High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 288 Daluo who affects all time and space

Chapter 288 Da Luo who affects all time and space
The timeline of the prehistoric era has been changed.

Fast forwarded.

This is naturally the method of a top-notch Ronaldo.

At this time, with that question.

The light on the edge of the wilderness exploded to the extreme at this moment and then completely dissipated.

The mysterious and mysterious light of time also completely dissipated.

The concept of time is back.

Mortal creatures also began to appear.

It’s just that the appearance of mountains, rivers and rivers throughout the prehistoric times has changed drastically.

This proves that although the entire prehistoric period only lasted a few breaths, it was at least tens of thousands of years later.

Because at this time, something even more seemingly strange happened in the mortal world.

The creatures that reappeared at this time were no longer the descendants of those who disappeared a few breaths ago.

The reason why it is strange is that in the human towns, the reappearing creatures do not feel at a loss.

Their ancestors seemed to have existed for tens of thousands of years, and they lived as usual here.

The weird starting point is because of this nature.

And this is the Da Luo way.

Some people fast forward to the entire prehistoric world, but for creatures that are not Da Luo, especially the endless creatures in the mortal world, they have experienced tens of thousands of years of reproduction in just a few breaths.

Of course, these are not important.

In the ancient world, you are not a great person, you are just a common sentient being after all.

All in Daluo's thoughts.

And this is the moment when the light dissipates.

But I saw bursts of fairy sounds and misty smoke.

A more shocking and majestic palace group stood in the sky above the wilderness.

Through the layers of clouds and mist, an extremely spectacular portal suddenly appeared in the strongest part of the palace complex.

Submit a letter: Nantianmen!

This is actually another heaven!
Two heavens!

At the same moment, two heavens actually appeared in the entire heaven.

It was so shocking.

Only someone in the Da Luo channel told the truth.

"God Haotian is here!"

That's right.

After his own fundamentals were affected, God Haotian used the supreme power of Great Luo.

Haotian Heavenly Court, which was supposed to be born tens of thousands of years later, was born ahead of schedule!
"Xuanyuan, I am coming from the sky, can you attack me?"

With a chuckle, he saw a majestic figure coming from the sky in the heaven of the future.

This person is also wearing imperial robes, and his face is majestic and cannot be looked directly at.

It is Haotian God!

At this time, he was approaching Xuanyuan and Dijun in one step.

At the same time, the third bright sun jumped up above the 33rd day.

The three emperors of the Great Luo are about to begin a confrontation!

In an instant, the entire prehistoric world and the entire world were affected.


The main god space, in a certain reincarnation world.

Zhao Wuxia was walking in a world of nothingness.

Speaking of the world, this place is more like a special space.

And it's weird.

She and Huang got separated, and she was looking for a way out of this space.

And here, everywhere you look, everything is a vast expanse of white.

Not chaos, but more like chaos.

Because there is no energy and no life here.

There is no distinction between night and day, as if all the structures that make up the world do not exist here.

But at this moment, Zhao Wuxia raised his head as if sensing something.

Through the endless white light, she saw a scene that she would never forget in her life.

Three rounds of the sun appeared across the sky, and the sky was shaken.

Because she couldn't describe the shock that those three great suns brought to her.

They are too big.

It is so big that it exceeds the concept of field of vision. At this time, no matter you raise your head or lower your head, or even close your eyes.

These three great suns will be reflected in the hearts of living beings. "This is Da Luo..."

Zhao Wuxia murmured, in her heart, the only one who could cause this scene was Da Luo, and only Da Luo.

But she was still shocked.

What kind of Da Luo can be above the three-wheeled sun?

With emotion, she stared at the three-wheeled sun for a while.

Then she looked down at the road ahead and tightened her grip on the sword.

What Zhao Wuxia observed at this time was just the tip of the iceberg.

At this time, the entire world and the heavens reflected the scene of these three days in the sky.

Endless creatures from all over the world began to worship it and regarded it as a miracle.

The top experts from countless planes were horrified.

This is a scene beyond everyone's conception.

There are no words to describe the situation.

If I had to describe it, the ten-day scene in Da Luo's Great Desolation was vastly different from what it is now.

Because this time represents the three great suns.

It is Da Luo among Da Luo!
Haotian God!

Demon Emperor Jun!

Emperor Xuanyuan!

Under Pangu, they were the strongest!
The vision is brought back to the great wilderness of Daluo.

This situation and scene was absolutely thunderous in the eyes of all the great Luo people.

The response has been overwhelming.

"I would like to call this episode the most exciting plot in the last ten eras!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"I thought that this Era Emperor Jun's plan and Qiang Liang was the pinnacle, but I didn't expect that it was just the beginning!"

"Let's see how it develops. The position of Emperor of Heaven actually involves these three people, so the ending doesn't matter anymore!"

"That's right, the poor monk only cares about the results!"

"Wait a minute, did a monk just pass by?"

"Fellow Taoist must have heard wrongly. You all know that I, a Buddhist, don't like to join in the fun."

"I believe in your evil!"


"But, this is against the rules."

"That is, God Haotian has modified the time, which obviously broke the rules."

"You're overthinking it. It's only tens of thousands of years, so there won't be a meeting to vote."

The big Luo people discussed intensely.

The appearance of God Haotian will naturally make the following plot more exciting.

What's more important is that Daluo people have never seen this plot!
Of course, many Da Luo had already expected such a scene.

God Haotian will not easily allow his base to be passive.


It's one thing to let go, it's another thing to be robbed.


Three great suns flew across the sky, and God Haotian finally arrived.

So it became a confrontation between the three big guys.

Xuanyuan looked at Haotian and wrote lightly: "The Demon Court is not dead, how can fellow Taoist Haotian be called heaven."

There is something in the words.

This is to tell God Haotian that the sky at this time is still Emperor Jun's sky.

And what Xuanyuan is attacking is naturally the demon clan’s heaven.

Of course, there was cynicism in this statement.

That means you, God Haotian, are in a hurry, in a hurry.

It's not your turn yet, so come out and interfere.

However, the Daluo meeting that Daluo people were worried about did not appear.

Obviously, neither Emperor Jun nor Xuanyuan nor God Haotian raised any objection to the modification of the time.

After all, it was only a few tens of thousands of years, which was too small for the entire prehistoric period.

No one will hold on to this.

"Oh." God Haotian raised his eyebrows, but he was not angry at all and still asked with a smile.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan is determined to compete with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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