High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 285 The Iron-Skeleton Daluo People

Chapter 285 The Iron-Skeleton Daluo People
The battle between Daluo is naturally not in the wild.

Several great Rakshasa from the two races broke through hundreds of millions of miles of time and space.

Came to Tai Chi Ji.

Here, Da Luo can completely let go.

There was only a ferocious roar, and a pair of huge wings that seemed to cover everything appeared in the sky.

It seemed as if the entire Taiji Ji was covered in this moment.

This is a big blue bird with one leg and its whole body is covered in divine fire.

Demon God Bi Fang!

At this time, his eyes were full of fierce flames, and his look was extremely vicious.

But at this time, there were two huge creatures standing opposite him.

These are two monstrous monsters, filled with the aura of corpse evil throughout the Tai Chi Period.

One of them had a green face and fangs, and was very ferocious.

The other one was dressed in green clothes, his whole body shrouded in evil aura.

Bi Fang sneered at this time.

"Queen, Hanba, two of you are actually beating me up. You don't have martial ethics, right?"

"Bifang, don't do this!" Hou Qing took a step forward, and the terrifying fangs in his mouth seemed to stretch out billions of feet again, which was extremely terrifying.

He couldn't help but laugh at this moment.

"The demon clan has played enough roles in this era. What else are you dissatisfied with? It would be better for you, Bi Fang, to be sent offline by us at this time, and you would be spared some physical pain!"

"You mean you want me to give it to you for free on purpose?" Bi Fang's eyes suddenly squinted when he heard this, and his appearance couldn't be described with just a mixed word.

"Otherwise, if I pluck your bird feathers and break your one leg later, it will be too late for you to beg for mercy!" Hou Qing refused to give up.

He might not be Bifang's opponent in a single fight, but at this time, Han Bao was still with him.

What's more, in the battle between the lich and the lich, although the demon clan planned an era and won, the price they paid was too high.

I am afraid that the benefits gained will not be digested until the next era, and the state is extremely poor.

"Hey! You are going too far! I would rather die than surrender!" Bi Fang was furious, but the thunder was loud and the rain was small, and he did not have any immediate and desperate posture.

There was no way, no matter how arrogant he was, he still had to consider the consequences of what Hou Qing just said in his heart.

After all, defeating him in the end was a trivial matter. If he really had his hair plucked out and his legs broken, wouldn't he become a laughing stock among Da Luo in the next era?

Human Emperor Xuanyuan is serious this time, and now both sides are deciding between victory and defeat as well as life and death here!
So in the end, Bifang's momentum weakened.

He couldn't help but said: "It's okay for me to put some water in for a while, but you two have to agree. This matter must not be mentioned among you Taoist friends from the prehistoric era!"

What Bi Fang was referring to was naturally the Da Luo channel.

It is worth mentioning that Bi Fang is the kind of person who stays in the Da Luo channel all year round.

Everything must be mixed with one or two sentences of the previous one, so I attach great importance to this.

And now Bi Fang knows it in his heart.

Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun have planned this era to this point, and the entire demon clan has come to an end.

After all, Da Luo is now the script for the rise of the human race that occupies all timelines in the entire prehistoric era.

If the Demon Clan Heavenly Court wants to survive, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream.

Furthermore, in fact, this result is completely acceptable to the entire demon clan.

Because they won the Lich War in the next era, the benefits will naturally be beyond imagination.

To sum up the above two situations, Bi Fang's resistance was not that strong in the first place.

Before, it was just to save face.

And once he heard that he was convinced, Houqing was immediately happy.

"I didn't expect that fellow Daoist Bi Fang was so aware of current affairs, which really impressed me." Hou Qing's tone also slowed down significantly, and he even did not hesitate to praise him.

After all, who would be willing to take action if it saves trouble?

It's really not tiring to fight between Da Luo.

Bi Fang's strength is also there. If it really comes to a decisive end, it won't hurt if my empress loses an arm and a few legs!
"Fellow Taoist Hou Qing, you are too modest, you are too modest." Bi Fang naturally walked down the steps.

And just when the two sides are about to reach a consensus to achieve a decent ending for both parties.

Han Bao, who had been silent before, finally spoke.

But after seeing his endless evil aura, a pair of extremely scarlet corpse eyes stared at Bifang.

Then the endless murderous aura surged, and he actually became angry!
Now it was Bi Fang's turn to be dumbfounded and said angrily: "Hanba, what do you mean? I'm really afraid of you. I'm going to be stuck here anyway. Believe it or not, there must be one of you who can back me up!"

He was really angry, and at the same time he was mostly confused.

What kind of crazy thing is this Hanbao!
Now that the situation has reached this point, wouldn't it be nice for both parties to have a decent ending?

Hanbao quickly gave him the answer.

"I wasn't sure before, but now it's useless for you to quibble. The one who has been claiming in front of all Da Luo fellow Taoists that I am against me is you Bifang!"

As soon as these words came out, Bi Fang was completely shocked.

He didn't expect that this Hanbao was actually a master who often hung out in the Daluo channel.

At this time, based on his tone and so on, he was completely exposed.

The most important thing is that he sprayed me!
There is also a personal vendetta in the middle!
It seems that this matter is not so easy to understand.

Bi Fang knew it in his heart, and of course he had many ways.

The best thing is to deny him until death. After all, Daluo is a very talkative person and likes to tease people a lot, so why should he be blamed?

But after thinking about it for a while, he finally got a fierce look in his eyes and shouted loudly.

"I've trolled a lot of people, who do you think you are, little Hanbao?"

Houqing: "..."

The zombie ancestor was stunned for a moment while listening.

Tell a good story.

Why did you two say this?
But after all, he was with Hanbao. At this time, he could only sigh to Bi Fang: "Since fellow Taoist is so ignorant of current affairs, don't blame us for being rude."

The communication between Da Luo came to an abrupt end.

The battle between Da Luo also broke out instantly.

Various mysterious and mysterious Daluo ways and concepts evolved in this Tai Chi period.

Naturally, Bi Fang's final choice was not for temporary anger, but for many reasons.

Of course, the main reason is that when he returns in the next era, he will be stronger.

So what should he fear? He will just come back and kill him in the next era.

He couldn't lose Bifang's face!
In an instant, the entire Taiji Ji was filled with divine fire, and the evil aura of corpses and ghosts crisscrossed the sky.

An indescribable concept breaks out here, and I don’t know how long it will last.

It is generally difficult to determine the winner in a battle between Daluo, unless the disparity in strength is too great.

The same scene was also playing out in Tai Suji at this time.

Yinglong faced off against Bai Ze.

Feng Hou led a large human race to block Jiu Ying's front and back.

After a verbal spat, these Da Luo also completely struggled with each other.

Completely crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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