'll go, are you so passionate?"

Even so, there was no surprise in his eyes.

On the contrary, it was surprisingly calm.

In this era, the one who jumped out to compete with Haotian God for the Heavenly Emperor was naturally the Human Emperor Xuanyuan.

It can only be the Human Emperor Xuanyuan.

Just as the Taoist sound of Da Luo of Fa Tian pointed out.

The human emperor conquered the sky and occupied the right time, place and people.

At this time, Chen Feng raised his head and glanced at the sky, only to see that the demon clan's heaven was filled with a murderous atmosphere.

After the Lich War, all the remaining soldiers and generals of the Demon Clan were here.

How could the demon clan be unprepared for the Human Emperor's attack on the sky?

Of course, in the final analysis, we are still left with a broken army and a broken general.

In this great battle between lich and lich in the prehistoric era, the demon tribe won.

But it was really a miserable victory.

At that time, the Wu clan was completely bankrupt, and the great witches and ancestral witches directly participated in the war.

Although the demon clan reacted quickly at that time, Kunpeng and a group of demon gods Da Luo also directly faced the enemy.

But after the war that lasted for 200 million years ended, everyone except Di Jun.

Of the entire demon clan, only Da Luo, including Bai Ze, Bifang and Jiu Ying, were left among the demon gods.

Everything else is basically right.

Of course, that spineless Kunpeng is still alive and well.

As for those Taiyi Golden Immortal-level demons, even more died.

Of course, there are also a lot of people left behind. At this time, they are led by the three demon gods Bai Ze, Bi Fang and Jiu Ying.

They also opened their formation directly in front of Tianmen.

Of course Kunpeng didn't come, he was avoiding Di Jun now.

The war is about to start.

The endless land of hundreds of millions of miles in the prehistoric times has once again turned into a tragic battlefield.

Even more brutal than the Lich War.

After all, in this era, the demon clan has reached this point under the leadership of Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun.

How could the entire demon clan give up?

If you stay one more day, the demon tribe's heroes will be able to gain more benefits.

Therefore, this battle is not regarded as the last battle for the Monster Clan to withdraw from the stage.

Of course they have to fight hard.

Some big demons even took the initiative to kill them from the tenth level of the sky without even waiting for the humans to attack.

Blood flowed into rivers, and the entire wilderness was dyed blood red.

The human race showed their bloodiness, and the demon race also showed their tenacity.

But this seemingly [-]-[-] shopping spree did not last long, because Yinglong, Houqing, Hanba and other great human beings soon joined the war.

This time Xuanyuan Feitian was originally stuck at the time before Haotian Heavenly Court was born.

And this time is not long ago in this world, and the human race needs to make a quick decision.

Da Luo joined the war, and the entire ancient and endless land became a battlefield.

It’s just that the demon clan began to retreat steadily.

Because Da Luo on both sides is not in the same state at this time.

Bai Ze, Bifang and Jiuying have not yet recovered from the lich war.

On the other hand, the human race's Daluo side, headed by Ying Long, had just taken advantage of the Zhuolu war.

Who is strong and who is weak can be determined at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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