High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 287 Kunpeng came out and was beaten

Chapter 287 Kunpeng came out and was beaten
Di Jun's voice was cold.

No matter how far apart the great Luo people from all over the world are at this time.

They all felt an extraordinary and domineering aura that belonged exclusively to the top Da Luo.

Demon Emperor Jun, this is definitely the great supernatural power among Da Luo.

It is Da Luo among Da Luo.

Except for those who had been Pangu, no one dared to say that they could defeat him.

Even the Human Emperor Xuanyuan is no exception.

Even in the entire Da Luo, the two of them belong to the same level.

When talking about the Demon Emperor and the Human Emperor, they also have the same status.

But in the Demon Clan Heavenly Court, there are only two emperors, Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun.

As for the human race, there are three human emperors.

Therefore, the benefits shared by two people in each era are somewhat different.

What's more, in the Lich War of this era, the demon clan is still the victor.

And this may be the reason why Human Emperor Xuanyuan insists on conquering the sky.

"Emperor Jun, if the demon clan withdraws from this era, I will give you a dignity."

Human Emperor Xuanyuan holds the Xuanyuan Sword.

He is very domineering and his momentum is amazing.

"It's not your turn, Xuanyuan, the Human Emperor, to tell you how the demon clan behaves." Di Jun put his hands behind his back and smiled lightly.

Then he pointed at the door of the heaven behind him.

"Today, it is my Emperor Jun who has the final say. If you want to conquer Xuanyuan, then come and try."

Human Emperor Xuanyuan held the immortal sword at his side and smiled calmly.

"Emperor Jun, I"


"It's about to fight!"

In Da Luo's channel, a group of Da Luo still watched the fun and did not mind the trouble.

"The Human Emperor is a pure man, what does the Emperor mean to you!"

"That's right, Hetuluo Shu has been taken away by Kun Pengshun, why should Di Jun win!"

"Kunpeng comes out and gets beaten!"

A group of big Luo talked all over the place, and finally targeted Kunpeng.

After the Lich War in this era, Kunpeng turned against him directly.

Taking advantage of Emperor Jun's serious injury, he took away his innate Lingbao Hetuluoshu, and now he didn't know where to hide.

"This Kunpeng is so worthless. The demon clan had finally won, and he reaped a lot of benefits, but he sold the entire demon clan."

"I have to say, this operation was very sneaky."

"Pindao would like to call fellow Taoist Kunpeng the master of prehistoric assassins. His talent for backstabbing has reached the maximum level."

"I would like to see how this Kunpeng will face the two Heavenly Emperors of the Demon Clan during the meeting in the next era."

"Hahaha, don't say it, now I have a sense of pictures."

At the same time, the depths of the endless Wang Yang north of the entire prehistoric period.

Listen to the words on Daluo's channel.

A figure was gnashing his teeth.

"These trolls, don't let me find a chance in the next era!"

The one who can say such words is naturally Kunpeng himself.

But at this time, he could only hide in the deepest part of the North Sea. To be safe, he went three feet into the sea, wrapped in a layer of mud.

Those who didn’t know better thought it was some kind of fish monster hiding in the mud waiting to prey on small fish and shrimps.

He had no choice but to let him take away Di Jun's Hetu Luoshu.

Of course, this is not a temporary idea, it has also been planned for a long time.

With Hetu Luoshu in hand, Kunpeng's strength naturally increased dramatically.

He is already the number three figure in the Demon Clan's Heavenly Court. If He Tu Luoshu is implemented in several ways, he will be able to plot more things in the next era.

Of course, he doesn't dare to take any action in this era.

Although Donghuang Taiyi was right with Zhulong.But Di Jun is still there.

If he shows up, the other party will definitely fight for him.

After all, if Hetu Luoshu is lost, the demon clan may have problems during the Lich War in the next era.

But now that Xuanyuan was about to attack the sky, Kunpeng couldn't help but start shouting.

He popped his head out of the mud, looked at the Emperor Jun in the two big suns in the sky, and smiled.

His anonymous declaration came from the Da Luo channel.

"Come on, Human Emperor! Human Emperor will win!"

This is just short of having the words "rebellious brat" written on his face.

Anyway, if Emperor Jun is killed by Xuanyuan, then he won't need to hide like this in this era.

As for the next era, he also has countermeasures.

Anyway, Da Luo holds meetings in Zixiao Palace, so no action can be taken there.

He ran away after the meeting, which was really exciting.

And just when Kunpeng was expecting Di Jun and Xuanyuan to fight quickly.

The entire prehistoric world was suddenly shaken.

This time it was not the avenue that was shaking, but the entire prehistoric land that was truly shaking.

The prehistoric people were also surprised. They all seemed to sense something at this time and looked in a certain direction at the same time.

An extremely bright light burst out!
That light was so dazzling, as if it slowly rose from the edge of the wilderness, and then exploded to the extreme in an instant.

Then, a mysterious and mysterious light appeared in the entire ancient world.

This light is extremely magical, as if it appears suddenly.

If you look carefully, the place where the light bursts out is connected to the edge of this light.

But when this light appeared, all the creatures below Daluo in the whole ancient world seemed to be frozen.

Then it began to disappear without warning, as if it had completely disappeared in this era.

Soon, the Da Luo channel became lively again.

"Someone's going to change the rules of time!"

"I said it feels like someone is trying to pull me away."

"Fellow Taoist, you are not alone. Someone is going to change the entire prehistoric time."

"Who is this ruthless person? Doesn't this count as changing the script?"

"Who else could it be? Seeing Xuanyuan Fatian, someone can't sit still!"

Daluo guessed each other, and of course many people had already guessed the truth.

But in short, the prehistoric timeline was changed at this moment.

He was changed by a great Luo with his invincible magical power.

To put it simply, someone fast forwarded the current timeline.

Therefore, the prehistoric era at this time is no longer the prehistoric era at this time, but the prehistoric era after a certain timeline.

In front of the heavenly portal, the two top giants who were confronting each other also looked in the direction of the light.

Di Jun's expression remained calm and unfazed.

Xuanyuan frowned slightly, but there was no surprise at all.

It was as if the two of them had already figured this out.

What's more, they had been here just waiting for this scene to appear.

At this time, the light was getting brighter and brighter, and the timeline of the prehistoric era was still advancing rapidly.

Mountains and rivers were rapidly changing their shapes at this moment.

The ancient terrain actually underwent evolution in a matter of seconds.
Because someone fast forwarded time, it seemed short, but at this time, all corners of the prehistoric world were experiencing the impact of the concept of a thousand years in an instant.

I don't know how long it took.

Anyway, throughout the prehistoric times, there were mounds of land tens of thousands of feet high, and the desert became Wang Yang.

An extremely domineering voice came from the light.

"Destroy the sky? Then I would like to ask, I wonder which sky the Human Emperor is attacking!"

(End of this chapter)

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